• 使用软件模拟了高压A - A截面凝固进程预计该截面上缩孔位置

    The solidification process of the cross-section A-A of the high pressure inner cylinder is simulated and the shrinkage cavity position is predicated by means of utility software.


  • 本文叙述运用ADINAT有限元系统20万千瓦汽轮机高压进行稳态温度分析结果

    The paper describes the application of ADINAT finite element system in three dimensional analysis of steady state temperature field of the inner casing of a 200 MW high pressure steam turbine.


  • 通过ANSYS有限元通用软件对125MW供热汽轮机高压稳态、非稳态温度场应力场进行了计算

    The thermal and stress, included steady and transient, were calculated for HP inside cylinder of 125MW cogeneration steam turbine with the help of ANSYS.


  • 300MW汽轮机组为对象,高压进行几种典型工况分析计算得出了高压内缸在不同工况下的径向变形趋势分析变形原因。

    Based on the 300mw unit, calculations of high pressure inner cylinder on different typical conditions are carried out, and the deformation trends are concluded.


  • 水母水族(右上)只水母实际上都是硅胶制成,再配上底部LED光灯使水母栩栩如生

    Jellyfish aquarium tank (Fig. top right) the three jellyfish are actually made by the silica gel, adding the tank at the bottom of LED lights, also lifelike jellyfish tank.


  • 物料大气压力压进料软管通过进出料的三通管进入

    Then the material in the feeding tank enters the feed hose and the charging cylinder via the tee piece under atmospheric pressure.


  • 分析影响曲线马达使用寿命两个主要因素导轨曲面损伤反链现象,并提出了相应的解决措施

    Two factors, guide surface damage and chain impact, which effecting the run life of inner curved hydraulic motor, are analysed. Related prevention measure are presented.


  • 可用范围一孔大小笔画直径帕克拉杆坚固可靠能够满足中型重型应用需求

    Available in a range of bore sizes, strokes, and rod diameters, Parker Tie rod Cylinders are rugged and reliable, able to meet medium and heavy duty application requirements.


  • 本文论述根据台架试验模拟计算结果得出发动机进气系统压力波动与充气效率-转速特性关系

    Presented in this paper is the relationship between intake pressure wave actions and the general volumetric efficiency speed characteristics of multi cylinder engines.


  • 反应堆冷却剂()工作介质,经加压后注入安装压力壳水力

    The reactor coolant (water) is used as actuating medium, pressed by pump, and then injected into hydraulic step cylinders which are set in the reactor vessel.


  • 控制模块转向器输入端正反转,液压向前、向后加载,放油等数字控制

    The hydraulic motor, hydraulic cylinder and oil cup are controlled digitally in the control module.


  • 目前,回转窑所用挡轮液压存在问题泄大密封失效、产生爬行使用寿命低等

    At present, the problems of hydraulic cylinder is about serious internal leakage, seal failure, crawling and the short service life.


  • 蓄势高压液体(具有势能)进入工作是在瞬时之间进行的,具有势能转变为动能作功的特点。

    The high pressure liquid in the accumulator (with potential energy) enters the working cylinder in a flash and the potential energy converts to kinetic energy.


  • 该车配备3.7水平对置六双涡轮增压发动机,输出功率740马力,2.8加速至62英里(约合100公里),极速可达小时245英里(394km/h)。

    It boasts a 3.7-liter twin-turbo flat-six delivering 740 horsepower, and can reach 62 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds, with a top speed of 245 mph.


  • 曲轴穿过隔板压缩由两个侧板轴承支撑

    The crankshaft passes through the lateral plate, the separator plate and the two compression cylinders, and is supported by a bearing between the two lateral plates.


  • 注意使用烟灰确定烟头已经熄灭冷却的情况下,才能将其东西倒垃圾桶

    Use an ashtray, and never empty an ashtray into a trash can unless you are sure the contents are cold.


  • 采用斯特封组合密封件,液压几乎泄;

    With the use of Sitefeng seals, the cylinder does not release nearly.


  • 采用激光熔覆表面改性技术舰船特种小口径表面进行强化处理提高综合性能

    The inner surface of small caliber cylinder packing of ships are applied with strengthening treatment by means of laser coating and surface modification techniques to improve their performances.


  • 采用新型电刷技术对失效发动机表面进行了再制造。

    Abstract :A novel bore brush electroplating technology was applied in remanufacturing for internal surface of failed engine cylinder body.


  • 分析影响曲线马达使用寿命两个主要因素导轨曲面损伤反链现象,提出了相应的解决措施。

    Two factors, guide surface damage and chain impact, which effecting the run life of inner curved hydraulic motor, are analysed.


  • 通过机的平衡性进行计算分析现有机平衡性存在问题,并结构允许范围提出了相应改进措施。

    By calculating two-cylinder diesel's balance and analyzing the problem existed in the current two-cylinder diesel's balance, the improving method is given in the suitable scope.


  • 通过机的平衡性进行计算分析现有机平衡性存在问题,并结构允许范围提出了相应改进措施。

    By calculating two-cylinder diesel's balance and analyzing the problem existed in the current two-cylinder diesel's balance, the improving method is given in the suitable scope.


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