• 公司主要业务集成电路封装测试内存模块装配

    The company ' s primary business is IC component packaging and test and memory module assembly.


  • HP今天业界标准服务器使用内联内存模块(Dimm)。

    HP USES dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) in industry-standard servers today.


  • 这样的目的内存模块处理器上产生进程提供内存分配功能

    What this does is provides the capability to allocate memory for a process from the memory module which contains the processor that caused the page fault.


  • 例如如果计算机安装了两个256MB内存模块则删除其中之一

    For example, if two 256-mb memory modules are installed on your computer, remove one of the memory modules.


  • 允许用户闪存社民党数据闪存芯片取代社民党闪存芯片内存模块

    Allow users to flash SPD data on the onboard flash chip instead of the SPD flash chip on the memory modules.


  • 英特尔选择一些内存模块进行有限测试验证台式机主板功能设计

    Intel performs only limited testing of selected memory modules to verify functionality of the desktop board's design.


  • 相信根本可能那么多的内存就算有必须高达8g内存模块

    I believe it's not even possible to have that much RAM, or maybe it is, but then you must have a huge simm module of about 8gb RAM.


  • 上市时间尚未公布不过可能有限少数制造商采用因为那样内存模块,其价格也可能是天价。

    No launch dates have been announced yet but it is likely to be adopted by a select few manufacturers as prices are expected to be sky high for such memory modules.


  • 为了减轻主控计算机的内存模块受到的SEU影响采用基于软件EDAC方式内存进行保护。

    To alleviating the effect caused by SEU, we use software based EDAC to guarantee the integrity of the memory system.


  • 这个韩国财团芯片用于16gb8gb可能32gb的内存模块定位笔记本、刀片服务器工作站台式机

    The Korean Chaebol said that the chips will be used in 16gb, 8gb and possibly 32gb memory modules aimed at laptops, blade servers, workstations and desktops.


  • 如果需要的话可以卸载模块除去内存所有代码变量

    Modules can be unloaded if needed which removes all the code and variables from memory.


  • 几乎所有其他视图内容包括源代码编辑器监视器注册表模块变量内存视图,都会基于活动调试过程来得到更新。

    The contents of almost all the other views, including the source editor, Monitors, Registers, Modules, Variables and Memory views, will be updated based on the active debug session.


  • 前面步骤模块区段加载内核(临时)内存并且知道哪个区段应该保持,哪个可以删除

    In the prior steps, the module sections are loaded into kernel (temporary) memory, and you also know which are persistent and which can be removed.


  • 首先也是重要找出哪里需要优化程序一部分或者那个模块运行速度慢或者使用大量内存

    First and the most important part of optimizing a computer program is to find out where to optimize, which portion or which module of the program is running slow or using huge memory.


  • PHP内存需求很大的差别,取决于网站使用模块

    PHP memory requirements can vary significantly depending on the modules in use on your site.


  • 目前提供了用于对诸如死锁挂起崩溃内存情况常见JVM问题执行基本分析功能模块

    Currently, modules are provided to perform basic analysis functions for common JVM problems such as deadlock, hang, crash, memory conditions, and so on.


  • 但是如果这个驱动程序编译一个模块,就只有在需要内存将其加载内核时才会真正占用内存空间。

    But if the driver is compiled as a module, it requires memory only if memory is needed and subsequently loaded, into the kernel.


  • 首先输入方面完整XML文件读入内存所以如果文件非常或者需要处理XML数据不能使用这个模块

    First, on input it reads the entire XML file into memory, so if the file is too big, or if you're dealing with a stream of XML data, you can't use the module.


  • LMA装入模块地址表示将要装入内核目标虚拟内存中的地址。

    LMA is the load module address; it signifies the address in the target's virtual memory where the kernel will be loaded.


  • 如果使用虚拟主机,务必确认主机未来部署更多模块时,允许使用更多的内存

    If you are using a hosting service it is important to verify that your host can provide sufficient memory for the set of modules you are deploying or may deploy in the future.


  • 这种硅晶光学集成电路能够代替计算机关键模块之间比如处理器内存之间,的电子连接器

    The silicon photonic chips could replace the electronic connections between a computer's key components, such as its processors and memory.


  • 除非拥有大量内存,否则容易忘记Ruby提供一些方法模块

    Unless you possess an incredible memory, chances are you will forget some of the classes, methods, and modules Ruby offers.


  • 然后,通过 copy_from_user 函数将ELF模块用户空间读入临时内存

    The ELF module is then read from user space into the temporary memory using copy_from_user.


  • 没错GlassFish使用了Shoal(运行时动态集群框架),作为内存复制模块的根基。

    Yes, GlassFish USES Shoal, the runtime dynamic clustering framework, which also forms as the basis for in-memory replication module.


  • 构建器 (模块 com.icl.saxon.Builder )通知这些事件使用它们构造XML文档内存表示法

    The tree builder (module com.icl.saxon.Builder) is notified of these events, and uses them to construct an in-memory representation of the XML document.


  • 作者给出了如何通过去掉一些系统需要东西获得更多内存以及如何利用线上可自由获得的“迷你模块”(mini - blocks)等提示

    The authors provide tips on how to get more memory by removing some of the things you don't need in the system and how to make use of "mini-blocks" that are freely available on-line.


  • my_module_cleanup函数卸载这个模块调用,它用来释放内存清除这个模块踪迹

    The my_module_cleanup function is called when the module is being unloaded and is used to free memory and generally remove traces of the module.


  • 这种情况下,并不需要命令模块但是内存容量十分有限,其大小只有100个字节

    You don't really need a command module for this, but the memory is very limited. There is a small 100-byte buffer that holds the bytecode instruction stream.


  • WAS CE内存占用模块简单容易获得程度(免费下载)方面具有独特优势

    WAS CE has unique advantages in footprint, modularity, simplicity, and ease of acquisition (a free download).


  • WAS CE内存占用模块简单容易获得程度(免费下载)方面具有独特优势

    WAS CE has unique advantages in footprint, modularity, simplicity, and ease of acquisition (a free download).


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