• 一旦开始生长这些植物似乎就不再具有暂停新陈代谢能力

    Once they start growing, such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves.


  • 无论是动物还是植物细胞核染色体,不仅具有一定数目,而且还有一定的形状

    No matter what plant or animal, the chromosome in its karyon has a certain number and shape.


  • 每一内固定技术一样,LCP具有作为内植物特殊并发症

    Like every fracture fixation technique, LCP has its implant specific complications.


  • 珍珠菜属植物主要含有黄酮类、三皂苷酸性成分,药理作用表明具有清热利湿、活血化瘀、解毒消、抗菌消炎等作用。

    Lysimachia mainly contain flavonoids, saponins and phenolic acids, and some of the plants have been used in the treatment of fever, ulcers, diarrhea and as analgesic or anti inflammatory agents.


  • 克隆植物构型可塑性可能促进对斑块性分布土壤水分资源利用因而具有一定生态学意义

    The architectural plasticity of clonal plants may enhance the exploitation of soil moisture resources, which have some ecological significance.


  • 动物植物文物都是,但其具有特殊性,另有特别法具体规定

    Animals, plants, cultural relics are special substances and should be regulated in special laws.


  • 国家保护植物资源具有种类丰富古老性强、中国特有现象突出等特点

    The resources of state-protected plants in the east area of Guangdong Province, China possess the features of richness in composition, antiquity of origin and abundance of endemic elements.


  • 同时在煤矸石上加薄层覆盖物种植豆科植物,对氮素积累提高生物性状的改善同样具有明显促进作用,并以黄土覆盖效果更佳。

    By planting Legume on the thin covered gangue, especially on the loess covered coal gangue, nitrogen accumulation also increased with the improvement of the biologic characteristics.


  • 植物我国资源非常丰富,对进行进一步的研究开发具有重要意义。

    Plant resources are very rich in China, and it is very important to study the chemical constituent and Pharmacological activities of Jasminum.


  • 藤作为一种广泛分布于我国南方各省区的亚热带植物活性成分——匙羹具有预防治疗糖尿病的功效。

    Gymnema sylvestre, a plant native to the tropical forests of south of China, has Gymnemic acid can used to prevent and treat diabetes.


  • 同类的植物染料亲和性同时具有环保效能

    Use the similar plant dyestuffs, its affinity will be very good, have efficiency of environmental protection even more at the same time.


  • 近来越来越多的研究表明植物糖蛋白不仅对于植物本身具有重要生理生化功能而且对于人体具有极大利用价值。

    Recently more and more researches have indicated that plant glycoproteins not only had important physiological and biochemical function to the plants, but also had a lot of benefits for human bodies.


  • 胡枝子具有一定耐旱性耐寒性的木本饲料植物饲用价值极高,发展潜力巨大。

    As forage plant, lespedeza has high feeding value, a certain extent ability of drought resistance and cold resistance as well.


  • 普通植物病理学作为专业基础课理论实践教学改革具有重要意义。

    The General Plant Pathology was one of basic specialty subjects. It was very important that the course were innovated on the theory and practice.


  • 尽管石楠植物具有一定抗寒性,但事实上气温限制山东部分地区推广的一个重要环境因子

    Although Photinia plants can resist on certain low temperature stress, the temperature was one of the important factors as the limitation to introduce to some areas of ShanDong.


  • (状体):是植物表皮细胞突起形成结构,形状多种多样,通常具有明显的种属特征。

    Hair (trichome) an outgrowth from a plant epidermal cell. Plant hairs may take a wide variety lf forms, often characteristic of particular species or genera.


  • 补血草属植物具有多种药理活性,预示具有广阔的新药开发前景

    The plants of Limonium Mill. have extensive actions in pharmacology and they might have a bright developing future.


  • 西伯利亚引种北美一种粗糙一年生草本植物因为具有草酸盐,所以美国西部牧场有害

    A coarse annual herb introduced into North America from Siberia; dangerous to sheep and cattle on western rangelands because of its high oxalate content.


  • 植物内生细菌对宿主植物具有许多有益生物学作用,揭示农业领域中的巨大应用潜力

    Endophytic bacteria have enormous application potentiality in the field of agriculture for their many beneficial biological effects.


  • 盐碱两种短期胁迫下,虎尾草幼苗不同的光合、荧光响应及它指标的变化表明胁迫一种不同胁迫的生物胁迫,植物具有更大破坏性和伤害性

    The different results in C. virgata indicated that alkali stress with greater destructive effects, different from salt stress, is an important abiotic stress, and worthy of further study.


  • 基因基本类似基因提高表达能够产生下述植物具有改进利用提高的产量

    Increased expression of this or substantially similar genes can produce plants with improved nitrogen utilization and increased yield.


  • 朊粉营养丰富植物蛋白资源,特有功能性质食品生产具有广泛用途。

    Wheat gluten is a kind of vegetable protein with high nutritional value. It was widely used in food industry because of its special functional properties.


  • 生长素一种重要植物激素具有广泛生理作用作用的分子机理目前不十分清楚。

    The plant hormone auxin influences a variety of developmental and physiological processes, but the mechanism of i


  • 同时食同源植物具有药用价值,饲喂桑饲料不仅提高品质可增加营养价值潜在市场巨大的

    Moreover, the mulberry also can be used as medicine. It can improve not only the quality of meat, milk and eggs, but also increase their nutrition. Its potential market is enormous.


  • 植物甾醇具有降低血清胆固醇多种生物活性功能越来越受到人们的重视,并随着医药等工业上进一步应用纯度也提出更高要求

    Phytosterols are paid increasing attention for their bioactive functions such as lowering serum cholesterol level. Its application in medicine industry calls for high purity phytosterol product.


  • 魔芋子叶多年生草本植物球茎富含的葡萄甘露聚糖食品医药化工农业具有广泛的应用

    Amorphophallus is a monocotyledonous perennial herb. Konjac glucomannan which is rich in the corm has been applied widely in food, medicine, chemistry and agriculture industry.


  • 魔芋子叶多年生草本植物球茎富含的葡萄甘露聚糖食品医药化工农业具有广泛的应用

    Amorphophallus is a monocotyledonous perennial herb. Konjac glucomannan which is rich in the corm has been applied widely in food, medicine, chemistry and agriculture industry.


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