• 他们所有想法就是顾客在维修厂的时候一个空气过滤器更换轮胎或者一些其他的产品。

    The whole idea is to get you to also buy an air filter, rotate your tires or buy something else while you're there.


  • 克罗·帕尔先生谈及必和必拓种种短处:卡车轮胎机械轴承各种其他设备

    Mr Kloppers spoke of BHP's woeful shortage of tyres for its huge trucks, big mechanical shovels, bearings and all manner of other equipment.


  • 设法使轮胎打滑其他车手陷入抓地力的问题时我攀升到了第二位。

    I managed not to spin the wheels, while other drivers struggled for grip and I managed to move up to second.


  • 新款Camaro市场其他几十还有一个共同特点使得它们轮胎更昂贵大直径车轮,这种趋势最近已经蔓延到了普通汽车上。

    The new Camaro and dozens of other cars on the market share another trait that makes their tires costlier: large-diameter wheels, a trend that has recently spread to ordinary cars.


  • 作为08赛季F 1官方轮胎提供商普利司通与F 1方面签订了一为期3年的合同该公司决定在合同到期后不再续签,以便全力开展公司其他业务。

    Bridgestone was appointed F1's official tyre supplier ahead of the 2008 season on a three-year deal but decided not to renew its contract and instead divert its resources elsewhere.


  • 我们甚至可以怀疑究竟这些工作岗位能否挽救下来因为便宜轮胎其他地方比如墨西哥进口。

    It is even doubtful that those jobs will be saved, as cheap tires can be obtained from other places like Mexico instead.


  • 也许其他什么事我们可以一做,避免轮胎击中头部

    But maybe there are some other things we can do to the car to stop a wheel hitting your head.


  • 我们情况下,这种可预见的情况包括翻新房子维修保养车子更换车子/轮胎礼物用于工作电脑/设备,更换电器旅行其他种种

    In our case, these include home renovations, car repair and maintenance, car/tire replacement, gifts, computers/equipment we need for our jobs, replacement electronics, any travel, and so forth.


  • 大雪纷飞道路阻塞即便是轮胎的四轮汽车都难以行进,通往其他地区山口也被关闭

    The snow renders roads impassable even with four-wheel drive and tire chains and closes the high mountain passes that separate districts.


  • 由于从中国轮胎进口显著放缓批发商不得不寻求其他货源汽修轮胎零售店里的轮胎价格随之上涨

    As Chinese imports drop noticeably, wholesalers have had to seek alternative sources of supply, prompting immediate price increases at repair shops and retailers.


  • 吓坏了,人们轮胎挂到其他人的脖子上,然后当街点着轮胎

    He was scared. They were putting tyres around their necks and burning them in the street [a practice called 'necklacing'].


  • 单元工人操作橡胶加工机械组装检查橡胶制品他们受雇于轮胎制造商其他橡胶制品制造企业

    Workers in this unit group operate rubber processing machinery and assemble and inspect rubber products. They are employed by tire manufacturers and other rubber products manufacturing companies.


  • 协助轮胎复检其他临时交待任务

    Assist in tire over inspection and other temporary tasks.


  • 车厢内的备用轮胎包括可移动设备泥泞其他物品安全储存存储

    The spare tire compartment includes removable dual storage bins for secure storage of muddy gear or other items.


  • 个体被残忍对待作为其他例子例如南非黑人其他黑人套在脖子燃烧轮胎

    Individuals savaged as examples to others, such as the flaming tires placed around the necks of blacks in South Africa by other blacks.


  • 其他品牌相比这种轮胎使用高品质橡胶,磨损小,耐用。

    Compared with other brands, this kind of tyre cost less per mile and wear much longer due to its topnotch rubber.


  • 此案导致美国自产轮胎增加,其他国家进口轮胎增加甚至更快。缠。

    Thee case resulted in the United States producing more tires, but imports from other countries rose even faster.


  • 一个轮胎维修组件取代其他迅速备用车轮模型

    A tyre repair kit replaces the spare wheel of other Swift models.


  • 这些问题解决得好有望直接利用胶乳制造轮胎其他胶乳制品,胶乳工业更加兴旺发达

    Solve these problems well, is expected to directly manufacture tires and other rubber latex, dairy products, latex industry will be more prosperous.


  • 索达,尽管最近中国进口海味、轮胎以及其他商品频受质疑毫不担心能令美国消费者确信中国制造汽车安全性

    LaSorda said he had "no concerns at all" about convincing U. S. consumers that Chinese-made cars are safe at a time of warnings about seafood, tires and other goods imported from China.


  • 任何改变自行车轮胎其他附近爆炸

    Anyone who has changed enough bike tires and tubes has at one time or another had it explode near their face.


  • 其他受到影响商品还包括玩具药材轮胎纺织品皮革以及农用机械

    Other affected goods include toys, pharmaceutical ingredients, tyres, fabrics, leather and farm machinery.


  • 苯丙胺类兴奋剂准备牵引轮胎化合物使能够脱离其他领域第一20分钟,我巡航模式最后10分钟,赢得2

    I had prepared my ATS tyres with traction compound so I was able to pulled away from rest of the field for the first 20 mins and I was on cruise mode on the last 10 mins and won by 2 laps.


  • 轮胎生产企业排放废气含有碳黑、非甲烷总烃、H2S其他恶臭类有机气态污染物难于处理

    Its very difficult to dispose the exhaust gas discharged by tyre manufacturers, which contains carbon black, NMHC, H2S and odor organic gaseous pollutants.


  • 使用广泛,适用轮胎帘布层。高速输送带电缆鞋类其他压延制品

    It is suitable for tire texture, high-spend conveyor belts, cable, shoes and other calendaring products.


  • 使用广泛,适用轮胎垫带,工业橡胶制品,高速输送带电缆鞋类其他压延制品。

    It is suitable for tyre texture, high-spend conveyor belts, cable, shoes and other calendering products.


  • 迹象显示,应该穿轮胎他们有些发誓诅咒他们,其他

    There are tires that are supposed to be puncture resistantsome people swear by them while others curse them.


  • 由于苔原装有类似的副作用轮胎F- 350(58397),可能改变它们任何其他越野轮胎

    Because the Tundra is fitted with similar side-block tires like the F-350 (58397), it is possible to change them with any other cross country tires.


  • 由于苔原装有类似的副作用轮胎F- 350(58397),可能改变它们任何其他越野轮胎

    Because the Tundra is fitted with similar side-block tires like the F-350 (58397), it is possible to change them with any other cross country tires.


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