• 其他欧洲人)把他们当成埃及移民由此衍生出了吉普赛

    Other Europeans (wrongly) thought them migrant Egyptians, hence the derivative Gypsy.


  • 其他欧洲人错误地认为他们移民埃及因此衍生了吉普赛

    Other Europeans wrongly thought them migrant Egyptians, hence the derivative Gypsy.


  • 他们可以这么其他欧洲人反击道,并将英国一年制硕士学位斥为小儿科

    They would say that, other Europeans retort; they decry Britain's one-year taught masters' degrees as lightweight.


  • 事实上对于法国其他欧洲来说,议会选举投票表达经济的怨气并非不合情理

    In fact, it is not unreasonable for the French and other Europeans to express their anger about the economy when voting on the constitution.


  • 不管本周提出何种说辞欧元区领导迟早面临:一激怒其他欧洲人的对希大额转账

    No matter what fictions they concoct this week, the euro zone's leaders will sooner or later face a choice between three options: massive transfers to Greece that would infuriate other Europeans;


  • 仔细观察欧洲兼职工作时长就会发现震惊趋势法国兼职的时间甚至其他欧洲人还要多。

    Take a close look at part-time working hours across Europe and a startling trend emerges. The French even work longer part-time hours than their peers.


  • 其他欧洲人到达北美洲之前差不多500多年了。在之后的100过去时,建立永久定居点

    It would be almost 500 more years before other Europeans reached North America and another 100 years after that before permanent settlements were established.


  • 尽管其他欧洲人很喜欢抨击德国但如果没有德国支票簿,欧元区能否过近两年的债务危机值得怀疑的。

    As much as other Europeans like to bash the Germans, it is doubtful that the eurozone could have survived its recent debt crisis without Germany's checkbook.


  • 最糟糕是,Venizelos先生还含沙射影地说,其他欧洲人也只能希腊别无选择因为如果失误欧盟希腊更为痛苦

    Worst of all, Mr Venizelos insinuated that other Europeans had no choice but to save his country because a default would be more painful for the euro zone than for Greece.


  • 我们吃掉垃圾食物其他欧洲吃掉垃圾食物总和——占所有准备好的食物一半,我们现在看起来肥胖的欧洲人

    We eat as much junk food as the rest of Europe put together - half of all of Europe's ready meals. And we are now looking like the fatties of Europe.


  • 由此带来的变革可能不会其他欧洲人惊讶,因为后者许多早已有保险为基础的医疗系统相互竞争的服务提供者在其中起到了重要作用。

    The changes might seem unsurprising to other Europeans, many of whom have long had insurance-based health systems that feature competing providers.


  • 荷兰约有一千六百四十万口主要荷兰,80.8%,8.7%其他欧洲,2.2%土耳其,1.9%摩洛哥及6.4%其他种。

    The vast majority of the population is Dutch. They are 80.8% Dutch, 8.7% other European, 2.2% Turkish, 1.9% Moroccan, 6.4% other.


  • 对于当时GCHQ主管,GeneralOdom这样写道认为主要任务就是保持住“美国的系统彻底纠缠不清的关系并且自己放置在我们其他欧洲人之间”。

    The then-chief of GCHQ, wrote General Odom, saw his main task as stayingfully entangled with the US system” andto stand between us and the other Europeans”.


  • 即使德国消费部长伊尔莎·爱格纳在今年早些时候Facebook隐私设置横加指责,德国仍然至少在注册Facebook的速度其他欧洲人一样快。

    Even as Ilse Aigner, Germany's consumer minister, railed against Facebook's privacy Settings earlier this year, Germans were signing up at least as fast as other Europeans.


  • 勒布:在欧洲人发现澳洲之前我们没有理由相信天鹅除了颜色还有其他什么颜色。

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Before Europeans discovered Australia, we had no reason to believe that swans could be any other color but white.


  • 尽管如此这个条约含有其他一些欧洲人尊重条文比如第125条款,众所周知紧急援助条款”。

    Still, those same contracts contain other passages that the Europeans have not respected, such as Article 125, known as the "no bailout clause."


  • 普福尔日本带回了大量的艺术品以及关于当地的见闻知识。而当时,除了包括他在内一小批其他绝大多数欧洲对日本都知之甚少。

    Kaempher came back with a pile of cultural artifacts as well as knowledge that no other Europeans had about Japan.


  • 他们一直独自生活直到几百年前- - -那时其他非洲北部欧洲人从南部侵入了他们家园

    They were left alone until a few hundred years ago, when their homelands were invaded from the north by other Africans and from the south by Europeans.


  • 认为大多数观察家无论他们欧洲人其他地方因为民权法案,由于法理上的隔离产生变化,黑已经有了很多进步

    I think most observers, whether they are black or white or European or whatever, would say that a lot of black progress has been due to the Civil Rights Act, because of changes in DE jure segregation.


  • 欧洲数量——已婚/未婚伴侣,或是其他亲戚——投奔某个英国,在英国扎根安居数到不是很多

    The number of non-Europeans—actual or potential spouses, or other dependent family memberswho come to put down roots with a British citizen or settled migrant is not huge.


  • 每天有3.3亿欧洲人使用欧元其他地区有1.75亿使用欧元挂钩的币种

    About 330 million Europeans use the euro every day, and 175 million others used euro-pegged currencies.


  • 还表示欧洲人语言灵敏熟练所知的,其他国家至少门语言。只有美国与众不同

    He says many Europeans are known for their facility with languages, and people in other parts of the world often speak at least two. Americans have a different reputation.


  • 其他丈夫加拿大澳大利亚欧洲日本尽管他们列出女子几乎来自各个国家,但大多菲律宾或者是俄罗斯

    Other husbands were Canadian, Australian, European and Japanese. The women were mostly Filipino or Russian, although there were listings of women from almost every country.


  • 欧洲人觉得大家已经相亲相爱一家了:一些小打小闹不过绝对不会有质疑其他存在权利

    Europeans see themselves as a family; they have rows, but nobody questions a member's right to be part of the clan.


  • 欧洲人觉得大家已经相亲相爱一家了:一些小打小闹不过绝对不会有质疑其他存在权利

    Europeans see themselves as a family; they have rows, but nobody questions a member's right to be part of the clan.


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