• 它开始的两年内,相似的项目在其他六个州建立起来。

    Within two years of its starts, similar programs were set up in cities in six other states.


  • 迈耶父母了谈他们应该如何在家照顾孩子其他家庭成员的意见。

    Meyer talked to the parents about how they should care for the child at home, also listening to her were half a dozen other family members.


  • 不用说其他六个成员有着惊人的相似之处

    Not to mention Aimi bore a striking resemblance to six other members.


  • 其他六个产生于又5000奥尔特星云。

    The other six hail from the Oort Cloud more than 5, 000 times farther out.


  • 其他六个则安装了不同角度蜂窝状ssg幕墙

    The other six towers are clad in flat SSG curtain walls assembled in various angles, reflecting the honeycomb patterns.


  • 其他六个误区昏暗的灯光下看书会毁坏视力

    The other six "myths" are: Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight.


  • 其中两个地球离太阳近其他六个比地球离太阳

    Two of them are nearer while the other six are farther from the sun than the earth is.


  • 然而处理三个连接同步用例没有接受其他六个连接进行处理。

    However, no processing happens in the synchronous case for the other six accepted connections while the first three are processed.


  • 六级要求病毒在世卫组织的其他六个国际区域之一也有相程度蔓延。

    Phase 6 requires that the virus make similar inroads in communities in another of WHO's six global regions.


  • 美国其他六个国家的110门课程已经获得远程教育职业训练局认证

    One hundred ten programs in the United States and six other countries are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.


  • 研究结果十分令人吃惊,不仅位于天线蛋白中心两个色素分子处于叠加状态其他六个色素分子也是。

    The results are a surprise. Not only are the two pigment molecules at the centre of the antenna involved in the superposition; so are the other six pigment molecules.


  • 其他六个贫困率上升的分别是俄勒冈州、印第安纳州宾夕法尼亚州密歇根州夏威夷州康涅狄格州

    The other six states were Oregon, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Hawaii and Connecticut.


  • 研究者综合最近梅奥诊所其他六个来自世界各地研究结果发现雌激素50之前有防止中风的作用。

    Researchers combined the results from a recent Mayo Clinic study with six other studies from across the world and found that estrogen is protective for stroke before age 50.


  • SK电信透露他们2011年开始汉城提供LTE服务2012之前把该项服务扩展大城市区域其他六个城市

    SK Telecom also revealed it will start providing LTE services in Seoul from 2011 and will expand the service to the Seoul metropolitan area and six other cities by 2012.


  • 同时,马维舒先生也了另外其他六个这个类似例子,这其中包括安妮·海瑟薇的电影雷切尔婚礼,结婚大作战和爱丽丝漫游际首映的例子。

    Mirvish cites six other examples of similar spikes, including for when Anne Hathaway movies Rachel Getting Married, and Alice in Wonderland premiered.


  • 毫无疑问,Amul就是50家被波士顿咨询集团标记为“本土发电机”的企业之一。这些企业都来自于中国、印度巴西俄罗斯其他六个新兴经济体。

    Indeed, Amul is one of 50 firms-from China, India, Brazil, Russia and six other emerging economies-that BCG has anointed as "local dynamos".


  • 大概其他字幕翻译团体1000fr主要竞争者,都知名包括YDY称“伊甸园”Yidianyuan (Gardenof Eden)

    There are around a half-dozen other subtitle groups that are well known, including YDY, or Yidianyuan (Garden of Eden), 1000fr's main rival.


  • 住院期间当时12岁贝基适应放学家里其他的生活。

    During those six months of hospitalizations, Becky, 12 at the time, adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from school.


  • 意味着每个流程具有自己文档——例如不能个流程(不管六个其他相关流程)使用个流程文档指南

    That means every process must have its own documentationyou can't have a process documentation guide for one process but not the six other processes related to it, for example.


  • 这个团队正在六个其他东南亚国家争取许可

    The group is fighting for regulatory clearance in six other southeast Asian countries.


  • 世界风能理事会秘书长斯蒂夫·索亚六个项目中的任何个都”让世界上所有其他项目都黯然失色“。 世界风能理事会是一个位于布鲁塞尔行业组织

    Each of the six projects “totally dwarfs anything else, anywhere else in the world, ” said Steve Sawyer, the secretary general of the Global Wind Energy Council, an industry group in Brussels.


  • 国会参议院银行委员会举行的听证会上作证时,盖特纳还说帮助银行其他金融机构摆脱不良资产的计划星期内开始实施

    Testifying before the Senate Banking committee, Geithner said a program to help Banks and other financial institutions get rid of bad investments will start operating in about six weeks.


  • 许多医疗业者开始借用其他产业的专业统计工具例如六个标准差,已经通用公司行之多年,有效减少生产制造的误差。

    Many health providers now employ statistical tools like Six Sigma, long used by firms like GE to reduce variability in manufacturing, and other methods borrowed from industry.


  • 他们背后还有六个两个能源公司一个滑雪度假胜地以及各类神职人员、印地安部落以及其他机构支持

    They are supported by a further six states, two power companies, a ski resort, and assorted clergymen, Indian tribes and others.


  • 本刊关注六个年度排名中,意大利性别差距项中有所进步,而在其他五个指标,包括廉政指数经济自由指数,都有所恶化。

    Out of the six annual rankings we consider, including corruption perceptions and economic freedom, in only one, the gender gap, has Italy improved.


  • 又补充道,“即使六个同意足以刺激其他的大事需要时间才能完全接受。”

    But even if the six agree, he added, "hitting everyone else with something this major, it's going to take some time to be digested."


  • 对于汽车行业金融(还有二者中间一些其他行业)很多人来讲,好运气已经用完了,他们知道未来月内能不能再得到份工作

    From the auto industry to the financial sector (and several others in between), fortunes have shifted for a lot of workers, who are left wondering if they'll still have a job in the next six months.


  • 时,开始群体中的其他成员一起捕猎大的动物

    When pups are six months old, they will start hunting larger animals with the rest of the pack.


  • 时,开始群体中的其他成员一起捕猎大的动物

    When pups are six months old, they will start hunting larger animals with the rest of the pack.


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