• 演进方法帮助维持项目连续性势头——短期生成高质量产品关键需求

    An evolutionary approach helps maintain project continuity and momentum - critical requirements for producing high-quality products within short timeframes.


  • 另一个例子发生希望分离文档跟踪项目关键工作产品变化

    Another example is when you want to track changes to a project's critical work products in a separate document.


  • 比如负责一系列项目挥着产品部门经理确定一个项目的状态关键进度测度

    For example, the division manager responsible for a number of projects or products would like to determine, at a glance, the status of each project and key progress measures.


  • 这种先进行集成测试方法一个关键产品测试测试人员成了项目过程中的头等公民

    A key byproduct of the integration-first approach is that testing and testers become first-class citizens in the process.


  • 帮助我们定义了一个内聚软件开发过程其中项目活动产品关键任务以及责任都能够容易的被建立起来

    It helped us define a cohesive software development where project activities, artifacts, key roles, and responsibilities could be easily established.


  • 过去经验证明,几个因素非常关键发现:一个授权、能够全心投入的、称职的产品负责人Scrum项目健康成功之间,有着密不可分的关系。

    In my experience these factors are critical; I have observed a strong correlation between an empowered, available and qualified Product Owner and a successful and healthy Scrum project.


  • 然后流程管理实现关键技术进行研究,分别对新产品开发项目模型建立基于BOM的流程管理技术流程管理的项目风险管理进行了讨论

    Next, the key technologies of NPD is studied sequentially, which model founding of NPD project, process management technologies basing on BOM and project risk management are studied in detail.


  • 他们的产品质量留下了深刻印象我们过去合同我们相信这份合同发挥关键作用我们执行项目在2009年。

    Their product quality has impressed us in our past contracts, and we are confident that this contract will play a critical role in the execution of our projects in 2009.


  • 道奇设计纹理工业设计V3JPEG |纹理 |873MB现实主义关键描绘表面产品和工业设计项目中的材质属性

    DOSCH DESIGN Textures Industrial Design V3JPEG | Textures | 873 MBRealism is key when depicting surfaces and material properties in product and industrial design projects.


  • 迅速理解项目需求方法承担机械结构零件产品详细设计满足项目计划的里程碑关键节点;

    Grasp quickly the project requirement and finalize the approach, undertake detailed designs of mechanical parts and final products to meet key milestones and timeline of projects.


  • 评估关键在于如果困难的话作出决定毁掉差项目促进其他项目维持产品引进渠道健康畅通。

    This assessment is when the crucial, if not difficult, decisions of killing projects while accelerating others is made to maintain a healthy funnel on the road to introducing new products.


  • 国外项目设计管理设计产品质量形成的关键环节将决定产品固有质量。

    Engineering management of foreign project is a key step in the realization of engineering project, which controls the inherent quality of product.


  • 汽车仪表产品开发项目记述项目管理汽车工业中的应用以及项目管理中的关键决策制定显示项目管理在汽车工业开发项目中的重要作用

    In this paper taking the new product development project of auto-cluster as an example, critical decisions in PM are introduced, which indicates the important role of PM in auto industry.


  • 可靠产品导入流程产品项目取得成功关键

    Reliable NPI process is critical to the success of new product projects.


  • 项目定位核心部分房地产产品定位,产品定位的准确与否成为整个项目开发成败的关键

    Product positioning is the core component of the project positioning in the real estate. The product positioning accuracy become the key to the development of the entire project.


  • 产品开发生产制造型企业运营两个关键环节产品开发项目调度车间调度问题两个关键环节中的核心问题。

    Production development and manufacturing are playing important parts in this process, and the problems of production development project scheduling and shop scheduling are the kernel of them.


  • 适当规范指导项目团队确保规划产品开发活动符合准则,提供潜在风险问题关键分析

    Providing appropriate regulatory input to project team to ensure planned product development activities comply with the guidelines, and provide a critical analysis of the risks and issues in case.


  • 个以盈利为基础组织内,一个关键项目驱动因素需要不断降低产品成本以便维持提高产品利润

    One of the key project drivers in profit base organization is the need to constantly drive product cost down in order to maintain or improve product margins.


  • 个以盈利为基础组织内,一个关键项目驱动因素需要不断降低产品成本以便维持提高产品利润

    One of the key project drivers in profit base organization is the need to constantly drive product cost down in order to maintain or improve product margins.


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