• 然而,对于发货严重延误贵方未能执行我方关于订单指示我方提出一些投诉

    However, we wish to make a number of complaints concerning the serious delay in delivery and your failure to carry out our instructions with regard to this order.


  • 关于未来职业选择疑问下定决心一名口译员

    In regard to your questions about my future career choices, I am determined to be an interpreter.


  • 请参阅系列第一文章关于有状态组件讨论了解数据不稳定可能UIData组件列队执行事件所造成的问题

    See the discussion on stateful components in the first article in this series to learn about the problems that data instability can cause with regard to queued events on a UIData component.


  • 既然情感表现目的那么关于形式上的缺点就不会使听众听着刺耳。

    The expression of feeling being the object, these deficiencies in regard to form do not jar on the hearer.


  • 关于安装一个项目中的植物品种每个区域都有成功范例问题案例。

    Every region has its success stories and its problem children with regard to the plant varieties installed in a project.


  • 关于受害者处理我们相信我们只能支持我们的职权范围尽最大可能保护她的隐私保障她的安全

    And with regard to the treatment of this victim, we believe we have done nothing but to support her and everything in our power to maintain her privacy and to keep her safe.


  • 无论是关于当前危机还是确保整个货币同盟成功德国始终相信欧洲扮演着相当负责角色

    Germany believes that it is playing a responsible role in Europe, both in regard to the current crisis and in ensuring the success of the monetary union overall.


  • 关于全球温升超过2问题黄惠康表示国际社会已就全球温升不超过2摄氏度达成重要共识。

    In regard to global temperature rise of not more than 2 degrees, Huang said the international community has reached important consensus on this issue.


  • 关于指南工具应用集成测试单元测试是一样的。

    The same applies for integration tests as for unit tests in regard to guidelines and tools.


  • 关于联邦服务总线基础设施使用不同产品[……以及]支持[它们]互操作性当前IT焦点

    With regard to a federated service bus infrastructure, the use of different products [... and] Supporting interoperability [between them] is the main focus in the current IT-industry.


  • 关于缅甸大选,缅甸和平稳定进步符合缅甸人民利益,符合地区和平繁荣共同利益。

    With regard to the general election in Myanmar, a peaceful, stable and progressing Myanmar is in the interest of the Myanmar people and the common interest of regional peace and prosperity.


  • 关于通信另一记住的事情开发人员并非总是控制发送接收数据方式

    Another thing to keep in mind with regard to communications is that the client-side developer does not always have control over how he must send and receive data.


  • 没有关于EJ联邦法规存在因此,法规由社区制定采用。

    No federal regulations exist in regard to EJ, therefore leaving it up to the states and communities to take action.


  • 关于双边自由贸易协定谈判问题中方积极务实态度新方共同努力

    With regard to the issue related to the negotiations on bilateral free trade agreement, China would like to make joint efforts with New Zealand in an active and pragmatic manner.


  • 关于共同文件问题各方进行磋商

    A: As to the issue of joint document, my answer is, the parties are still holding discussions in this regard.


  • 家庭时间给予有益忠告之一关于过失以及情绪忧虑明晰

    One of the more helpful counsels you provided for me during this family time was of clarity in regard to mistakes and emotional misgivings.


  • 贝佐斯实验室看到东西关于颜色点燃没有准备好

    Bezos has "seen things in the lab" with regard to color Kindles, but nothing is ready.


  • 技术规范之中检测意在证实钝化效果尤其是关于游离其它外生物质(杂质)的去除问题。

    The tests in this specification are intended to confirm the effectiveness of passivation, particularly with regard to the removal of free iron and other exogenous matter.


  • 他们综述中,科学家们指出过去几十年报告发现与关于EPADHA人类志愿者胰岛素抵抗影响矛盾

    In their review, the scientists indicate that findings reported in the past decade have been inconsistent in regard to the effects of EPA and DHA on insulin resistance in human volunteers.


  • 关于精神如何世界表现自身问题,宇宙论主要讨论自由的起源问题。

    In regard to Mind as it makes itself felt in the world, the questions which Cosmology chiefly discussed turned upon the freedom of man and the origin of evil.


  • 关于南非土著群体讨论社会排斥问题,土著澳大利亚可能面临

    With regard to indigenous groups in SA, discuss the social and exclusion issues that indigenous South Australians may face.


  • 关于关于打印机的询盘,我们如下答复

    With regard to your enquiry for typewriters, we wish to give the following in reply.


  • 我国现行《钢结构设计规范》(TJ17-74)中,关于阶形计算长度取值更为合理更强的逻辑性

    It is more rational and logical than the current PRC Specificat ion (TJ 17-74) in regard to the method for determining the effective lengths of mill building stepped columns.


  • 我国现行《钢结构设计规范》(TJ17-74)中,关于阶形计算长度取值更为合理更强的逻辑性

    It is more rational and logical than the current PRC Specificat ion (TJ 17-74) in regard to the method for determining the effective lengths of mill building stepped columns.


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