• 第五十四条当事人人数众多共同诉讼可以由当事人推选代表人进行诉讼

    Article 54 If the persons comprising a party to a joint action is large in number, the party may elect representatives from among themselves to act for them in the litigation.


  • 诉讼标的没有共同权利义务其中诉讼行为其他共同诉讼发生效力

    if a party of two or more persons have no common rights and obligations with respect to the object of action, the act of any one of them shall not be valid for the rest.


  • 美国所有具备资格申请者认为共同诉讼一部分除非他们选择不参与该诉讼

    In America all qualifying claimants are presumed to be part of a class action unless they opt out of it.


  • 我国共同诉讼仅仅区分普通共同诉讼必要共同诉讼必要共同诉讼作细分

    Only, our country distinguishes average common legal action from necessary common legal action, but subdivides to certainly needing common legal action not having done again to common legal action.


  • 第五十四条【代表人诉讼当事人人数众多共同诉讼可以当事人推选代表人进行诉讼

    Article 54 a joint litigation in which one party has numerous litigants may be brought by the representatives elected by the litigants of the party.


  • 我国现行民事诉讼》将连带债务共同诉讼作为必要共同诉讼的情形之一,要求连带债务人必须共同进行诉讼

    It is unclear why in Chinas present civil procedure law there is a compulsory requirement that parties with joint and several liabilities or claims thereof be united in a single lawsuit.


  • 被告可以原告提出反诉,对共同被告原告提出交叉诉讼

    The defendant may also file a counterclaim against the plaintiff, a cross-claim against any co-defendant or an impleader.


  • 现如今只要人们对银行存在着共同不满,便可以法院提出诉讼前提条件是他们必须开始就能够证明自己身份做好了经历一大堆冗长繁琐的法制程序的准备

    At present, if people have a common grievance they may be added to a court action, but only if they identify themselves from the outset and are prepared to leap through cumbersome legal hoops.


  • 助令规定的临时管理人则诉讼双方共同指定

    The curator was to be jointly appointed by the two parties.


  • 共同手工劳动任务升降搬运公司,雷神公司声称XOS2诉讼被乘以工作完成金额之间两个

    In a common manual Labour task, such as lifting or carrying, Raytheon claims the XOS 2 suit would multiply the amount of work done by one person by between two and three times.


  • 最后考察基础上简要总结国外制度共同我国环境公益诉讼制度的构建提供一些借鉴经验

    Finally, the inspection on the basis of a brief summary of the system of common abroad, My environment for the public interest litigation build some experience to draw on.


  • 诉讼过程就是各方主体言语方式表达事实主张,以寻求主体间的共同理解解释从而建构法律事实的过程。

    Litigious process is a process in which various subjects express with language their objective claims so as to seek common understanding and interpretation and construct the legal fact.


  • 因此确定电子证据民事诉讼中的法律效力已经成为法学理论界实务共同面临的问题

    Therefore defining the legal effects of electronic evidence in civil lawsuit becomes the common problem between legal academic theories and judicial practice.


  • 构建信任和谐医患关系谋求医患双方崇高价值取向共同归宿基本条件,是减少医疗纠纷诉讼有效预防机制

    Building trustful and harmonious physician-patient relationship is of mutual benefit to both doctors and patients and the most effective prevention mechanism to reduce medical disputes and litigation.


  • 当事人民事诉讼风险也即是在一背景之下逐渐成为学界实务界所共同关注话题的。

    Against this background, civil litigation risks of parties has become common concern by academics and practitioners.


  • 看来基于公民资格提起环境公益诉讼权利是以共同公民资格为基础的诸多公民环境权利中的一种

    In my opinion, the right to initiate public interests environmental litigations based on the citizenship is also one of citizen's rights to the environment based the common good and the citizenship.


  • 民事举证责任分配由民事实体法、民事诉讼诉讼政策三方因素共同作用产物

    The distribution of burden of civil evidence is an interacting production of civil substantive law, civil procedural law and litigation policy.


  • 群体纠纷当代各国共同面临问题各国选择群体诉讼制度设计实践千差万别,显示出多元化的趋势。

    Group issues is a problem faced by all contemporary countries, but the design and practice of group lawsuit system they choose is very different, tending to be varied.


  • 通过分析,将我国刑事诉讼模式归结为由证人、审四者共同参与群体博弈指明证人模式中所困境。

    The criminal procedure mode of our country was come down to a group game, which is participated by the witness, the prosecuting party, the accused party, and the department of justice.


  • 现代诉讼制度通过强调裁判者双方当事人共同参与,查明事实真相提供了制度前提和可能

    In modern legal system, by encouraging the co-operation of fact-finder and parties, it provides the possibility to ascertain the truth.


  • 诉讼代理费争议解决上,律师、主管行政机关和法官共同组成裁判机构加以判决。

    Moreover, in order to judge the dispute about the agent fees justly, the tribunal must include lawyer, judge and administrative officer.


  • 如果许多共同诉讼主张他们可以尝试提起集体诉讼

    But if a lot of people have similar claims, they may try to bring a class action lawsuit.


  • 第七条发生劳动争议劳动者以上共同请求的,可以推举代表参加调解仲裁或者诉讼活动

    Article 7 Where the party in a labor dispute consists of 10 workers or more, and they have a common request, they may choose one worker to represent them in mediation, arbitration or litigation.


  • 第三被告可以根据本条针对任何应该或者可能应该作为共同侵权人,对或者对第三原告的非该案当事人,为全部或者部分针对第三方被告的请求进行诉讼

    When a counterclaim is asserted against a plaintiff he may cause a third party to be brought in under circumstances which under this Section would entitle a defendant to do so.


  • 现代诉讼制度通过强调裁判者双方当事人共同参与,查明事实真相提供了制度前提和可能。

    In modern legal system, by encouraging the co-operation of fact-finder and parties, it provides the.


  • 这些应有诉讼权利法定诉讼权利有益补充两者共同构成完整诉讼权利体系

    These due rights of litigation are useful supplements to the legal rights of litigation, the two sides jointly constitute a complete system of litigation rights.


  • 公司法人人格否认诉讼中,公司利害关系人是诉讼原告,公司积极股东和公司诉讼共同被告

    The paper also suggests, in order to safeguard public interests, the prosecuting organ should start the legal proceedings of denial of corporate personality on the behalf of the country;


  • 公司法人人格否认诉讼中,公司利害关系人是诉讼原告,公司积极股东和公司诉讼共同被告

    The paper also suggests, in order to safeguard public interests, the prosecuting organ should start the legal proceedings of denial of corporate personality on the behalf of the country;


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