• 人们开始威廉生活看到些许希望因为几个共同被告在同一所学校担任校长。

    People were beginning to see some sort of hope in the life of William because he and several of his co-defendants were made prefects in the same school.


  • 被告可以原告提出反诉,对共同被告原告提出交叉诉讼。

    The defendant may also file a counterclaim against the plaintiff, a cross-claim against any co-defendant or an impleader.


  • 辛普森共同被告今日走上拉斯维加斯法庭

    Two of O. J. Simpson's codefendants were in a Las Vegas court today.


  • Simpson共同被告今天出现拉斯维加斯法庭上

    Simpson's codefendants were in a Las Vegas court today.


  • 从证据法上讲,可将共同被告分为实质的共同被告形式共同被告

    According to substantive law and procedural law, the article divided codefendants into substantive codefendant and formal codefendant.


  • 共同被告约书亚·科米萨耶夫斯基2011年的时候判处死刑。

    Co-defendant Joshua Komisarjevsky was also sentenced to death in 2011.


  • 共同被告已经被明确定罪,这似乎意味着贝卢斯科尼曾向行贿也同样有罪

    But a definitive conviction of his former co-defendant would, by implication, mean Berlusconi was equally guilty of having bribed him.


  • 然而穆巴拉克审判涉及诸多指控共同被告可能冗长及沉闷的。

    The Mubarak trial, however, involves multiple charges and ten co-defendants and is likely to be long and ponderous.


  • 但是在他出庭法官接到了共同被告合法反对并且决定将此案推迟3个月开庭。

    But before Mr Chirac entered the dock, the judge accepted a legal objection from one of his co-defendants and suspended the case for up to three months.


  • 共同被告陈述包括共犯陈述在性质上属于证人证言因此受口供补强规则规制。

    The testimony of co-defendant should be classified into the testimony of witness and thus it is not the subject of the corroboration rule of confession.


  • 夜晚些时候,共同被告家属详尽描述了可憎罪行不久签订了一份书面供词

    He described the crime in grisly detail to members of a co-defendant's family later that evening and signed a written confession a few days later.


  • 然而今天早些时候巴黎刑事法庭庭长接受一位希拉克共同被告异议因此审理过程推迟三个月后

    Yet earlier today the presiding judge in the Paris criminal court accepted a technical objection from one of Mr Chirac's co-defendants, thereby delaying proceedings for a further three months.


  • 公司法人人格否认诉讼中,公司利害关系人是诉讼原告,公司积极股东和公司是诉讼共同被告

    The paper also suggests, in order to safeguard public interests, the prosecuting organ should start the legal proceedings of denial of corporate personality on the behalf of the country;


  • 然而今天早些时候巴黎刑事法庭庭长接受一位希拉克共同被告异议因此审理过程推迟三个月后

    Yet earlier today the presiding judge in the Paris criminal court accepted a technical objection from one of Mr Chirac’s co-defendants, thereby delaying proceedings for a further three months.


  • 不过第一上诉法庭办事速度米尔斯忧心忡忡,当然担心的还有贝卢斯科尼豁免去年生效以来就是米尔斯的共同被告

    The speed with which the first appeal court intends to dispatch its business is bad news, not just for Mills, but also for Berlusconi, his co-defendant until the immunity law took effect last year.


  • 这个来自西雅图24岁女子,与其共同被告兼前男友佩鲁贾法庭开始审理2007年11月发生的谋杀案起便被一直铁窗之后。

    The 24-year-old from Seattle who has beenbehind bars since the November 2007 murder was in the Perugia courtroom, as washer co-defendant and onetime boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito.


  • 虽然雇主责任主体当然应该是雇主,但是权利主体没有明确主张由谁来承担赔偿义务时,在程序法上将雇主雇员列为共同被告

    Though the subject of employer liability should be employer, both employer and employee can be defendant when the subject of right does not claim who should compensate definitely.


  • DarylAtkins共同被告1996年绑架了一名军人,他们用抵着脑袋,强迫atm然后行至偏僻角落,乱

    Daryl Atkins and a codefendant in 1996 kidnapped a serviceman, forced him at gunpoint to withdraw money from an ATM, then drove to a secluded spot and shot him to death.


  • 卡尔·海因茨。魏斯基(Karl - Heinz Weis)共同被告人合伙经营着Heros公司。该公司之前宣告破产,此前德国最大的运钞公司,所占市场份额高达50%。

    Karl-Heinz Weis and his three co-defendants ran Heros which, until its bankruptcy a year ago, was the biggest cash-transport firm in Germany, with 50% of the market.


  • 卡尔·海因茨。魏斯基(Karl - Heinz Weis)共同被告人合伙经营着Heros公司。该公司之前宣告破产,此前德国最大的运钞公司,所占市场份额高达50%。

    Karl-Heinz Weis and his three co-defendants ran Heros which, until its bankruptcy a year ago, was the biggest cash-transport firm in Germany, with 50% of the market.


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