• 诉讼标的没有共同权利义务其中的诉讼行为其他共同诉讼人发生效力

    if a party of two or more persons have no common rights and obligations with respect to the object of action, the act of any one of them shall not be valid for the rest.


  • 主题可能包括占有礼物委托共同所有权,财产权利哲学基础

    Topics may include possession, gifts, bailments, concurrent ownership, and philosophic bases of property rights.


  • 我们职责共同确保性工作者的这些权利得到尊重。

    We are collectively responsible for ensuring that these rights are respected.


  • 共同共有人对共有财产享有权利承担义务

    Each of the common owners shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property.


  • 我们呼吁各会员国我们共同加速努力保护少女权利

    We call on Member States to join us in accelerating efforts to protect the rights of adolescent girls.


  • 朋友们,通过共同努力我们就有机会责任权利来塑造这个星球未来

    My friends, together we have the chance, the responsibility, and the privilege of shaping the planet of the future.


  • 因此方面共同保留今后发表进一步声明权利

    Therefore in this regard, the Community reserves its right to issue further declarations in the future.


  • 报纸同时也呼吁维多利亚应有权利决定结婚男友共同居住,过过平常日子

    The newspaper calls also for Victoria to be allowed to try out daily life in co-habitation with her boyfriend before any decision is taken to get married.


  • 宽容一样哲学也是尊重彼此权利共同价值基础上共同生活艺术

    As with tolerance, philosophy is an art of living together, with due regard to rights and common values.


  • 认为,连带责任的制度价值在于最大限度地保证债权人权利得到充分、及时实现连带责任制度的特性则在于共同责任、牵连责任。

    The author holds that its value lies in to make the creditor's rights be sufficiently and timely realized, and as to its characteristics, it is a kind of together and related responsibility.


  • 12审判陪审团共同使用法律刑事民事审判除非陪审团审判的权利法律上是各方同意豁免

    The trial or petit jury of 12 persons is used in trials of common law, both criminal and civil, except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law.


  • 保卫集体权利共同力量不能逻辑上任何其他目的任何其他可以替代使命

    And the common force that protects this collective right cannot logically have any other purpose or any other mission than that for which it ACTS as a substitute.


  • 保卫集体权利共同力量不能逻辑上任何其他目的任何其他可以替代使命

    And this common force that protects this collective right cannot logically have any other purpose or any other mission than that for which it ACTS as a substitute.


  • 设置中的内容既是权利也是责任需要咨访双方共同遵守,是咨询效果基本保障

    Set in the content is both right and responsibility, it is need to be followed by the two sides, is the basic guarantee for the effect of consulting.


  • 例如男孩女孩现在共同享有平等教育权利过去不可能的。

    For instance, boys and girls now share the same right of being educated, which was impossible in the past.


  • 普通诉求当下的社会大众乃至学界所共同追求一项目标

    To recognize ordinary claims as rights is a goal that the public and academia pursuits today.


  • 合伙人合伙企业投入建筑物存货其他资产时,就失去了对投入资产任何个人权利财产合伙人共同拥有

    When a partner invests a building, inventory, or other property in a partnership, he or she does not retain any personal right to the assets contributed. All partners jointly own the property.


  • 正相反我们所以其他人,尽管错误,都共同道路维护拥有自由意识普遍权利

    On the contrary, we are bound, you, I, and every one, to make common cause, even with error itself, to maintain the common right of freedom of conscience.


  • 捍卫他人权利意味着捍卫我们共同人性

    Standing up for the rights of others means standing up for the humanity we share.


  • 恪守合同签订施工合同双方当事人共同义务索赔是双方当事人各自享有权利

    Strictly following up with construction contract is a common duty for both sides of contract, and claim is the right enjoyed by both sides.


  • 所有权作为权利,其含义不是物的占有支配状态形式也不是指物主对物占有支配的自由,而是指:对于他人而言,物主个人、社会群体、国家三重意志共同主张物主对物的自由支配的不可侵犯性。

    The ownership, being one kind of the rights, does not mean the status or the way that the individual possesses something, nor does it the individual has the freedom to possess and control something.


  • 看来基于公民资格提起环境公益诉讼权利是以共同公民资格为基础的诸多公民环境权利中的一种

    In my opinion, the right to initiate public interests environmental litigations based on the citizenship is also one of citizen's rights to the environment based the common good and the citizenship.


  • 父母离婚后不与子女共同生活的方享有探望子女的权利

    The custodial rights exercised by both patents in the ongoing marriage often goes solely to one parent who has obtained custody upon divorce.


  • 申请更正事项涉及第三房地产权利有关权利应当共同申请。

    Where the items to be corrected involve the real estate right of a third party, the right-owners concerned shall make a joint application.


  • 虽然雇主责任主体当然应该是雇主,但是权利主体没有明确主张由谁来承担赔偿义务时,在程序法上将雇主雇员列为共同被告

    Though the subject of employer liability should be employer, both employer and employee can be defendant when the subject of right does not claim who should compensate definitely.


  • 比较基本共同善,菲尼斯自然权利花费的笔墨不是最多的。

    Compared with the basic good and common good, finnis does not spend most words on the natural right.


  • 比较基本共同善,菲尼斯自然权利花费的笔墨不是最多的。

    Compared with the basic good and common good, finnis does not spend most words on the natural right.


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