• 兰恩学说传统创建其它组织还有阿尔布尔协会

    Other organizations created in a Laingian tradition are the Arbours Association.


  • 观察家托赫兰恩还注意到这次选举本身递补选举。

    Observer Thoahlane also notes that this was a by-election.


  • 兰恩走出茶馆,穿过马路那个银行保安身边跟了点什么撒腿就跑了。

    Len walked out of the restaurant and crossed the road. Then he walked up to the security guard, said something to him and ran off as fast as he could.


  • 引言部分简要介绍了作者弗兰恩·奥布赖艺术生涯以及《双鸟戏水》这部小说主要内容。

    The Introduction focuses on a presentation of Flann O'Brien's literary position, his works, and a brief introduction to the plot.


  • 但是来自南部非洲选举研究所监督代表团的首席代表托兰恩表示,投票率看起来可能低于50%。

    The head of a monitoring delegation from the Electoral Institute for Southern Africa, Leshele Thoahlane, said voter turnout, however, appeared to have been low, possibly less than 50 percent.


  • 最高兰恩看上了塔妮思。 塔妮思自己离开颗星球,作为条件,愿意提供可以回收的飞船残骸。

    The Supreme Serpent Master, Tyrann, became attracted to Tanith, and she persuaded him to allow her to leave the world, as long as she supplied the Serpent Masters with wrecks to salvage.


  • 很显然惠普董事会之所以能就惠特曼上台达成一致,惠普董事凯鹏华合伙人兰恩以及另外一位知名风险投资人马克·安德森起到了关键作用。

    Fellow HP board member — and Kleiner partnerRay Lane and another well-known VC, Marc Andreessen, apparently were critical in getting consensus among the directors.


  • 到该举动对儿童的影响,英国慈善工作者埃格‧杰布感到很震惊。

    English charity worker Eglantyne Jebb was shocked to see the influence that action had on children.


  • 看到时,佯装得非常热情我们叙事者听到关于的信息。

    When Franny sees Lane, she affects great enthusiasm, but this is what we hear about Lane from the narrator.


  • 因此,当看到时变得非常热情但是我们叙事者那听到了这样的话

    So, Franny when she sees Lane, affects great enthusiasm, and so on, but this is what we hear about Lane from the narrator.


  • 离开岬口20英里后,布的团队马丁驿站停下来休息,这一个靠近今天维吉尼亚玫瑰定居点,是1769年约瑟夫·马丁建立的。

    About 20 miles from the Cumberland Gap, Boone and his party rested at Martin's Station, a settlement near what is now Rose Hill, Virginia that had been founded by Joseph Martin in 1769.


  • 不,伊·否认了,说他并不知道是谁制作了这些可爱的小东西,甚至根本无关。

    He told the Edinburgh papers he had no idea who made these little books and he had nothing to do with it.


  • 这个雕刻品与·没有关联但是引用诗人埃德温∙摩根的诗句——第一个雕刻作品中提到的诗人。

    This sculpture had no known connection to Mr. Rankin, but it did quote from poet Edward Morgan - whose poem inspired the first sculpture.


  • ·伯勒听到斯克报告的那点微不足道的放松,第二消散。因为据报道,大量放射性气体三里逸出

    What little relief Thornburgh felt at hearing Scranton's report, dissolved the next day when it was reported that a large burst of radioactive gas had escaped from Three Mile Island.


  • 斯坦福大学卫生经济学教授托文说:“他们很多的成功训化出来的”,只不过他们容易自我改造

    “Most of its success is explained by culture,” says Alain Enthoven, a health economist at Stanford University, “and that is simply not easy to replicate.


  • (玻璃悬崖)这个英国埃克斯特大学两位教授米歇尔·亚历克斯·哈斯2004年创造的。

    A glass cliff is a term coined by Prof Michelle Ryan and Prof Alex Haslam of Exeter University, United Kingdom, in 2004.


  • 只妖兽在身上施展了法术,使他看到哈利赫敏在一起幻象,而此时的罗疯狂地赫敏。

    The creature uses magic to show the images of Harry with Hermione Granger, played by Watson, to Ron, who is madly in love with her.


  • 佐治亚州共和党人·韦斯特摩曾共同发起过一项议案,要求国会山上悬挂条文,科尔伯特仅仅说出是哪十诫便令其彻底崩溃。

    Mr Colbert floored Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican from Georgia who co-sponsored a bill to have the Ten Commandments displayed in the Capitol, simply by asking him to name the Ten Commandments.


  • ·伯勒派他的副州长威廉•斯克顿前往三里带回第一手评估结果

    Thornburgh had dispatched his Lieutenant Governor, William Scranton, to Three Mile Island to bring back a first-hand assessment.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家•波波维克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 前经纪人卡利多时,为了核实普提,这个怎么拼

    When he spoke of his ex-agent, Caliendo, I asked Lamptey, as a check, to spell the man's surname.


  • 帕德相信英格队内有着·鲁尼·科尔亚伦·列侬这些南非创造惊喜的球员

    Lampard believes England have players such as Wayne Rooney, Joe Cole and Aaron Lennon who will be "able to make things happen" in South Africa.


  • 明星伙伴》第六客串演员众多,与格尼同台包括说唱歌手李尔·超级名模吉赛尔·邦辰体育明星老公汤姆·布莱迪。

    The sixth season of Entourage will see Grenier line up against a string of celebrity guests including rapper Lil Wayne and supermodel Gisele Bundchen's sports star husband Tom Brady.


  • 获奖者包括饰演主角的女演员克莱尔杰克逊——影片的英国导演以及扮演母亲女演员朱丽叶奥摩多。

    They included honours for actress Claire Danes in the title role, for Mick Jackson, its British director, and for Julia Ormond, the English actress who played Grandin’s devoted mother.


  • 公众喜欢那些善恶分明故事,”青少年健康专家加-珍,“那些未成年结婚女孩大部分1317岁的。”

    "The public loves those kinds of stories, where there's a clear right and wrong," says Saranga Jain, an adolescent-health specialist. "But the majority of girls getting married underage are 13 to 17."


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是弗·瓦兹·奎斯,亚罗斯拉夫科罗廖夫拉沙德·麦坎茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 圣塔芭芭拉附近杰克逊地产商朱丽拍卖会执行理事,马丁·这间迈克尔来的房子里面装饰品都是杰克逊梦幻庄园的象征

    The home and its decor, which Jackson leased, are reminiscent of Neverland Ranch, Jackson's estate near Santa Barbara, said Martin Nolan, executive director of Julien's Auctions.


  • 圣塔芭芭拉附近杰克逊地产商朱丽拍卖会执行理事,马丁·这间迈克尔来的房子里面装饰品都是杰克逊梦幻庄园的象征

    The home and its decor, which Jackson leased, are reminiscent of Neverland Ranch, Jackson's estate near Santa Barbara, said Martin Nolan, executive director of Julien's Auctions.


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