• 简单明了地,奋不顾身、死而后已公司列表名单不断续写。

    The simple fact is that the list of companies that have tried and failed is growing.


  • 上网研究一下这家公司密切关注增长迅速的公司列表技术博客IT行业出版物

    Research the company online, looking closely at lists of fast-growing companies, tech blogs, and IT trade publications.


  • 为了防止不受欢迎的玩家加入公司,请点击公司列表按钮点击密码按钮,然后输入密码。

    To prevent unwanted clients from joining your company, click the company list button and then the password button. Enter your password here.


  • 一个公司列表可以TransactionPortfolio创建页面得到,能够帮助找到创建详细信息页面时使用公司代码

    A list of companies is also available from the Transaction and Portfolio creation pages, which helps you find the company code used in the creation detail.


  • 假设一个HATS应用程序,它可以将选择列表作为链接呈现出来,但是公司对于网站策略要求必须使用按钮而不是链接。

    Suppose you have a HATS application that renders selection lists as links, but a new company policy for Web sites mandates that you must use buttons instead of links.


  • 如果仔细阅读响应可以看到一些有趣的信息例如公司雇员数量简介产品列表合作关系以及竞争对手

    If you read through the response you will see some interesting information, such as the number of employees in the company, a description, and lists of products, relationships, and competitors.


  • 即使与相关公司取得联系之后,某些邮件列表也是无法删除,即使它不再希望继续接收电子邮件一个真实的邮件列表

    Some mailing lists are impossible to be removed from, even after contacting the companies involved, and even if it was a genuine mailing list that you no longer want to receive e-mails on.


  • 可以仅仅产品列表可以具有复杂结构支持公司他们供应商客户之间关系

    It can be as simple as a list of products, or it can be a complex structure that supports the relationships between companies, their suppliers, and their customers.


  • 例如假设一个软件公司客户他们产品列表如清单6

    For example, say you had the list of your software company's customers and the products they had purchased shown in Listing 6.


  • 支持食物不同的方式记录过敏原-菜单没有过敏原列表,而这些过敏专科医生制药公司熟知的事情。

    No support existed for recording allergies differently than to ambient source and foods - Lists of allergies were not in drop down menus although these are well known by allergists and drug companies.


  • 但是如果公司关注术语一致性简单列表不够了。

    However, if the company is focused on terminological consistency, a simple list will not be enough.


  • 今早,该公司发布了根据艺人唱片品牌排序的歌曲列表

    The company published two lists sorted by artists and labels early this morning.


  • 六个组织列表结合在一起,去掉一些重复的部分,最后总结出了一个列单上面这些公司,选拔高层领导观察内容

    And I combine those six lists and took out some of the redundancies and came up with a list showing here what these companies look for when they try to pick their very top leaders.


  • 我们公司一家通信公司数据库用来存储通信性能管理数据事件订阅列表以及网络元素配置信息

    Our company is a communication company, and our database is used to store communication performance management data, event subscription lists, and network element configuration information.


  • 通过报告电子表格,将识别出输入字段建立公司标准列表匹配确定哪些输入字段需要定义标准。

    Through reports or spreadsheets, match the identified input fields to the list of established corporate standards to determine which input fields need standards defined.


  • 邮件列表优点在于它还被公司决策层许多阅读

    The best thing about mailing lists is that a lot of people involved in decision-making in companies read them too.


  • 列表可能应用程序所有者维护数月(也许发布产品输入公司时)才执行一次更新

    The list may be maintained by the owner of the application and updated every few months, perhaps as new products are released or new business ventures are entered into.


  • 讨论会(或者专门的数据类型所有者)可以维护整个公司范围内通用数据类型定义列表

    A review group (or even an individual data type owner) can maintain a list of common data type definitions across the company.


  • 其中一个页面显示公司细节以及公司销售代表列表

    One page may show details on a company, along with a list of the sales representatives for that company.


  • 之后一下午时间都埋在工作里,公司出租楼盘列表而忙碌。

    For the rest of the afternoon he worked on new rental listings.


  • 然后可以使用一个SQLinnerjoin语句得到列表每个公司提到频率清单10所示。

    You can then use an SQL inner join to get the frequency with which each company in the list is mentioned, as in Listing 10.


  • 但是只要一下采用MediaWiki作为wiki引擎公司组织列表任何人都会留下深刻的印象。

    However, when looking at the list of companies and organizations that employ MediaWiki as their wiki engine, one can't help but be a bit impressed.


  • 应用公司Android推出应用很类似,它可以让用户搜索歌曲以及创建自己的在线音乐播放列表

    Similar to the company's Android application, the iPhone app gives users the ability to search for tracks and create music streaming play lists.


  • 列表中选择保险公司提供Web服务URL

    The URL for the associated web service provided by that insurance company is also selected from the list.


  • 苹果公司评测了iPad上的所有应用程序,提供了下面这个史上最佳免费iPad应用程序列表

    Apple has reviewed all the apps for the iPad and made a list of the best free iPad applications of all times.


  • 这家公司成立于20年前,只是在玩弄公共列表主意——不是为了赚钱日本常常标志着一家公司已经成熟

    Thecompany, founded two decades ago, is toying with the idea of a publiclistingnot to raise money, but because it is often done in Japan to symbolisea firm's maturity.


  • NeXT属性列表简单ASCII格式苹果公司加入了二进制XML表示

    NeXT property lists were a simple ASCII format, and Apple has added binary and XML representations.


  • 一个充满惊喜列表不过排名第一公司毫无悬念。

    This is a list full of surprises, even though our No. 1 pick is no surprise at all.


  • 此外我们消费一个ApacheSOAP股票价格新闻服务给出公司股票代码,它将返回公司当前新闻列表

    In addition, we will also consume an Apache SOAP stock quote news service that will return a list of current news about a company, when given the company's stock ticker symbol.


  • 此外我们消费一个ApacheSOAP股票价格新闻服务给出公司股票代码,它将返回公司当前新闻列表

    In addition, we will also consume an Apache SOAP stock quote news service that will return a list of current news about a company, when given the company's stock ticker symbol.


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