• 驯服公众接受这个一再被重申的启事。

    Docile, it accepts the reiterated suggestion.


  • 随着社会准则变化,为公众接受表达变化。

    The ones that are accepted in public speech change through the years as social rules change.


  • 要让公众接受方式还需要努力一时间,面临极大挑战

    Getting the public to accept a process that strikes some as ghastly may be the biggest challenge.


  • 社会认同意识一种社会公众接受赞同社会意识。

    The social identity consciousness is a social consciousness accepted or agreed with by the social public.


  • 新的经营模式已经软件行业留下了深远影响,求变的想法已经公众接受

    New business models have already made their mark on the software industry, and the changes are here to stay.


  • 工业生物技术:生物技术第三股浪潮正在到来。这次能否避免不被公众接受厄运吗?

    Industrial biotech: a "third wave" of biotechnology is arriving. Will it be able to avoid a poor reception from the general public this time around?


  • 德国公众接受方案还有很长的要走,如果欧洲创造一个平等竞技场的话,这一方案是必不可少的。

    The German public is a long way from accepting it; yet it is clearly needed in order to reestablish a level playing field in Europe.


  • 考虑到大部分公众接受社交网络成本乃至无成本地使用它们,越来越多小企业使用社交营销应该令人惊讶

    The increased use of social marketing by small businesses should come as no surprise, considering the massive popular adoption of social networks and the low - often nonexistent - costs of using them.


  • 特拉维夫大学以色列退役将军加齐特,以色列叙利亚达成协议也许并不但是要让以色列公众接受这项协议那么简单了。

    Retired Israeli General Shlomo Gazit of Tel Aviv University says getting an agreement with the Syrians might not be that difficult, but getting the Israeli public to accept it will not be easy.


  • :“我们这个社会里,表面看来好像作出任何决策都要事先经过民意调查,那样才能看出一项决策公众接受。”

    He says: "in our society, it seems that no one makes a decision without taking a poll first, to see which decision is the most popular."


  • 不过如何公众接受这种“粪肉”?好吧研究小组初期实验测试中人们反应说这种肉的味道还不赖,吃起来很牛肉

    But how has it gone down with the public? Well the team claims that in initial tests people reported it was delicious and tasted like beef.


  • 最后根据法案支持者描述,有些天才,他们可能国会山工作人员,将法案重命名使看上去能够创造更多机会,更易公众接受

    Eventually, according to one backer of the legislation, some genius, probably a Capitol Hill staffer, renamed the bill to make it easier to sell by making it look as if it's about creating jobs.


  • 我们试图公众他们总是想当然获得之很快接受再教育。

    We are having to reeducate the public very quickly about something they have always taken for granted.


  • 为了克服公众演讲恐惧可以接受方面培训

    To overcome your fear of speaking in the public, you can receive training in this aspect.


  • 由于公众大部分接受口味经典可乐很快就被重新推出,新口味一起上市

    The non acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketed alongside the new.


  • 尽管公众一直在不断接受玻璃天花板想法,并且得出了一些一致结论,但是迄今为止,大多数研究未能支持这种日益不利的模式

    Despite continued widespread public acceptance of the glass ceiling idea and some consistent findings, most research to date has failed to support the increasing-disadvantage model.


  • 由于大部分公众接受口味经典可乐很快就被重新推出,新口味一起出售

    The non-acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketed alongside the new.


  • 意味着虽然公众现在接受干涉维和需求,但支持不会一直那么稳固

    But what this means is that, although the public now accepts the need for intervention and peacekeeping, the support is not all that solid.


  • 这些新的工作人员受感染市内访问社区小组相结合,以便改进公众该病了解接受控制措施

    The new staff will also join teams visiting communities within the affected municipalities in order to improve public understanding of the disease and acceptance of control measures.


  • 自己过去一年中公众充分阐明自己计划这点接受应得责备

    He said he accepted his' share of the blame 'for not adequately explaining his plans to the public over the past year.


  • 提高公众该病了解接受控制措施成为紧迫重点之一

    Improvement of public understanding of the disease and acceptance of control measures has become one of the most urgent priorities.


  • 原因之一当然杂志狭窄学术读者圈子,之二可能公众那种分析接受程度。

    The journal's narrow academic readership was certainly one reason, the public's readiness for that kind of analysis might be another.


  • 一个被化疗蹂躏得光秃秃脑袋——公众似乎很快就接受了,正如我们习惯于认作“一张种族主义者面孔”“可笑的无知者形象”那样。

    The bald, chemo-ravaged head - the public got used to that pretty quickly, just as we once got used to thinking of her as "the face of racism" or "the laughable image of illiteracy".


  • 在此之后历史学者罗贝特-哈格里维斯曾写道:“人们才慢慢接受公众依法知道他们选出议员的所作所为的权利。”

    After Wilkes's battle, wrote the historian Robert Hargreaves, "it gradually became accepted that the public had a constitutional right to know what their elected representatives were up to".


  • 只要案例依照合法程序解决,我们相信公众接受这一结论。

    As long as Xu's case is handled in accordance with proper procedures, we believe the public will accept the conclusion.


  • “我们的目的,”他,“促进公众人体接受度,不管它们是胖是瘦,还是不裸。”

    The goal, Hightower said, was to promote acceptance of the human body no matter what shape or form it comes in.


  • 这个推断很坦率,而如果不在警察安全方面看到即刻成效,那么同样坦率的一点就是墨西哥公众很难接受这个推断。

    As honest as that assessment was, it will be difficult for the Mexican public to swallow if they don't see immediate results in policing and security.


  • 无限贷款债权人那样狂热撒到公司以致他们发放债券多得多贷款——不顾贷款接受公众监督得多

    During the borrowing binge, creditors were so eager to throw money at companies that they doled out far more loans than bonds-even though loans are much less exposed to public scrutiny.


  • 无限贷款债权人那样狂热撒到公司以致他们发放债券多得多贷款——不顾贷款接受公众监督得多

    During the borrowing binge, creditors were so eager to throw money at companies that they doled out far more loans than bonds-even though loans are much less exposed to public scrutiny.


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