• 公司协议使有可能八月复出

    His deal with the company makes an August comeback likely.


  • 威廉凯特今年28岁迄今为止,两人透露婚礼明年春天夏天举行博彩公司认为七月八月结婚的可能性较大。

    William and Kate, both 28, have so far revealed only that the wedding will take place in either the spring or summer next year with bookmakers tipping July and August as favorites.


  • 段时间里麦当劳投资者享受公司股价上升而带来的“开心套餐”,麦当劳股价八月历史新高。

    The happy meals have been enjoyed by investors in McDonald's, whose share price has risen during this period, reaching an all-time high in August.


  • 由于分别处在十二月八月假期之后,这两个月大量公司债券发行期

    Coming after vacations in December and August, respectively, both months are times when a large number of new corporate bonds are issued.


  • 我们八月永久关闭服务器(以为客户留出周时间取出他们内容),公司进行清算

    We'll be shutting down our servers for good in August (which will give our customers many weeks to export their content) and liquidating the corporation.


  • 周三有人披露,一家航空公司南方航空在去年八月决定避开夜里起飞去伊春航班

    It emerged Wednesday that another airline, China Southern, decided last August to avoid night flights into Yichun.


  • 不过根据报道公司现在希望7月中不是八月,就完成油井密封工作。

    But according to reports, the company is now hoping to seal the well by mid-July, rather than early August.


  • 公司今年一月发放40亿份手机广告到了八月发放量在该基础上翻了一倍

    His firm served 4 billion mobile ads in January this year; by August it was dishing up twice that number.


  • 第一个吃螃蟹的海洋再生能源公司OrpC),八月启动了一项250万美元的兼容电网的潮汐能源系统在全美尚属首次

    The first to test its prototype is the Ocean Renewable Power Company (OrpC), which in August launched a $2.5m tidal grid-compatible power system, the first in the United States.


  • 自从俄罗斯格鲁吉亚八月7爆发武装冲突以来,以俄罗斯主要上市公司组成的俄罗斯交易系统指数暴跌了将近30%。 如果六月1日算起,这个指数已经下滑了50%。

    Russia's RTS Index of leading stocks has fallen nearly 30 percent since hostilities broke out in Georgia on August 7 and 50 percent since June 1.


  • 去年WSO2平台采用OSGi进行大规模重构在今年八月公司发布了Stratos款基于计算的中间件平台。

    Last year WSO2's platform underwent a major refactoring taking advantage of OSGi, and last August, the company shipped Stratos, a Cloud-based instantiation of the middleware platform.


  • 根据研究公司Dealogic的统计,上个月历史全球并购最好八月

    Last month was the best August for global M&A on record, according to Dealogic, a research firm.


  • 八月31日华尔街日报》报道司法部调查数据库软件公司Oracle已经一年

    On August 31st the Wall Street Journal reported that the Department of Justice has been investigating Oracle, a database-software company, for a year.


  • VFabric就是公司八月发布产品之一

    VFabric is one of six new products that VMware announced at the end of August.


  • 同年八月公司推出了Blogger这个名字是威廉姆斯根据彼得·莫霍尔兹的玩笑话想出来的。

    That August they released Blogger, which Williams named based on Peter Merholz's joke about the word.


  • 理由夏天雇主不会聘用任何人。 但就是在去年八月中旬获得我目前这份工作的,所以,我清楚地知道,公司夏季招聘,这个观点不一定永远正确的。

    A close friend of mine who has been job hunting for the past six months or so is talking about taking July and August "off, " on the theory that employers don't hire anyone in the summer anyway.


  • 世界最大卡车制造商戴姆勒公司宣布,一月份八月,该公司卡车销售量去年同期增长了33%,订单比去年同期跃升了65%。

    Daimler, the world's biggest lorry maker, said that sales from January to August were up by 33% over the previous year and that orders had leapt by 65%.


  • 文件披露了公司首席执行官安德鲁·梅森八月发给员工备忘录全文——封信可以说使得这家团购公司打破了静默限制

    It also included the entirety of CEO Andrew Mason's August memo to employees - a missive that arguably caused the daily deals company to run afoul of quiet period restrictions.


  • 八月巴西布拉·德斯科银行国家控股的巴西银行宣布安哥拉活跃葡萄牙银行BES成立一家新的非洲控股公司

    In August Brazil's Bradesco and state-controlled Banco do Brasil announced a new African holding company with Banco Espirito Santo (BES), a Portuguese firm active in Angola.


  • 日本10大区域能源公司八月原油使用量翻番应对汹涌而来最热天气和彪用电需求

    Japan's 10 regional power companies more than doubled crude oil consumption in August to meet higher electricity demand during the country's hottest summer on record.


  • 八月英国能源再生公司推出完善的家用电动车充电装置:针对国内各个地区的电动车使用者一种新式榨汁机”服务方式

    In August, npower will be launching the most sophisticated home-charging product yet: a new "juice-e" tariff specifically aimed at EV users anywhere in the country.


  • 东方传奇公司八月一部影片长城”,爱德华兹·维克

    Legendary East said in August its first film, "the Great Wall," will be directed by Edward Zwick and look at how the Great Wall of China came to be built.


  • 考虑IntervalLicensing公司八月27日诉讼,这是微软创始人保罗艾伦所有的公司

    Consider a suit filed on August 27th by Interval Licensing, a firm owned by Paul Allen, a co-founder of Microsoft.


  • 根据互联网市场调研公司NetApplications最新统计八月Chrome市场份额达7.5%。

    According to the latest statistics from Web metrics company Net Applications, Chrome had a 7.5% share in August.


  • 富士康员工接近92万,几乎所有人年龄25岁以下八月公司宣布计划明年增加40万人。

    Foxconn has close to 920, 000 workers, nearly all of whom are under 25; in August, the company announced plans to add 400, 000 more workers in the next year.


  • 意大利阿尔斯通公司质疑意大利铁路公司(Trenitalia)在八月高速列车合同授予加拿大竞争对手庞巴迪公司(Bombardier)。

    In Italy, Alstom is also questioning the by Trenitalia, in August, of a contract for high speed trains to Bombardier, a Canadian rival.


  • 意大利阿尔斯通公司质疑意大利铁路公司(Trenitalia)在八月高速列车合同授予加拿大竞争对手庞巴迪公司(Bombardier)。

    In Italy, Alstom is also questioning the by Trenitalia, in August, of a contract for high speed trains to Bombardier, a Canadian rival.


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