• 普纳Pune印度城市YOO环球设计品牌莫斯科迈阿密波士顿首尔悉尼普吉之后的又一住宅项目所在地,邀请了菲利普斯达克设计他们这个位于印度西部项目,受菲利普斯塔克的启发,YOO希望住宅项目中体现奢华的品味。

    Located in the West, Pune is the eighth largest metropolis in India. There are yoo residences around the world, including Moscow, Miami, Boston, New York, Seoul, Sydney and Phuket.


  • 其中有条裤子流放之前穿过的,另外是他流放圣赫勒拿年间穿的,包括临死前穿的那一条。

    Four were from before his exile and eight were pairs he wore during the six years he spent in exile on St Helena, including the pair he wore while dying.


  • 看见有一帆船满了正向基督山驶来。

    Upon the eighth day he discerned a small vessel under full sail approaching Monte Cristo.


  • 你们无法清是不是气候变化导致2010超过1998记录成为炎热年,是不是气候变化导致格陵兰冰河崩塌分离出一个有四个曼哈顿市般的浮冰

    You can't say climate change is why 2010 is eclipsing 1998 as the hottest year on record, or why in August an ice island four times the size of Manhattan broke off from a Greenland glacier?


  • 就如过去年中大部分光阴岁月今天比塞特医生仍然被深卡斯的“桃花”的地牢里。

    Today, like most days for the better part of the past eight years, he is locked away in a dungeon on Fidel Castro's island paradise.


  • 中国神话中有故事,他们出生时虽是凡人,后来居住蓬莱座位于中国东部某处)。

    IN CHINESE mythology, the eight Immortals were born human but now live on Penglai Shan, an island paradise somewhere east of China.


  • 意大利广泛的认为公元世纪时,征服西西里阿拉伯入侵者所带到意大利的。

    Pasta is widely thought to have originated from Arab invaders who conquered Sicily in the eight century fed by slow-release carbohydrates.


  • 旗,代表夏威夷主要屿:尼华、考艾瓦胡、毛伊莫洛凯、拉、卡霍奥拉维以及

    The state flag has eight stripes representing the Hawaiian archipelago’s major islands: Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii.


  • 一高达英尺的泰坦魔芋印尼苏门答腊热带雨林本土植物拥有全世界最大的不分枝

    The eight foot plant, which is indigenous to Sumatra's rainforests in Indonesia, has the largest unbranched shoot in the world.


  • 韩国南庆尚Goje座山上,人们终于一睹国际濒危鸟类的芳容。

    A pitta, an internationally endangered bird, found on a mountain on Goje island, South Gyeongsang province, South Korea.


  • 集团领导人7月7日9日日本北海道举行会议。

    G8 leaders gather on the Japanese island of Hokkaido from 7 to 9 July.


  • RudyardKipling把它描述世界奇迹位于新西兰峡湾区域

    Rudyard Kipling described Milford Sound as the eighth wonder of the world. It is located in the exotic Fiordland region of New Zealand.


  • 高达英尺的泰坦魔芋印尼苏门答腊热带雨林本土植物拥有全世界最大的不分枝。这 种植物一般十年开一花。

    The eight foot plant, which is indigenous to Sumatra's rainforests in Indonesia, has the largest unbranched shoot in the world. On average, they bloom once in a decade.


  • 非洲西海岸西班牙领土利群出发,旅人航行至加勒比海巴特然后在去年月份前往北极

    After starting from the Canary Islands, Spanish territory near Africa's west coast, the pair sailed to st Bart's in the Caribbean before moving into the Arctic last August.


  • 夏威夷州主要屿许多较小组成。

    The state of Hawaii comprises eight main islands and many smaller ones.


  • 旗,代表夏威夷主要屿:尼华瓦胡、毛伊莫洛凯、拉、卡霍奥拉维以及

    The state flag has eight stripes representing the hawaiian archipelago ' s major islands : nihau, kauai, oahu, maui, molokai, lanai, kahoolawe and the big island of hawaii.


  • 日本本州北部城市太平洋,一重要的渔港商业

    A city of northern Honshu, Japan, on the Pacific Ocean. It is a major fishing and commercial port.


  • 日本本州北部城市太平洋,一重要的渔港商业人口241,428。

    A city of northern Honshu, Japan, on the Pacific Ocean. It is a major fishing and commercial port. Population, 241, 428.


  • 周时间里到过米兰那不勒斯威尼斯弗洛伦萨庞培索兰托卡普里

    Also, during these eight weeks, I travelled to Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence, Pompeii, Sorento and Capri.


  • 昔日羊城之一“双乔碧雨”所在地大坦沙拥有优越的天文地位,四面临江环境优美

    Guangzhou one of the eight former "Bridging the misty rain, "the location Datansha Island has excellent location, surrounded by Riverside, beautiful environment.


  • 海洋乐园坐落于横滨港口之中,是相对较新的游乐场所多亏了那头调皮,那里迅速成为了日本主要的旅游景点之一

    Located amid the port of Yokohama Bay, the relatively new site has fast become one of the country's premier visitor attractions thanks to its cheeky beluga whale.


  • 有豪华典雅风味餐厅随时游客提供独具地方特色美味佳肴南北风味小吃。”

    "Eight Immortals Island" on the luxury elegant gourmet restaurant ready to offer tourists the unique local characteristics and South delicious dishes.


  • 国王是个快艇好手几十年来一直能欣赏到引人注目悬崖顶海景行宫度过假期。行宫坐落马略卡帕尔马附近巴利·阿里西南海岸

    The king, a keen yachtsman, has for decades spent August vacations at the palace with its dramatic cliff-top views of the sea on the Balearic island's southwestern coast near Palma DE Mallorca.


  • 国王是个快艇好手几十年来一直能欣赏到引人注目悬崖顶海景行宫度过假期。行宫坐落马略卡帕尔马附近巴利·阿里西南海岸

    The king, a keen yachtsman, has for decades spent August vacations at the palace with its dramatic cliff-top views of the sea on the Balearic island's southwestern coast near Palma DE Mallorca.


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