• 艾普拉斯-伊一家面向世界汽车产业全球合作伙伴

    Applus IDIADA is a global partner to the automotive industry worldwide.


  • 宝钢作为2010年上海世博会全球合作伙伴相约世博

    BAOSTEEL, as the global partner of World Expo 2010 Shanghai, makes an appointment with you in World Expo.


  • 目前为止11个国际奥委会全球合作伙伴董事会金融服务支持

    To date, 11 IOC worldwide partners have come on board with financial and service support.


  • 上周末克莱斯勒表示正在考虑若干潜在全球合作伙伴关系”,但拒绝提供更多详细信息

    Over the weekend, Chrysler, which is 80 per cent owned by Cerberus Capital Management, the New York hedge fund, said it was “looking at a number of potential global partnerships”.


  • 他们客户主要来自美国为了软件开发测试保持竞争力他们决定寻找一个全球合作伙伴

    To remain competitive in building and testing software for major U.S. clients, they decided they needed a global partner.


  • 中国年来提高社会效率投入研发今天中国获取成本优势而与全球合作伙伴分享

    Gode in China, to improve the efficiency of investment in R&D past few years. Today, in China with access to global partners to share costs.


  • 世博会全球合作伙伴包括中国移动通用汽车交通银行国家电网银行几乎所有赞助商谈论议题50%。

    Expo Global Partners including China Mobile, General Motors, Bank of Communications and State Grid accounted for almost 50 per cent of buzz among all sponsors.


  • 公司同时宣布了云计算平台Azure价格计划14日新奥尔良举行的全球合作伙伴会议上早期受众进行了展示。

    The company also announced pricing plans for Azure, its cloud-computing platform, and opened it up to early adopters on July 14th at its Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans.


  • 作为2008北京奥运会合作伙伴2010年上海世博会全球合作伙伴中国移动通信集团公司拥有全球第一网络客户规模

    As a partner of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and global partner of 2010 Shanghai world Expo, China Mobile Communications Corporation has the world's first network and customer base.


  • 卡斯特罗于2012晚些时候加盟雅虎。此前,谷歌工作年,离开谷歌前最后职务是谷歌全球合作伙伴业务解决方案集团总裁。

    De Castro joined Yahoo in late 2012 after a six year run at Google where his final role was as VP of the company's global Partner Business Solutions group.


  • 梅琳达:“家庭生育计划2020”是盖茨基金会参与一个全球合作伙伴项目,该项目计划在2020年之前能够获得避孕药具女性人数提升1.2亿。

    Melinda: : Family Planning 2020, a global partnership that we're a part of, has set a goal of providing 120 million more women access to contraceptives by 2020.


  • 2005年,可口可乐国际奥委会签署全球合作伙伴协议2009年延续2020年,成为迄今为止国际奥委会与赞助商签署的最长奥运会全球合作伙伴协议。

    In 2005, Coca Cola and the ioc signed a global partner agreement, by 2009 continue to 2020, become so far the ioc and sponsors signed the longest Olympic global partner agreement.


  • 公司没有试图海外发展自己的办事处,而是通过找到最好外国合作伙伴结成联盟,有效地解决了全球困境

    Rather than expand by attempting to develop its own offices abroad, the company solved its globalization dilemma effectively by forging alliances with the best foreign partners it could find.


  • 世卫组织珍惜全球卫生领域的所有合作伙伴珍视增进健康作出的明显贡献

    WHO values all its partners in global health, and values their clear contributions to better health.


  • PFC能源一家咨询公司)认为77%全球石油天然气国有公司和合作伙伴控制着石油生产国家

    PFC Energy, a consultancy, calculates that 77% of the world's oil and gas is found in countries whose production is controlled by state-owned oil firms and their partners.


  • 它们全球经济关键动力,是美国重要合作伙伴正在日益成为地区和平安全核心贡献者

    They are key drivers of the global economy, important partners for the United States, and increasingly central contributors to peace and security in the region.


  • 作为合作伙伴我们可以解决哪种全球问题

    What kinds of global issues might we address as partners?


  • 幸运我们美国乃至全球众多公司都有良好的合作伙伴关系

    We are fortunate to have strong relationships with a wide variety of corporate partners in the US and worldwide.


  • 精益经济时代,2009年联合国经济社会理事会慈善特别活动传达信息聚焦合作伙伴关系在推进全球公共健康日程力量。

    In lean economic times, the message at the 2009 UN economic and Social Council's special event on philanthropy focused on the power of partnerships in advancing the global public health agenda.


  • 缺乏适当弥补所有差距资源以及缺乏全球地方层面上所有利益攸关者合作伙伴充分参与造成情况的主要原因。

    This is due both to a lack of resources to properly address all the gaps, as well as a lack of involvement of all stakeholders and partners to engage at both the global and local levels.


  • 推动中国外资合作伙伴达成全球交易背后多重动力,几年是不可想象的。

    Several forces are motivating China's foreign partners to strike global deals that would have been unthinkable a few years back.


  • 我们倡导活动代表着世界上数百万病人以及我们强有力的合作伙伴比如世卫组织全球基金

    We advocate on behalf of millions of patients worldwide and our strong partners such as WHO and the Global Fund.


  • 这样一来,他们成为全球致力于保障全球健康合作伙伴网络中的成员。

    In doing so they are part of the global network of partners committed to securing global health.


  • 这样一来,他们成为全球致力于保障全球健康合作伙伴网络中的成员。

    In doing so they are part of the global network of partners committed to securing global health.


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