• 考虑到次贷风波全球信贷危机的影响,最终数据可能低。

    The final number likely will be lower still to reflect subprime-mortgage turmoil and the global credit crunch.


  • 然而澳大利亚矿业繁荣使它经济全球信贷危机恶劣影响得以喘息。

    But Australia's mining boom has cushioned the economy from the worst effects of the global credit squeeze.


  • 严重依赖银行业英国全球信贷危机遭受沉重打击,房地产市场崩溃,还面临预算赤字

    Britain, with its heavy dependence on banking, has been hit hard by the global credit crisis, its real-estate market is tumbling, and it faces a budget deficit.


  • 全球信贷危机增加资本成本私人股权交易发达市场有助于恢复国际资金兴趣

    The global credit crisis has increased the cost of capital for private equity deals in developed markets and helped renew international funds' interest in China.


  • 最近全球信贷危机引致恐慌,造成20012002年科网泡沫严重市场波动

    The recent panic sparked by the global credit crisis has triggered the most serious market turbulence since the aftermath of the dotcom mania in 2001 and 2002.


  • 全球信贷危机导致雷曼兄弟控股9月份倒掉之后购买华尔街企业亚洲欧洲中东地区运营

    Nomura bought the operations of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in Asia, Europe and the Middle East after the global credit crunch caused the Wall Street firm to collapse in September.


  • 今年全球信贷危机使华尔街每个角落工作相当紧张,对冲基金经理人底层交易员都包括在内。

    The fallout from this year's global credit crisis has claimed jobs on all corners of Wall Street, from hedge fund managers to floor traders and beyond.


  • 全球信贷危机打击日本之外亚洲地区外需前景迫于这种压力,本地区决策者纷纷致力于增进本国内需增长

    The global credit crisis and its attendant implications for the outlook for external demand for the AXJ region led policy-makers to push for stronger growth in domestic demand.


  • 中国作为世界少有几个国家借贷规模全球信贷危机爆发后不降反升——尽管部分借贷在国家指导下进行的。

    China is one of the few countries in the world where credit has accelerated since the start of the global credit crunch-though some of the lending is of the state-directed sort.


  • 美国房屋价格2007年平均下滑了10%,国际货币基金组织经济学家认为,这个因素全球信贷危机起了推波助澜的作用。

    US home prices on average declined by 10 percent in 2007, a factor IMF economists say contributed to the global credit crisis.


  • 全球信贷危机以及油价不断下跌打击了石油公司财力迫使许多石油公司削减资本支出推迟了油气开发项目的实施。

    The global credit crisis and falling oil prices have squeezed oil companies' finances and forced many to cut capital spending and postpone projects.


  • 今年全球信贷危机影响,失业大潮已经冲击华尔街各个角落,波及对冲基金经理场内交易商甚至更广的行业。

    The fallout from this year's global credit crisis has claimed jobs on all corners of Wall Street, from hedge fund managers to floor traders and beyond.


  • 消息让投资者担心迪拜债务再次引发全球信贷危机此影响,全球金融市场全面遭受重挫,伦敦股价26日更是创9个月以来跌幅新高。

    The news has affected global financial markets, with investors fearing a Dubai debt default could reignite the financial turmoil of the credit crisis.


  • Medley能源主管普赖斯(Bill Farren - Price)表示,全球信贷危机已经使得能为电力水力项目提供贷款跨国银行数量减少

    'the global credit crunch has seen the number of international Banks lending to the power and water sector decline,' said Medley energy director Bill Farren-Price.


  • 穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody' s Investors Service Inc .)周四发布评论警告称,由于日本国内经济低迷市场滑坡,日资银行现在已经被完全拖入全球信贷危机

    In a comment published Thursday, Moody's Investor's Service warned that Japan's Banks had 'now been drawn fully into the global credit crunch' amid the domestic economic downturn and market slump.


  • 面对当时全球经济危机北京方面的回应是打开信贷闸门,加大基础设施建设力度。

    Facing the global financial crisis at the time, Beijing promised to lower the threshold of financial credit and reinforce infrastructure constructions.


  • 过去一年中美国次级房贷问题引发的信贷危机严重影响全球经济

    The global economy has been rocked in the past year by a credit crisis stemming from US mortgage loan defaults.


  • 即使考虑信贷危机过去这个十年全球人均收入增长创造了历史最快的纪录。

    Even allowing for the credit crunch, this decade may well see the fastest growth in global income per person in history.


  • 抵押贷款危机之后信贷短缺全球变暖带来的威胁,如今世界面临问题可谓极其复杂,相当严峻。

    The world confronts problems of staggering complexity and consequence, from a shortage of credit following the mortgage meltdown, to the threat of global warming.


  • 信贷衍生工具可能分散了危机从而促进全球经济稳定哪些领域存在风险不再明朗

    Credit derivatives have probably improved the stability of the global economy by dispersing risk, but it is no longer clear where that risk is being held.


  • 新兴市场已经证明相当程度上避开西方信贷危机的株连,通胀证明一项全球难题

    Emerging markets have proved largely "decoupled" from the Western credit crunch but inflation is proving a global problem.


  • 华尔街问题源于可能危机全球金融系统信贷紧缩

    Wall Street's troubles came as a freeze-up in credit markets threatened to clog the global financial system.


  • 华尔街问题源于可能危机全球金融系统信贷紧缩

    Wall Street's troubles came as a freeze-up in credit markets threatened to clog the global financial system.


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