• 上个月,英国内政大臣特雷莎·梅宣布为了防止假冒申请人入境大使馆工作人员面谈10万名申请人。

    Last month the home secretary, Theresa May, announced that embassy staff would interview more than 100,000 applicants in an attempt to prevent bogus ones entering the country.


  • 有人认为变得狡猾,申请影子内政大臣工作

    Some think that he would be cannier to ask for the job of shadow home secretary.


  • 内政大臣发言人Brig

    Interior Ministry spokesman Brig.


  • 城市警察署长内政大臣进行更深入的讨论。

    I have also met with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the Home Secretary to discuss this further.


  • 内政大臣武装警察问题公开发表意见并坚持退让

    The Home Secretary nailed his colors firmly to the mast on the question of arming police.


  • 今天内政大臣英国议会宣布经过广泛咨询后结果

    Today the Home Secretary has announced to the UK Parliament the results of this extensive consultation process.


  • 内阁成员包括大卫·卡梅伦内政大臣梅伊出席欢迎仪式。

    Cabinet members including David Cameron and Theresa May were also on hand to welcome the couple.


  • 2006年5月,内政大臣查尔斯克拉克戏谑为“控制鲜有人赞同

    When Charles Clarke, home secretary until May 2006, called him a “control freak”, few disagreed.


  • 现任内政大臣阿兰·约翰逊(Alan Johnson)遵从一裁决

    The home secretary, Alan Johnson, said he would abide by the ruling.


  • 内政大臣丽萨(Theresa May)宣布建立地方票选警长机制。

    Theresa May, the home secretary, has already announced a scheme for locally elected police commissioners.


  • 内政大臣必须马上采取行动追踪这些儿童去向确保今后不会发生类似的事。

    The home secretary needs to take immediate action to trace where these children have gone and make sure it can't happen again.


  • 内政大臣Habib al -Adli严正警告不会容忍任何形式街头聚集

    The minister of interior, Habib al-Adli, issued a stern warning that no further street gatherings of any kind would be tolerated.


  • 莎•梅2010年起便担任英国内政大臣于7月13正式就任英国首相。

    Theresa May, who since 2010 has served as Britain's home secretary, is to assume the top job on July 13.


  • 虽然内政大臣特里萨·坚称新的警察体制不会体制的花销大,但其他人并不像她那么乐观。

    Though Theresa May, the home secretary, gamely insists that the new system should cost no more than the old one, others are less sanguine.


  • 英国内政大臣特雷莎·梅今天透露米德兰兹机场发现爆炸物包裹有效能够引爆的”。

    Theresa May, Britain's home secretary, revealed today that the explosive device found in the package at East Midlands airport was "viable and could have exploded".


  • 英国边境局的主管证实了梅描述他说克里克承认自己擅自逾越了内政大臣指令范围。

    UKBA's chief executive confirmed her account, saying Mr Clark had admitted to exceeding ministerial instructions.


  • 当时莎·还是英国内政大臣演讲进一步阐释可能带来经济利益

    Speaking at the bank in London on 26 May, the then home secretary appeared to go further than her public remarks to explain more clearly the economic benefits of staying in the EU.


  • 内政大臣苏格兰北爱尔兰国务大臣的指导英国警察地组建地方管理为基础

    Thee police service for United Kingdom is organized and controlled on a local basis under the Home Secretary and the Scottish and Northern Ireland Secretaries.


  • 英国内政大臣特雷莎梅在宣布举措时说:“认为会说英语每个在英国定居来说都必不可少。”

    "I believe being able to speak English should be a pre-requisite for anyone who wants to settle here," said Home Secretary Theresa May, announcing the new measures.


  • 英国内政大臣发誓要“消灭派出卧底警察在酒吧闲逛,使同性恋者落入陷阱,他们监狱。

    In Britain, on the orders of a home secretary who vowed to "eradicate" it, undercover police were sent out to loiter in bars, entrap gay men and put them in jail.


  • 内政大臣表示收紧移民政策确保英国定居人数总数减少只有有利于国家将被允许留下来

    The Home Secretary has said immigration rules will be tightened to ensure the total number of people settling in the UK is reduced and only those who will benefit the country will be allowed to stay.


  • 我们有一套强健安全和治安策略,”内政大臣特丽莎·本月将会宣布一系列演习模仿可能会出现的问题场面

    "We have a robust safety and security strategy," Home Secretary Theresa May said this month when announcing a set of exercises to simulate possible problem scenarios.


  • 英国商务大臣文斯·凯布尔英国内政大臣特雷莎•梅16谴责现行产假过时呆板和带有性别歧视的”。

    Business Secretary Vince Cable and Home Secretary Theresa May condemned on 16th that Britain's existing maternity leave rules as "old-fashioned, inflexible and gender-biased".


  • 印度内政大臣g.k.皮上个月公布普查数据时说:“过去40里,我们手段用尽也取得任何效果。”

    "Whatever measures that have been put in over the last 40 years have not had any impact," India's Home Secretary G.K. Pillai said last month when announcing the census Numbers.


  • 5月6日内政大臣雅基·史密斯宣布今年秋天起,目前仅限于欧洲公民内实施的身份证计划曼彻斯特首先试行

    On May 6th Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, announced that from this autumn the scheme, which until now has applied only to certain non-European folk, would be tried out in Manchester.


  • 随后英国内政大臣特雷莎·梅宣布禁止来自也门索马里航空货运入境并且对航空货运安全进行全面评估

    British Home Secretary Theresa May later announced that Britain will suspend unaccompanied cargo from Yemen and Somalia into the country and review all aspects of air freight security.


  • 随后英国内政大臣特雷莎·梅宣布禁止来自也门索马里航空货运入境并且对航空货运安全进行全面评估

    British Home Secretary Theresa May later announced that Britain will suspend unaccompanied cargo from Yemen and Somalia into the country and review all aspects of air freight security.


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