• 免疫水平白喉抗体甲肝抗体。

    Immune level; Diphtheria antibody; Hepatitis a antibody.


  • 可以使机体免疫水平抗病能力一定提高

    May enable organism the immunity horizontal, the disease-resistant ability to have certain enhancement.


  • 本次调查结果7周岁年龄组免疫水平低。

    From this investigation result looked 7 full year old of age groups the immunity levels are lower.


  • 研究达到一定免疫水平的早产儿足月婴儿数量相同。

    The same number of preterm infants and full-term infants in the study reached a level of immunity considered protective against the diseases.


  • 前言:目的:探讨胃癌患者术前免疫水平病情及预后关系

    Objective: To explore the relationship between the preoperative immune state and the progress, the prognosis in patients with gastric carcinoma.


  • 目的了解辽宁省正常人群不同年龄组抗麻疹病毒抗体免疫水平

    Objective To know neutralization antibody level against measles virus (MV) of health people in the Liaoning province.


  • 从而验证了无角多赛特羊当地蒙古细胞免疫水平差异

    The result testified the difference ability of anti-infection for Nematodirus SPP between Polled Dorset and Mongolia sheep.


  • 病例增加强调迫切需要开展高质量免疫运动以便迅速增强人群免疫水平

    The rise in cases underlines the urgent need to conduct high-quality immunization campaigns to rapidly boost population immunity levels.


  • 探讨腐植酸生长免疫水平影响,选择24健康体重在26

    In order to investigate the effects of sodium humate on immunological level in growing pigs, 24 healthy growing pigs with weight of 26.


  • 目的调查洪涝灾区健康人群免疫水平探讨洪涝灾区控制体病流行对策

    Objective Discussing the countermeasures for controlling prevalence of leptospirosis by investigating the influence of flooding toward prevalence factors of leptospirosis.


  • 结论腹腔注射口服pip可显著提高化疗小鼠免疫水平效果基本一致

    Conclusions After IP or Po of PIP, the immune level of the mice with chemotherapy were significantly enhanced and the effects of both IP and Po groups were the same.


  • 目的了解柳州市预防接种儿童免疫水平进一步做好免疫规划工作提供科学依据。

    Objective To understand the change of immune status among children after preventive vaccination, provide scientific evidence for the work in the future.


  • 第10采集血清样本进行hiv抗体亚型检测,然后处死小鼠检测小鼠的细胞免疫水平

    Blood sample was collected, antibody subtypes against HIV were detected, and mice were killed and cellular immune response was examined by ELISPOT at 10 week.


  • 证实该中药复方促进雏鸡细胞免疫水平增强其非特异性免疫功能促进免疫器官发育

    The results indicated that the Chinese materia medica could improve level of cellular immunity, enhance non-specific immunological function and promote growth of the immune organs.


  • 英国普通感冒研究小组年代的研究表明流感暴露细胞免疫水平最高没有生病没有携带病毒

    Studies at the UK Common Cold Unit in the 1980s showed that people with the highest cell-mediated immunity before exposure to flu didn't get sick or shed virus.


  • 目的应用实验室免疫血清学方法监测合肥市流行性脊髓(流脑)患者感染状况以及易感人群免疫水平

    Objective To determine the infection status and immunity level of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis in susceptible population in Hefei based on immunoserological surveillance.


  • 现在,许多以及托儿所(特别是华盛顿俄勒冈佛蒙特加利福尼亚等州),接种率远远低于群体免疫水平

    In many counties, towns and nursery schools — within Washington state, Oregon, Vermont and California, especially-vaccination rates are now far below the herd-immunity level.


  • 卫生部门可能一个孩子进行免疫水平检测而且再次注射的麻疹疫苗对于已经注射过该疫苗的儿童没有任何伤害的。

    It is not possible for health authorities to test each and every child for immunity, and there is no harm in vaccinated children receiving an additional dose.


  • 目的了解流动人口麻疹、百日咳白喉免疫水平,及影响免疫水平因素,1998年对宝安区流动人口免疫水平进行监测。

    Objective: in order to find out the immunity levels and influencing factors of floating population. The immunity levels were monitored among floating population in Baoan district in 1998.


  • 目的运用定量酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测人群麻疹免疫水平,探索影响因素,并为确定麻疹易感者及其免疫策略提供科学依据。

    Objective to detect the measles immunity and to study the impact of demographic and other factors on the levels of antibodies by quantitative ELISA.


  • 芝加哥西北大学费利斯博士说:“人们睡眠不足时他们体内应激激素水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。”

    "When people are sleep-deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies which can decrease immune function," says Doctor Felice of Northwestern University in Chicago.


  • 人们睡眠不足时他们体内应激激素水平会升高,造成免疫功能下降

    When people are sleep-deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, which can decrease immune function.


  • 芝加哥西北大学费利斯博士说:“人们睡眠不足时,他们体内压力荷尔蒙水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。”

    "When people are sleep deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, which can decrease immune function." says Doctor Felice of Northwestern University in Chicago.


  • 芝加哥西北大学博士费利斯·徐说:“人们睡眠不足时他们体内应激激素水平会升高,这会降低免疫功能。”

    "When people are sleep-deprived, there are higher levels of stress hormones in their bodies, which can decrease immune function," says Dr. Phyllis Zee of Northwestern University in Chicago.


  • 那些记忆测试表现良好人,其体内免疫球蛋白A水平会升高免疫球蛋白 A 是一种抗体人体抵御细菌一道防线

    Those who did well on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that's the body's first line of defense against germs.


  • 加上之前的研究表明捕食出现使被捕食者的压力水平升高,降低了它们免疫系统机能,使它们更易生病乃至于死亡

    And previous studies have shown that the presence of predators ups stress levels in prey, weakening their immune systems and making them more vulnerable to disease-and death.


  • 许多研究都表明摄入理想水平维他命矿物质提高免疫系统功能防止各种癌症

    Many studies suggest getting the ideal levels of vitamins and minerals can improve your immune system function and help prevent a variety of cancers.


  • 可降低应激激素水平加强免疫系统

    Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system.


  • 一个巴黎市中心城市鸽子研究显示黑色素水平较高的鸽子更强免疫系统

    A study of urban pigeons in central Paris has shown that birds with higher levels of the dark pigment melanin have stronger immune systems.


  • 小组研究表明鸟类可能经进化产生较高水平黑色素保护免疫系统

    Her team's research suggests that the birds may have evolved to produce higher levels of melanin in order to protect their immune systems.


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