• 最后评价了破伤风类毒素微球免疫效果

    Finally the immunogenicity of tetanus toxoid encapsulated in the microspheres was evaluated.


  • 新生儿卡介苗接种免疫效果进行比较

    Each BCG vaccine for 5 newborns. Compare the efficacy of BCG vaccination of two group.


  • 免疫防治防治过程免疫效果因素控制。

    During the process of preventing fish from disease, effects of immune protect are controlled by various factors.


  • 目的观察A群流脑多糖菌苗免疫效果免疫持久性。

    Objective: To observe the effect and endurance of the polysaccharose vaccine for prevention of epidemic encephalitis caused by Type a virus.


  • 7种对氧磷人工抗原中,对氧磷-破伤风类毒素免疫效果最好

    Among the 7 artificial paraoxon antigens studied, we found that paraoxon-tetanus toxoid has the best immunologic effect.


  • 用氢氧化铝作佐剂皮下注射途径免疫小鼠获得了理想免疫效果

    The optimized method of immune was established by hypodermic injection with the adjuvant of aluminum hydroxide.


  • 结论接种乙肝疫苗免疫失败儿童接种甲肝减毒活疫苗免疫效果健康儿童差。

    Conclusion Anti HAV IgG response of the children who failed to respond to HBV vaccine after injected with the live attenuated HAV vaccine was lower than that of normal children.


  • 制备大肠杆菌自家苗时,为了达到理想免疫效果必须进行大肠杆菌菌测定

    To achieve an ideal effect of vaccination, Escherichia coli counts must be measured in preparing an own vaccine against fowl Escherichia coli.


  • 目的观察腮腺炎疫苗分别甲肝、白破、风疹疫苗同时接种临床反应免疫效果

    Objective: to observe clinical reactions and immune responses of combined vaccinations of mumps and hepatitis a, rubella vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus toxoids respectively.


  • 所以黄白增强接种RHD疫苗特异性免疫功能增强RHD疫苗的免疫效果

    "Yellow white powder" could enhance the specific immune function of rabbit inoculated with RHD vaccine, and increase the immune effect of RHD vaccine.


  • 研究人员解释说这种保护性免疫效果可能儿童早期接触携带细菌宠物有关。

    Researchers suggest this protective effect may be the result of early exposure to lots of bacteria that are carried by dogs and cats.


  • 目的研究联合运用狂犬病毒糖蛋白基因重组病毒同一抗原核酸疫苗对小鼠免疫效果

    Objective To investigate the immune response of mice primed by DNA particle bombing and boosted by immunization with replication-defective adenoviral recombinant bearing rabies glycoprotein gene.


  • 目的研究聚糖纳米粒作为蛋白类疫苗载体评价其鼻腔药后所产生免疫效果

    OBJECTIVE to prepare Chitosan nanoparticles (NPs) as new carriers for vaccine delivery and to evaluate the effect of this system on the immune response for intranasal delivery.


  • 目的探讨抗HBV特异性主动免疫疗法标准重组乙型肝炎(乙肝疫苗无应答免疫效果

    Objective To investigate the effects of anti-HBV specific active immunotherapy on non-responsive persons immunized with standard recombinant hepatitis B vaccine.


  • 卡介苗确实儿童播散结核一定保护效果但是免疫效果接种10以后逐步减退

    BCG is indeed disseminated tuberculosis in children must have a protective effect, but the effect of the immune at vaccination gradually decreased after 10 years.


  • 目的研究白细胞介素6 (IL 6)复制痘苗病毒中的表达及其重组痘苗病毒免疫效果的影响。

    Objective To investigate expression of IL 6 in non replicating vaccinia virus and its immune effects on recombinant virus.


  • RNA病毒作为疫苗载体操作性免疫效果方面有着显著优势近年成为疫苗研究领域的热点。

    Using RNA virus as vaccine vector are becoming hotspots in the field of vaccine research these years for their prominent advantages such as easy manipulation and high efficiency.


  • 因此必要研制开发提高免疫增强疫苗免疫效果,维持时间长的APS剂型,达到控制该病的目的。

    Therefore it is necessary to develop new type APS to be used to enhance the chicken immunity, and the vaccine immunity effect, to effectively control this disease.


  • 为评价疫苗免疫效果,从而为鳗弧菌疫苗的推广应用提供理论根据,还研究了鲈鱼对鳗弧菌疫苗的免疫应答。

    Following vaccination, the efficacy of vaccine preparations on fish was studied by using nonspecific immune assays and monitoring specific antibody production (ELISA) and artificial challenge tests.


  • 评价接种酵母重组乙肝疫苗(基因疫苗)免疫效果免疫持久性,基因疫苗推广应用及高危新生儿乙型肝炎的预防提供依据。

    To assess the immunogenecity and efficacy of the yeast recombinant hepatitis B vaccine (YHB vaccine) for the prevention of hepatitis B in the newborns.


  • 结论RMA肿瘤模型中,GM -CSF基因转导肿瘤细胞瘤苗有较好的肿瘤免疫效果,此法有可能成为治疗肿瘤的有效途径

    Conclusion: GM-CSF gene transfered tumor vaccine in RMA tumor model induced better antitumor immune effect and will be a novel approach to ca ncer in the future.


  • 检测产毒素多杀性巴氏杆菌毒素抗体疫苗免疫效果评价PMT抗体的监测提供一种重要方法,并猪进行性萎缩性鼻炎诊断提供依据

    Detection of PMT antibodies can provide an important method for the evaluation of the quality of vaccine and PMT antibodies detection. It can also provide evidence for the diagnosis of PAR.


  • 目的探讨采用乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白(HBIG)阻断孕妇乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染新生儿乙型肝炎(简称乙肝)基因疫苗免疫效果的影响。

    AbstractObjectiveTo explore the effect on neonatal immunization with hepatitis B gene vaccine by interrupting HBV infection in pregnant women with HBIG 200IU.


  • Sanaria公司疫苗旨在提供90%以上的免疫效果该公司总裁斯蒂芬·霍夫曼说曾是美国海军研究员,于8年前厨房开始创建自己公司。

    Sanaria's vaccine aims for 90% protection or even higher, says CEO Stephen Hoffman, a former U. S. Navy researcher who started the company in his kitchen 8 years ago.


  • 随后,这组科学家合成了这个区域基因所产生氨基酸序列——或者蛋白质人类猴子免疫细胞中测试它们的效果

    They then synthesised the series of amino acids - or proteins - that the region of the genes produce, and tested their effects on human and monkey immune cells.


  • 自然产生的脂肪——多来自动物制品——已经证明糖尿病心血管疾病免疫积极效果

    One type of natural trans fat, found in animal products, has been shown to have beneficial effects on diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and immune response.


  • 专家好消息人们只是偶尔咖啡才能达到这个效果,否则,大脑会对此积极作用产生免疫

    Experts say the good news is humans will only get this effect if they drink coffee every now and then.Otherwise, the brain becomes "immune" to its positive effects.


  • 专家好消息人们只是偶尔喝咖啡才能达到这个效果否则大脑会对此积极作用产生免疫

    Experts say the good news is humans will only get this effect if they drink coffee every now and then. Otherwise, the brain becomes "immune" to its positive effects.


  • 如果感染初期就实施这种治疗那时病人还保有较免疫功能,这种功能性治愈的效果可能出现

    The latter result would be more likely if therapy were initiated early in the course of infection, when significant immune function remains.


  • 如果感染初期就实施这种治疗那时病人还保有较免疫功能,这种功能性治愈的效果可能出现

    The latter result would be more likely if therapy were initiated early in the course of infection, when significant immune function remains.


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