• 除非廉价可再生能源,否则制造足够成本可能高得令人望而却步,似乎只是未来愿望近期能实现

    Generating enough light could be prohibitively expensive, unless cheap, renewable energy is available, and this appears to be rather a future aspiration than a likelihood for the near future.


  • 贬值提高所有进口卫生开支——药品灭菌锅注射器X其它医疗设备当地货币成本

    Devaluations increase the costs in local currencies of all imported health expenditures: medicines, autoclaves, syringes, X-ray machines and other hospital equipment.


  • 然而不久,由于太阳能电池板供过于求电站建设成本下降了四分之一

    Shortly afterwards, a glut of solar panels led to a fall of about a quarter in the price of building a solar farm.


  • 汇丰银行一位分析师估计风力发电成本只有发电站发电成本的六分之一。

    Analysts at HSBC, a bank, reckon that the full cost of producing power from wind turbines, for instance, is about one sixth the cost of producing it from photovoltaic plants.


  • 发电量德国总发电量中只占很小一部分时,这种额外成本容易被忽视

    When solar contributed a minuscule proportion of Germany’s total power output that excess was easily overlooked.


  • 2008年以来,组件每兆瓦成本下降了60%。

    It said that the cost of PV modules had fallen on a per-MW basis by 60% since 2008.


  • 正在改写摩尔定律”,Paniccia,“我们结合了,以及成本高产量高扩展性优点。”

    "I'm drafting Moore's law," says Paniccia. "We've enabled the benefits of using light with the low-cost, high-volume, scalability of silicon." in.


  • 发明相比于公像素结构制作方法可以简化工艺步骤减少掩模制作成本

    Compared with the well known manufacturing method of a pixel structure, the invention can simplify processing steps and reduces the manufacturing cost of photomask.


  • 为了降低WDM网络传输交换成本,人们提出了波带交换(WBS)技术,并对此进行大量研究

    In order to reduce the switching and transmission cost in the optical domain of WDM networks, WaveBand switching (WBS) has been proposed, for which considerable research has been conducted.


  • 查尔斯·米勒建议,尝试基因工程在大肠杆菌里基因物质,而不是在利用可以进行合作用蓝藻的基因的犹他州立大学代表队最终目标应该制造成本更低的疫苗藻类为基础的“绿色燃料不像大肠杆菌那样,蓝藻需要生存来源,而不是水化合物。

    Miller says the ultimate goal is to make it cheaper to produce vaccines and algae-based "green" fuels. Unlike e. coli, cyanobacteria only need water and sunlight to survive instead of a carbon source.


  • 中国太阳能发电价格考虑土地成本的情况下到了千瓦时1以下,其中发电的价格已经降到0.73元。

    While China's solar power price, in not consider land costs have fallen to every KWH 1 yuan, of which (pv) power prices have fallen to 0.73 yuan.


  • 建筑物立面完全覆盖成本胶合板面板创造出质的表面这些表面吸入内部的开口处而中断

    The building's facades are clad entirely in low-cost plywood panels, creating homogenous surfaces which are interrupted only by openings positioned to draw light into the interior.


  • 工业魔的生物部门制作个亚扎姆道具,但是这个生物设定成本太高,无法批量制作。

    Although ILM's creature department produced a single Yuzzum, the creature design proved too costly to replicate in large Numbers.


  • 而如果转化率提高平均单位发电成本就会随之降低,从而在增加受装置面积情况下提高发电量。

    Boosting the conversion rate higher reduces the per-unit cost of generating the electricity, producing more power without requiring more space for the solar panels.


  • 单晶硅多晶硅体太阳能电池成本居高不下,非和非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池又衰退效应的困扰。

    The cost of crystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon solar cell is high steadily, amorphous silicon and amorphous silicon thin film solar cell has "optical-induced degradation".


  • 应用时空分割原理通过、机、电一体化技术即可减少二极管使用数量,降低成本

    By applying the principle of time-space, light-machine-electricity integration can reduce the use of LED to cut down the cost.


  • 假如北京上海广东这样地方人力成本一点就足以囊中羞涩马云支撑不住

    If be in such Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong place, smooth manpower cost this let impoverished ma Yun be not propped up with respect to enough.


  • 导向切换功能提高成本下的机械性能

    Switchable Light Guides for Improved Cost performance.


  • 目前水泵的推广面临两个方面的障碍,一方面应用较多的专用型伏机成本较高;另一方面利用通用变频器驱动通用机泵时伏利用率低。

    The special inverter and pump for photovoltaic water pump is expensive and making using of general inverter to drive general water pump can not tracks point of maximal power.


  • 综合PON技术以太网技术二者优点,以带宽成本使用、易升级的优良特性成为接入网最佳选择。

    It combines the advantage of PON technology and Ethernet technology. With its feature of high bandwidth, low cost and being used and updated easily, EPON is the best solution for access network.


  • 镜架对的遮挡最小,结构简单成本低廉

    The mirror holder shields the light through hole least. Theholder is constructed simple and cost low.


  • 紧随其后就是自然品牌年后次级啤酒通常会稍微不同原料成本约有60% - 75%的溢价

    This was followed by the Natural light brand a few years later. Sub-premium beer usually has slightly different amount of ingredients and costs about 60%-75% of its premium counterparts.


  • 对于剧中女主人公来说,上海生活只是意味着高昂的生活成本巨大的压力,没有半点兴奋,也无从享受十色的夜生活

    For the heroine, living in Shanghai just means high living expenses and stress rather than excitement and a glitzy nightlife.


  • 采用测定麦芽糖含量测试方法简单成本低廉,满足一定范围质量检测要求

    Using the method of polarimetry to measure the content of maltose is simple, low cost, and it can suffice the demand of certain quality detection.


  • 低功耗成本、高集成度接收发射机的研究方兴未艾

    Also this trend motivates research on low-power, low-cost and monolithically integrated optic-fiber transceivers.


  • 另外部件市场由于市场分散人力成本高、开工率价格竞争激烈原因,仍摆脱困境

    In addition the optical device market is hard to get rid of troubles for the following reasons decentralization of market cost of human resources low rate of operation fierce price competition etc.


  • 另外部件市场由于市场分散人力成本高、开工率价格竞争激烈原因,仍摆脱困境

    In addition the optical device market is hard to get rid of troubles for the following reasons decentralization of market cost of human resources low rate of operation fierce price competition etc.


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