• J2EE当前流行的先进网络分布式应用程序的开发平台规范

    J2EE is a currently popular developing-platform specification which should be obeyed in developing the distributed network application.


  • 基于交换技术下一代网络是以IP网络为核心,同时支持语音数据多媒体业务融合性的先进网络

    The next generation of networks based on SOFTSWTICH technology, is the IP networks core, and support voice, data and multimedia operation at confluent advanced networks.


  • 自从先进可靠办公网络系统出现以来,数据存储已经不再是纸质的档案了。

    Since the advent of advanced and reliable office-network systems, data storage has moved away from paper archives.


  • 这个先进数据网络将会扩大德国全球信息栅格陆军作战范围

    The advanced data network will extend the Global Information Grid and service Army operations in Germany.


  • 雄心勃勃的研究人员认为年内他们可以映射人类大脑采用先进图像导航神经元之间复杂网络

    Ambitious researchers think they might be able to map the human brain in just five years, navigating the complex networks between neurons by using advanced images.


  • 而更加先进的第三代(3G)网络传输速率高达其 35

    More advanced 3G networks transmit at speeds up to 35 times faster.


  • 随着现代笔记本电脑发明宽带网络接入先进通讯软件的普及使用,工作不再一定办公室里才能完成。

    With the invention of modern laptops, ubiqity of broadband Internet access, and advances in communication software, there is no longer a need to be in the office.


  • 不要类系统认作是个人电脑网络,它们终端机很可能一些手掌般的手机,其智能程度远远超过如今先进台式计算机。

    Don't think of these as PC networks. The terminals would just as likely be cell phones of palm-like devices, each one far smarter than today's heftiest desktops.


  • 先进程序通过在一个词汇短语定义网络过滤文件

    More advanced programs filter documents through a large web of word and phrase definitions.


  • 阿联酋监管官员莓的专用网络先进加密技术使该手机经因特网发送信息安全得过了头。

    The UAE's regulators say the BlackBerry's proprietary network and tight encryption make messages the devices send over the Internet too secure.


  • 如果说社交网络能够改变我们大脑线路那么是的也许我们生活一种乌托邦般的世界,在那里先进技术每个人真正的友谊联系起来。

    If social networking were changing our brains' wiring, then, yes, maybe we would one day live in some utopian world where technology connected everyone in a meaningful friendship.


  • XF-I系统先进EPLRS有效波形用于通信、战术位置定位信息电子对抗,可提供有力、具备自我修复能力的环境自适应网络

    The XF-I system uses the most advanced EPLRS waveform available for communications, critical position location information and effective electronic counter-countermeasures.


  • 我们这个机器人主要集中智力开发,这得利于韩国先进网络技术。”还说,它的技术水平目前人类发明的机器人中最高的。

    "We developed this humanoid focusing on intelligence capability by taking advantage of networking technology in which South Korea (news - web sites) is strong, " he said.


  • 磁盘存储系统EurologicSANbloc光纤通道(FiberChannel)网络存储系统,其特点是采用了先进2gb光纤通道技术

    The disk storage system is the Eurologic SANbloc Fiber Channel network storage system, featuring advanced 2gb Fiber Channel technology.


  • 智能手机是一类拥有电子邮件网络浏览等先进功能手机很快赢得了广大消费者的喜爱

    Smart phonescellphones with advanced capabilities including email and Web surfinghave rapidly gained in popularity.


  • 澳洲电信比原计划提前几个月建设完了第三先进移动电话通讯网络,但这只是表面文章,于事无补,充其量只是在Trujillo的乐章中奏出不和谐的音符

    Even the flashy launch of Telstra's advanced third-generation mobile-phone network, completed months ahead of schedule, struck an awkwardly discordant note.


  • 人们使用一系列先进技术管理数据中心包括服务器虚拟化(15%)、服务器管理工具(14%)、存储统一(13%)以及网络管理工具(12%)。

    A list of top technologies used to manage data centers include: server virtualization (15%), server management tools (14%), storage consolidation (13%) and network management tools (12%).


  • RAAF空战办公室负责人Steve Roberton上校介绍,RAAF超级大黄蜂战斗机带来一代空军力量,其先进网络化武器系统将通过空对空频谱澳大利亚增强至关重要的空军战斗、战略陆地和海洋攻击能力。

    "The RAAF Super Hornet will bring a new generation of air power to Australia," said Group Capt. Steve Roberton, Head Air Combat Transition Office, RAAF.


  • 看了《大地惊雷看《社交网络》,感受到种完全不同文明遥相呼应,这两种文明分别来自先进硅谷荒蛮山野

    Look at "the Social Network" again after seeing "True Grit," and you'll see two different civilizations, as far removed from each other in ethos as Silicon Valley and Monument Valley.


  • 我们这个机器人主要集中于智力开发,这得利于韩国先进网络技术

    "We developed this humanoid focusing on intelligence capability by taking advantage of networking technology in which South Korea (news - web sites) is strong," he said.


  • 但是20世纪之后,许多诸如网络服务、网格先进技术出现这项数字图书馆计划研究课题,终于这些技术的帮助下扬帆远航

    But after 20th century, many advanced technologies such as Webservice, GRID appeared. This digital library research topic could go ahead based on these new technologies.


  • 对于那些依赖网络应用程序的人(使用在线邮件服务的人)确实一个优秀的功能然而缺点在于网站行针对性的设置这个功能才能派上用场。

    This is indeed a great feature for those that rely on web applications (email applications come to mind, mostly), but sadly, websites have to manually implement support for this before it works.


  • 觉得互联网一个非常先进信息网络简化了收集信息的任务一旦掌握语言就是

    I feel that the Internet is a very advanced information networking, and simplifies the task of gathering information, once you've mastered the language, that is.


  • ACMS第三网络勇士系统,由先进C4I装备武装并具有网络能力

    The ACMS is a 3rd Generation Networked Warrior System that is fully equipped with advanced C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence) and networking capabilities.


  • 为了有效地发挥SDH提供灵活性需要先进网络管理维护能力

    Advanced network management and maintenance capabilities are required to effectively manage the flexibility provided by SDH.


  • 先进电子网络正在使人们越过时间距离障碍利用以往无法想象商业机遇

    Advanced electronic networks are allowing people to transcend the barriers of time and distance and take advantage of business opportunities never before imagined.


  • 海洋平台电力配电自动化系统基本框架结构:结构采用控制三层网络方式安全可靠先进扩展

    The sea platform electric power distribution automated system basic structure is: In the structure USES two level control, three networks ways, safe reliable, advanced are easy to expand.


  • 海洋平台电力配电自动化系统基本框架结构:结构采用控制三层网络方式安全可靠先进扩展

    The sea platform electric power distribution automated system basic structure is: In the structure USES two level control, three networks ways, safe reliable, advanced are easy to expand.


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