• 不同气味可以我们提供亲密充满感情体验我们这些体验的重视社会成员非常个人化的方式内化

    Different smells can provide us with intimate and emotionally charged experiences and the value that we attach to these experiences is interiorised by the members of society in a deeply personal way.


  • 老师,充满感情谈话代替代数希腊文来使欢心

    The faithless tutor entertained him with sentimental conversations in place of lectures on algebra and Greek.


  • 员以充满感情这辞表达和平的期望而结束了他的演讲

    The speaker ended his speech with a feelingful expression of his hope for peace.


  • 如果获得充满感情关系一个个充满感情的时刻感激

    If you want a soulful relationship, be grateful for the soulful moments.


  • 口音充满感情调调段视频透着幽默迅速席卷了社交媒体

    His accent and lyrical tone gave the video a vibe of humor and swept social media immediately.


  • 所有即兴演讲眼泪充满感情语塞,真实的”,Streiber

    All of those flustered speeches and tears and choking back of emotionsall of that is real, " Streiber says."


  • 但是年前英国留学时,她在收音机听到一首充满感情有关回家的歌曲。

    But five years ago, while she was studying abroad in England, she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio.


  • 今天早上,看上去像是为了减轻对刑罚这个73的被告向法官做了一番充满感情演讲。

    In what was seen as a last-ditch attempt to mitigate his punishment, the 73-year-old defendant had made an emotional statement to court this morning.


  • 狮子星座带给非常真挚充满感情两性关系。你会因此渴望爱人感到温暖宽容

    Leo will grant you very sincere and affectionate relationships in which you desire to bring happiness and an overall feeling of charitable spirit and warmth to your loved one.


  • 今天早上,看上去像是为了减轻对刑罚这个73的被告向法官做了一番充满感情演讲。

    In what was seen as a last-ditch attempt to mitigate his punishment, the 73 - year - old defendant had made an emotional statement to court this morning.


  • 如今以色列魏茨曼科学研究所研究人员发现人们充满感情眼泪明显男人产生生理影响

    Now researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel find that women’s emotional tears have definite physiological effects on men.


  • 如果收信人亲近的话,可以注上拥抱亲吻之类的符号这样可以使封信洋溢充满感情的真诚

    Add hug and kiss symbols if you're close to the letter recipient, as this adds to the affectionate sincerity behind the letter.


  • 侄子21岁生日照片里,我妈妈留下了一段深情评论听到妈妈充满感情的声音不禁微笑起来

    I smiled listening to my Mom's emotional tone in a heartfelt comment that she left with a photo of my cousin's 21st birthday.


  • 干妈是一种充满感情称呼,可以大致翻译成“教母”,之所以这样命名可能是因为瓶罐上这个慈祥的女人

    Lao Gan ma, an affectionate term that translates loosely to "godmother", is likely named so because of the woman gracing every jar's label.


  • 最近他们聊天赫斯科维兹回忆说,“哈吉斯进门,‘我喜欢你们这些家伙的这个充满感情节目

    When I talked to them recently, Herskovitz recalled, "Paul walked in the door and said, 'I love the fact that you guys are doing a show all about emotions."


  • 通过一时期细节艺妓回忆录深深地认同感,这部抒情的和充满感情的小说探究神秘的人类关系女性友谊

    With the period detail and deep resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha, this lyrical and emotionally charged novel delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships: female friendship.


  • 人们看到“戴珍珠耳环女孩冷静充满感情凝视不禁要问:弗米尔究竟是什么为什么要画这些?

    When one looks at the cool but passionate gaze from the "Girl with a Pearl Earring 'one cannot help asking: what did Vermeer really paint, and why?"


  • 随后太阳唱片公司的老板萨姆·菲利普斯听到猫王充满感情的嗓音时终于找到一直在寻找的歌手—歌声像黑人白人

    Later, when Sun Records owner Sam Phillips heard Elvis' soulful voice, he thought he had finally found what he had been looking for-a white man who sounded black.


  • 不过,当我们情绪激动时会流下泪水而且我们早就知道,这种充满感情泪水,化学形式而言眼睛受到刺激而流的完全不同

    But we also produce emotional tears. And it's long been known that emotional tears are chemically different from poke-in-the-eye tears.


  • 因此沃尔玛导购员角色情感可能会令人疲惫不堪因为几乎很少有,如果有的话导购员顾客之间互动活动充满感情

    Thus the role of Wal-Mart greeters is unlikely to be emotionally exhausting, because few, if any, interactions between the greeter and customers are emotionally charged.


  • 色彩可以唤起人们的感情。色彩充满感性的。正确使用色彩可以增加说服力激发力研究表明,使用色彩可以提高人们的学习兴趣增强理解记忆

    Color evokes feelings. Color is emotional. The right color can help persuade and motivate. Studies show that color usage can increase interest and improve learning comprehension and retention.


  • 也因为此对这个威尔士首都充满感情

    For all that, he remains fond of the Welsh capital.


  • 眼中那个国家曾经一个复苏的,充满希望的,“失乐园似的感情上它曾经哺育过母亲父亲一代人

    The country I knew was one of revival and hope and "paradise lost" was a sentiment once reserved for the generation of my mother and father.


  • 充满诚挚感情告诉自己可以一样,我是个天生演说家。”

    Tell yourself with all the sincerity and emotions that "I can be like him." I am a natural born speaker.


  • 约翰内斯堡金山大学教授塔乔,对有着非洲血统人们来说,一个充满感情而且具有历史意义的时刻

    A professor at Johannesburg's Witwatersrand University, Veronique Tadjo, says for people with African ancestry it was an emotional as well as historic moment.


  • 自己要说充满强烈感情时,竖起手使你的观点更明了,重要的,可能表现我们自信有力的方式。

    Steepling is important to get your point across that you feel strongly about what you are saying, it is probably the most powerful display of confidence that we possess.


  • 大多数维也纳人坚定充满感情地把圆舞曲看作一种属于自己的音乐形式

    In most Viennese heads, nothing except the waltz is so firmly and so affectionately fixed as the one truly indigenous musical form.


  • 大多数维也纳人坚定充满感情地把圆舞曲看作一种属于自己的音乐形式

    In most Viennese heads, nothing except the waltz is so firmly and so affectionately fixed as the one truly indigenous musical form.


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