• 《镜报》时尚编辑安伯·莫拉莱斯说:“彩色紧身衣亮色手套围巾等便宜的时尚元素过时服装流行起来。”

    "Cheap fashion fixes like colored tights and bright gloves and scarves will give dated outfits a lift," said Mirror fashion editor Amber Morales.


  • 其中一项关键革新扩展性元素序列1.0中,附加元素只能紧跟复杂类型定义后面

    One of the key innovations, is the ability to weave extensibility within element sequences, while in 1.0 additional elements had to be tail-gated at the end of complex type definitions.


  • 如果很多讲西班牙语的读者,那么我们可以使用link元素那些读者提供一个文章的西班牙语的链接。

    If we had a large Spanish readership, we could provide those readers with a link to the article in Spanish by using the link element.


  • 3.7.3中,必须紧跟名称属性RequestSecurityToken的操作元素后面,如上面的示例所示。

    In 3.7.3, it must immediately follow the operation element whose name attribute is RequestSecurityToken, as in the preceding example.


  • 一个关联这个必须实现IProjectNature可以生成器其他元素添加工作台但是这个第二HSQLDB插件需要任何事情

    It is associated with a class that must implement IProjectNature and which can add builders and other elements to the workbench, but for this second release HSQLDB plugin does not need to do anything.


  • 如果下载3.1,则下面路径指向Candidate元素相关文档

    In the case of the version 3.1 download, here is a path to the documentation related to the Candidate element.


  • 代替清单2中的元素现在1.1包含了一个环境元素元素清单3中所元素组成。

    In place of the elements in Listing 2, version 1.1 now includes an environment element, which consists of the subelements shown in Listing 3.


  • 因为支持命名空间,所以2.0允许连锁提示中增加元素只要这些元素属于不同命名空间即可。

    By allowing namespaces, version 2.0 makes it possible for a syndicator to add elements to the feed, as long as they're in a different namespace.


  • 除了中文幕后配音明星阵容外,人们可以找到影片中的一些其他中国元素——这由于中国投资方参与了此片。

    In addition to the all-star cast who dubbed the Chinese version, people may find several other Chinese elements in the film -that's the result of Chinese investment on this film.


  • 以前的DB 2本一样DB2分解功能依靠注释XML模式xml属性元素映射关系特定

    As with previous releases, DB2's decomposition facility relies on an annotated XML schema to map XML attributes and elements to specific columns of relational tables.


  • 演示具有许多前作优秀元素潜行、丰富的武器工具以及引人入胜的剧情——合金装备称得上伟大的因素;以及一系列崭新的元素

    The demo showcased the return of somany of the things that make MGS great -- stealth action, a widevariety of weaponry and gadgets, and riveting storytelling -- but addeda whole array of new features.


  • 他们支持他们同胞门捷列夫(创造元素周期表第一)有130历史观点

    They support the 130-year-old idea of their countryman Dmitri Mendeleev (who created the first version of the periodic table of elements).


  • 在下模式中,如果添加了一个telephone元素那么实例就变成无效

    In the next version of the schema, if a telephone element is added, then this instance becomes invalid.


  • 成功管理这样一个环境 ― 其中每个开发者使用同一个用户标识 ― 请注意 VisualAge如何管理程序元素修订的。

    To successfully manage an environment where every developer is using the same user ID, be mindful of how VisualAge manages editions and versions of program elements.


  • 不幸是,如果将来API修订允许将除jmenu类型之外的元素添加JMenuBar不再需要返回元素强制转换JMenu了。

    Unfortunately, if a future API revision lets you add elements of types other than JMenu to a JMenuBar, it will no longer be necessary, or even safe, to cast the returned elements to JMenu.


  • V8本中添加图层通过分配元素然后可以显示或者隐藏层,可以支持管理中的复杂信息

    In v8, diagram layers have been added that allow you to manage complex information in a diagram by assigning elements to layers and then showing or hiding the layers.


  • 太多元素无法标准化电子里,”Yokota女士,她如何决定儿童书籍电子印刷这一话题做过讲座。

    There’s a lot you can’t standardize and stick into an electronic format, ” said Ms. Yokota, who has lectured on how to decide when a child’s book is best suited for digital or print format.


  • 风格元素第四,作者。

    The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition, by William Strunk, Jr.


  • 多尔表示,“中国元素仍将成为电视功夫熊猫》的亮点

    "Dole mountain said," Chinese element "will become the television version of" Kung Fu Panda "highlights."


  • 女孩子可以一些Q时髦女孩图案男孩子适合运动元素

    Q version of the girls can put some stylish girl pattern, boys are suitable for sports element.


  • 第五元素警戒》安卓款类似红色警戒,帝国时代策略类手游运用智慧战胜敌人吧。

    The Fifth Element is a Red Alert, Age of Empires strategy games, use your wisdom to defeat the enemy.


  • 第五元素警戒》ios款类似红色警戒,帝国时代策略类手游运用智慧战胜敌人吧。

    The Fifth Element is a Red Alert, Age of Empires strategy games, use your wisdom to defeat the enemy.


  • 本书第二营销管理这一顶级课程中所有必需元素材料均进行了介绍。

    A marketing management course shouldn't be treated like a principles class. And an upper-level text doesn't need to be written like an encyclopedia.


  • 本书第二营销管理这一顶级课程中所有必需元素材料均进行了介绍。

    A marketing management course shouldn't be treated like a principles class. And an upper-level text doesn't need to be written like an encyclopedia.


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