• 申领出示有效会员卡,可一名家长陪同免费进入上海儿童博物馆阅读馆

    With a valid pass, members have free and unlimited access to the museum and library or accompanied by a caretaker. When entering the museum, a valid pass should be presented.


  • 去过去过华盛顿艺术博物馆航天博物馆渥太华的艺术博物馆儿童博物馆

    Yes. I've been to the Art Museum and the Aerospace Museum in DC, the Art Museum and the Children's Museum in Ottawa.


  • 科学我们经常科学博物馆喜欢科学博物馆。我儿童博物馆那会有趣

    Science? We always go to science museum. I don't like science museums. I want to go to a children's museum. They're more fun.


  • 酒店位于靠近几个景点购物罗斯福商城海岛儿童博物馆航空摇篮,和琼斯海滩州立公园

    The hotel is located close to several Long Island attractions and shopping such as Roosevelt Field Mall, Long Island Children's Museum, Cradle of Aviation, and Jones Beach State Park.


  • 还有单轨电车公园太平洋科学中心儿童博物馆西雅图戏院、 西雅图歌剧院钥匙竞技场以及其他

    Also on-site are Seattle Center Monorail, Fun Forest Amusement Park, Pacific Science Center, The Children's Museum, the Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle Center Opera House, Key Arena, and more.


  • 这个周末很想看看蝙蝠乐队的表演,不过奥斯汀儿童博物馆很精彩很适合我即将年龄儿子观看啊(1了哦!)

    This weekend is Night of the Bat, which I want to check out, but the Austin Children's Museum is also great, and our son is just now getting to the age where he would enjoy it nearly 1 year old!


  • 我们河边度过非常美好时光(那条河位于圣马科斯布朗·费尔斯之间),还有我们真的很喜欢奥斯汀和新布朗·费尔斯儿童博物馆

    We spend a great deal of time at the rivers (in San Marcos and New Braunfels) and we really like the Children's Museums in both Austin and New Braunfels.


  • 外加德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&MUniversity)丰富文化体育活动一个互动儿童博物馆,多公园布莱恩湖(Lake Bryan)边的多块操场

    Plus, there are plenty of cultural and athletic events at Texas A&M University, an interactive children's museum, dozens of parks, and playgrounds on the shores of nearby Lake Bryan.


  • 淮区学校将于在校期间开设适合儿童博物馆课程。

    The schools in Qinhuai District will develop the museum courses suitable for children during their school time.


  • 幅未标注日期照片美国国家档案馆通过国家二战博物馆提供,二战期间拍摄缅甸展现骑着头大象的美国士兵当地儿童

    This undated photo provided by the National Archives via the National World War II Museum shows a U.S. soldier and local children as they ride an elephant in Burma during World War II.


  • 博物馆取消参观,参观人数猛增特别是儿童

    When admission charges to museums were removed, Numbers attending soared, especially among children.


  • 这家公司为针对儿童的场所(诸如动物园博物馆)提供售卖纸尿裤以及其它婴儿用品(奶嘴,擦手巾防晒霜)的自动贩卖机。

    The company provides vending machines stocked with diapers and other baby items, such as pacifiers, wipes and sunscreen, to child-oriented locations, including zoos and museums.


  • 现代美术博物馆儿童画廊以及MartirosSaryan博物馆众多埃里温展出珍贵美术收藏展品中的几个场所。

    Also, the Modern art Museum, the Children's Picture Gallery, and the Martiros Saryan Museum are only a few of the other noteworthy collections of fine art on display in Yerevan.


  • 柏林地标图片。柏林犹太人博物馆展览陈列品标题为“就是这么简单,”探究了犹太儿童在德国,瑞士经验奥地利经历自从1945年以来。 (注:由于点击错误,未加入图片)

    An exhibit in the Jewish Museum Berlin, titled "It Was As Simple As That, " explores the experience of Jewish children in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria since 1945.


  • 休闲娱乐线内我们设定儿童活动区、科普博物馆广场、花海、九高尔夫球场空间

    Leisure entertainment and in-line we set a children's activity area, science museums and squares, flowers, nine-hole golf course and other space.


  • 仁川市这个项目韩国第一专门儿童科学博物馆距该项目的提出已经有10

    The Incheon City claims this project to be the first children's specialized science museum ever built in Korea after 10 years of their long-cherished ambitions to promote the project.


  • DIY工作坊位于儿童玻璃博物馆玻心璃语开辟最早、同时也是最大DIY教室

    DIY Creative Workshop is located on the first floor of the Kids Museum of Glass, which is the first and largest DIY classroom for Let's Talk Glass.


  • 科学家研究了300描写动物步行博物馆解剖文本甚至儿童玩具

    Scientists looked at 300 depictions of animals walking-in museums, anatomy texts, and even children's toys.


  • 例如华盛顿州塔可马市玻璃博物馆家乡华盛顿州——你好!(掌声)这个博物馆一个项目叫“儿童玻璃设计”,小孩们自由创作自己的玻璃作品

    For instance, the Museum of glass in Tacoma, Washington, my home state — yoohoo Washington — (Applause) has a program called kids Design glass, and kids draw their own ideas for glass art.


  • 1月18日,200多个小朋友率先体验了最新儿童玻璃博物馆

    On January 18, some 200 children were the first to try the brand new Kids Museum of Glass.


  • 1月18日,200多个小朋友率先体验了最新儿童玻璃博物馆

    On January 18, some 200 children were the first to try the brand new Kids Museum of Glass.


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