• 患有这些疾病儿童感到过滤不重要的信息很难,他们专注环境中的一切不仅仅是某活动

    Children experiencing these disorders find it difficult to screen out unimportant information, and focus on everything in the environment rather than attending to a single activity.


  • 患有多动症儿童表现出一系列症状

    Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder exhibit a range of symptoms.


  • NGO报告显示儿童因为隐形收费食物匮乏而无法正规上学

    NGO reports also indicated children were unable to attend school regularly because of hidden fees or insufficient food.


  • 生活穷乡僻壤妇女儿童获得其中大部分服务

    Women and children living in rural communities will receive most of services.


  • 调查指出如果家长可以功课更多地帮助他们贫困儿童得更好

    Poor children would do better if their parents could help them more with their homework, it suggests.


  • 一个关键性发现就是出生时胰岛素水平儿童增加最多体重

    A key finding was that children with the highest insulin levels had gained the most weight since birth.


  • 每年二月,8090名黑人西班牙裔印第安儿童免费参观莱斯

    Each February, 80 to 90 black, Hispanic and Native American kids visit Rice on an expenses-paid trip.


  • 表示,包括一些领域内专业人士在内,他们仍然确信儿童患上双相情感障碍

    Some people - including some professionals in the field - still are not convinced that children can develop bipolar disorder, he said.


  • 例如当看到一杯建筑物时,儿童学到高度增加意味着更多质量

    A child watching a glass of water being filled up, or building blocks piled up, will learn that increasing height means greater quantity, for example.


  • 这份研究报告在18儿童吸收他们一生接触紫外线80%。

    The study said that 18 years ago, the children will be absorbed in their lives 80% of the UV exposure.


  • 对于每一个柔软玩具宜家他们捐出1欧元联合国儿童基金救助儿童

    For every soft toy you buy at IKEA, they donate 1 Euro to Unicef and Save the Children.


  • 有时老师眼里,富有天赋儿童认为坏孩子,因为他们拒绝认为过重家庭作业

    Sometimes, gifted children are disruptive in classrooms because they refuse to do exercises they consider to be busywork.


  • 一旦食品接受,家长运用“食品桥梁” ,找到接近颜色口味的食品扩大儿童食品种类

    Once a food is accepted, parents should use “food bridges, ” finding similarly colored or flavored foods to expand the variety of foods a child will eat.


  • 来自联合国儿童基金救助儿童官员支持此举动,他们希望此举可以加强西班牙青少年的保护

    Officials from Unicef and Save the Children encouraged the move in the hope it would boost protection for the country's teenagers.


  • 健康状况影响重要因素的话,接受过2或者2次以上手术麻醉儿童会带来双倍学习障碍的风险。

    After factoring in the impact of health status, having two or more surgeries requiring general anesthesia was associated with a twofold increase in learning disabilities.


  • 救助儿童乐施人道救援组织为躲避刚果东部战乱而逃离家园的人中,超过一半人和家人失去了联络

    Humanitarian organizations, including Save the Children and Oxfam, say more than half the civilians displaced by recent fighting in eastern Congo may have lost contact with family members.


  • 研究人员担心如果没有某种形式干预大量美国长大黑人拉美裔儿童超重肥胖,其生命更短暂悲惨

    Without some form of intervention, researchers worry, large Numbers of black and Hispanic children in the United States will grow up overweight or obese and lead shorter, less fulfilling lives.


  • 设在英国救助儿童星期天警告说,灾区有成千上万名儿童几个星期内将面临饥饿问题除非紧急食物援助尽快抵达这些灾区。

    The U.K.-based Save the children Fund warned Sunday thousands of young children in cyclone-hit areas face starvation within weeks unless emergency food supplies reach the areas soon.


  • 比方说一名6儿童拒绝上学来表达他的担忧。而青少年也许那么担心更多家长发生口角或学校表现不好。

    For example, six-year-olds may show their worries by refusing to attend school, whereas adolescents may minimize their concerns, but argue more with parents and show a decline in school performance.


  • 鲍勃不是一个乱说话但是这件事上,如果赞助全球教育运动,包括赞助乐施救助儿童的慈善家们能够集中精力的话,他们得更好

    Baobab is no scaremonger, but in this case the charities who backed GCE, including Oxfam and Save the Children, would have done better to have concentrated minds rather than hearts.


  • 保罗·莫塔夫(Paul Murtaugh)迈克尔·施莱科斯(MichaelSchlax)曾计算美国每个儿童增加每位家长9441足迹

    Paul Murtaugh and Michael Schlax calculated that every child in the US adds 9, 441 tonnes to each parent's carbon footprint.


  • 说得这种病不仅影响儿童影响成年人

    As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children.


  • 这本小册子对于残疾儿童父母有用

    The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children.


  • 很明显任何接受很长时期用心教导儿童可能进步

    Obviously, any child who receives dedicated teaching over an extended period is likely to improve.


  • 社区层面上什么因素能够预测贫困儿童长大后是否提升经济地位

    What factors, at the community level, do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adults?


  • 社区层面上什么因素能够预测贫困儿童长大后是否提升经济地位

    What factors, at the community level, do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adults?


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