• 鞋跟给铺好的石头磨坏了。

    I scuffed the heel of my shoe on the stonework.


  • 莎拉没有弗兰克林逗趣逗笑

    Sara was not amused by Franklin's teasing.


  • 姑娘正是怎样照看新生

    The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby.


  • 穿过马路走到了一块

    He crossed over the road and joined me.


  • 努力恢复自己一点尊严。

    I struggled to regain some dignity.


  • 电动汽车仍然一种新鲜玩意

    Electric-powered cars are still something of a novelty.


  • 难道一点都不害怕吗?

    Weren't you just a weeny bit scared?


  • 自己的辞职一点感到懊悔。

    She felt no compunction about leaving her job.


  • 掌声盖过发言人的说话声有一阵

    Clapping drowned the speaker's words for a moment.


  • 玩意广口瓶挺好

    This gadget's great for opening jars.


  • 凡是外国东西打心眼讨厌

    She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.


  • 弗兰克哥们—好几个了。

    Frank, you old son of a gun—I haven't seen you for months.


  • 天天靠看电视解闷

    She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life.


  • 东西重公斤或者说一点

    It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds.


  • 最终可能一点也不会比以前理财

    You could end up none the wiser about managing your finances.


  • 存放文件玩意

    It's one of those thingummies for keeping papers together.


  • 我们多年的哥们了。

    We've been pals for years.


  • 他们大伙一块来了

    Umpteen of them all arrived at once.


  • 图利已经桑德拉当了11模特

    Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years.


  • 百褶裙过时了,仿制的香奈裙装流行

    Frilly dresses are out; Chanel knockoffs are in.


  • 身上一点带。

    I didn't have any money on me.


  • 诚实勤劳身上没有一点不好的气质。

    She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have an unkind bone in her body.


  • 一点不显老,只是灰白头发

    You're wearing well—only a few grey hairs!


  • 这个瓶盖开。

    I can't unscrew the lid of this jar.


  • 赶巧约翰伦敦所以一块去了

    As chance would have it, John was going to London too, so I went with him.


  • 后来到了一间稍微大一点房子

    His family then moved to a slightly larger house.


  • 发现,我工作被人观看就会有些走神

    I find it slightly distracting to have someone watching me while I work.


  • 长时间等待实在无聊,我们就打扑克解闷

    We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.


  • 香岱想起了海滩那些无忧无虑夏日

    Chantal remembered carefree summers at the beach.


  • 香岱想起了海滩那些无忧无虑夏日

    Chantal remembered carefree summers at the beach.


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