• 国际奥委会(IOC)第一转播权分别出让给了电视媒体一些新媒介互联网移动网络

    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has, for the first time, separately sold broadcasting rights for television and new media such as Internet and mobile networks.


  • 一家领导性的网络商店表示移动应用程序市场会“互联网那么广泛”,到2020年将会达到数百万的顶峰

    The market for mobile applications, or apps, will become "as big as the Internet", peaking at 10 million apps in 2020, a leading online store says.


  • 互联网刺激人们锻炼一样,小组使用活动的组有一点担心,但是人们没有坐在他们电脑花费太多时间

    She said her team was a bit worried about using a sedentary activity like the Internet to motivate people to exercise, but people did not spend much time sitting in front of their computers.


  • 其他时候Berners- Lee曾经这样描述这它数据互联网那样设计应用程序”-比如信息再利用设计

    At other times, Berners-Lee has described it as "the application of weblike design to data" - for example designing for re-use of information.


  • 幸好事后可以看出看来互联网使经济转型速度电力这样其他伟大发明相似

    With the benefit of hindsight, it looks like the internet will transform the economy at something like the pace of other great inventions like electricity.


  • 着在互联网上阅读变得更加容易,在线阅读将会其他在线活动一样受欢迎。

    As reading becomes much easier on the Internet, online reading will be as popular as other online activities.


  • 这个意义上互联网使用潜望镜使用者年龄50余岁时,研究人员已经发现他们也在向后向前寻找面向过去未来

    In that sense, Internet use is like a periscope: When users age 50-plus put theirs up, researchers have found, they're looking both backward and forward, toward the past and the future.


  • 该报伊朗可能其他一些国家一样建立两互联网并行的系统

    The newspaper said Iran could move toward a system of two Internets like a few other countries.


  • 一些人提到“物联网”,指粒沙子都会一个IP世界那个世界的所有事物,都会今天人们通过互联网连接一样连接起来

    A few mentioned the "Internet of things" - or a world in which everyday objects have their own IP addresses and can be tied together in the same way that people are now tied together by the Internet.


  • 我们生活恐怖互联网世界拼命努力我们存在感觉成千上万的没有任何成功的人。

    Well, here we are in the big bad world of the Internet desperately trying to make our presence felt like the millions of others around the world WITHOUT any success.


  • 不同运营商无限互联网AT&T我们只能使用它们认可手机应用软件连接到他们网络这种方式,在当无线网络主要手机使用的情况下还过的去。

    On the wireless Internet controlled by cellular carriers like AT&T, we can only use the phones they allow on their networks and can only use the applications they approve.


  • 现年23岁的隆格加州洛杉矶其他许多艺术家一样互联网文化中汲取养份,激发创作灵感。

    The 23-year-old, who lives in L.A., is one of many artists mining Internet culture for creative inspiration.


  • 我们小木屋没有互联网我们往常一样不看电视

    We didn’t have Internet in our log cabin and of course as usual we didn’t watch TV.


  • 媒体有助于e平板pc一样高速连接互联网,便于下载储存电脑里的文件

    Remote media streaming 'facilitates remote access of PCs on the' eee SLATE 'using only a high-speed Internet connection, so that documents need not be stored on the tablet itself.


  • 幕后实际地址一个数字(在互联网协议被称为IP地址),看起来这样74.125.53.100

    Behind the scenes, the actual address is a string of Numbers (called an I.P. address, for Internet protocol) that looks something like this:


  • FacebookAmazon这样的互联网巨头采取社交中心和零售中心的战略移动行业中获利

    Internet giants like Facebook and Amazon are using social-centric and retail-centric strategies to profit from mobile.


  • 尽管出版商欢迎这种旧式规定带来收入,但对于伊庇鲁斯这样所有数据互联网可用公司来说无谓支出

    Although publishers welcome the revenues this outdated rule brings, it is a pointless expense for companies which, like Epirus, make all their figures available on the Internet.


  • 往常一样互联网提供27个互相矛盾的说法。为了得到确切答案曾经帮助取得签证旅行社了电话。

    As ever the Internet supplied about 27 mutually conflicting reports, so to try to gain a definitive answer I telephoned the agency that had helped me with my visa application.


  • 正如我们见,一个互联网初创做到真正有价值功能,做到了优秀

    This is how truly valuable function and excellence is achieved in an online startup as we have seen.


  • 要是没有域名系统互联网现在一样成长并且兴旺发达可疑的。

    Without the Domain Name System, it's doubtful the Internet could have grown and flourished as it has.


  • 使用一个自由”这样程序阻止自己事先有安排的时间内登入互联网这样未来自己真正集中注意力而不是浏览博客

    Use a program like Freedom to block your Internet access for a predetermined amount of time, so your future self has to actually focus instead of reading blogs.


  • 通过提供免费服务通过互联网成本立即触及用户谷歌这样的互联网公司能用以前不可能方式进行实验

    By being a free service, and using the Internet to reach customers immediately at low cost, online firms like Google can experiment in ways that were once impossible.


  • 事实上这次衰退风险资本业者没有看到这个行业上次互联网泡沫破灭时候那样下滑。

    In fact, venture capital insiders don't see the industry pulling back in this recession the way they did during the dotcom bust.


  • 这些绿色网关(鹅蛋一样)一个以太接口,可以通过路由器互联网相连

    The Green Gateway - which is also "egg-like" - has an Ethernet port that connects to your network hub via a router.


  • 乍一看,岩普通浏览器,连接互联网数字窗口。

    At first glance, RockMelt looks like an ordinary browser, a digital windowpane onto the Web.


  • 例中智能手机功能手机变得传感器一样,互联网传递提供的有关您的周围环境活动信息

    In this case, your smart phones and feature phones become like sensors conveying to the Internet information you supply about your surroundings and activities.


  • 互联网相亲网站很多TACT一样依靠调查问卷。

    Most of the Internet dating sites still rely, as TACT did, on the questionnaire.


  • 互联网相亲网站很多TACT一样依靠调查问卷。

    Most of the Internet dating sites still rely, as TACT did, on the questionnaire.


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