• 他们想在这里建立英国圣公会偶像崇拜仪式。

    They are minded, also, to establish the idolatrous forms of English Episcopacy.


  • 大众文化倡导价值直接影响到青少年偶像崇拜的内容形式

    What is valued by pop culture has direct effect on the contents and forms of youngsters' adoration.


  • 通过偶像崇拜研究,学者们发现,对物像的依赖几乎每个人天生习性

    Through the research on the idolatry , it is found that it is natural habits to lean on the image.


  • 偶像崇拜原因几个方面表现偶像自身魅力青少年追寻自我需要以及大众传媒方面。

    Idol worship due to a number of areas, in the performance of the charm of its own idol, the needs of young people and the pursuit of self-respect, such as the mass media.


  • 资本家社会看作幻想拜物教神话偶像崇拜的一次冲洗,无论多么现代的东西而引以为豪。

    He viewed capitalist society as awashwith fantasy and fetishism, myth and idolatry, however much it prided itself on its modernity.


  • 旁氏总是不断产生,他们大多报纸头条新闻人物市场心理学告诉我们大众具有偶像崇拜习惯

    Ponzi's always a constant, most of them are the subject of newspaper headlines, the market psychology tells us that the public has a habit of idol worship.


  • 这个传统也认为,作为孤高结果撒旦拒绝亚当低头感觉到人类低头偶像崇拜形式

    There is also the tradition that Satan refused to bow to Adam as a result of his exclusive love of God, and felt that bowing to humankind was a form of idolatry.


  • 由于家庭成员间相敬相爱,由于韦兰先生他们偶像崇拜中心妻子从来没有让独身一人去过圣奥古斯丁。

    As all the members of the family adored each other, and as Mr. Welland was the central object of theiridolatry, it never occurred to his wife and May to lethim go to St.


  • 也许第一场演唱会个第一次感受到摇滚明星偶像崇拜的巨大冲动的十几岁女孩眼里,已经树立了一个不可超越的标杆

    Perhaps that first concert, attended by a teenage girl experiencing her first feverish flushes of rock star idolatry, was too high a bar to match.


  • 简要论述佛教”、“无”观念、佛性、三世轮回、不杀生偶像崇拜批判,并分析佛教的批判历史现象出现原因及其思想意义

    This paper discusses his criticism on emptiness nature samsara ahimsa idol worship of Buddhism and analyses the reason and the meaning of the history phenomenon.


  • 简要论述佛教”、“无”观念、佛、三世轮回、不杀生偶像崇拜批判,并分析他对佛教的批判历史现象出现原因及其思想意义

    This paper discusses his criticism on emptiness, nature, samsara, ahimsa, idol worship of Buddhism and analyses the reason and the meaning of the history phenomenon.


  • 这里所讨论一切符合拉克坦特德《论偶像崇拜根源》中一名言,他说,原始人类简单粗鲁,“由于目前威力的恐怖” 就创造了诸天神

    All the things here discussed agree with that golden passage of Eusebius on the origins of idolatry: that the first people, simple and rough, invented the gods "from terror of present power."


  • 一些教派则绘画看作是偶像崇拜工具钩孔派信会会众(Hook - and - EyeBaptists)则把纽扣视为不道德的东西。

    Some there be who regard pictures as implements of idolatry; while the Hook-and-Eye Baptists look upon buttons as immoral.


  • 感到很有意思是,年轻一些演员开始当做偶像崇拜加以模仿

    He was amused by the way younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him.


  • 说来奇怪,人们总是本能保护自己形象,不让偶像崇拜或是什么别的处理方式使显得可笑或者使它变得原型不相像以至于人们不相信它。

    Indeed, it is curious how instinctively one protects the image of oneself from idolatry or any other handling that could make it ridiculous, or too unlike the original to be believed in any longer.


  • 思考了一下,我可能,描述一部分冒险家,一部分是问题解决者,一部分鲜明个性,有那么点偏执,还有那么点反对偶像崇拜

    I put some thought to this and I would describe it as probably part adventuralist, part problem-solver, part ejecable traits, sort of a touch of maverick, sort of a touch of iconoclast.


  • 巫术耦合的圣保罗偶像崇拜惯常盟友之一,不仅整个高卢异教世界

    Paul with idolatry, and it was its habitual ally not only amongst the Gauls but throughout the pagan world.


  • 三月份时候,宣称日本地震海啸警告”,因为这个国家追崇“偶像崇拜无神论以及物质主义”这类歪门邪道。

    In March he sparked a storm of criticism by claiming the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was "God's warning" to a country that follows "idol worship, atheism, and materialism".


  • Maeda用日本传统方式谈论了“aichaku”,字面上的意思偶像崇拜”—人和物品之间“共生共存”的爱意。而这个物品之所以人们喜爱并不是因为这个物品能做什么而是因为这个物品带给人们的情感联系。

    He draws on his Japanese heritage to talk about aichaku, literally 'love-fit', 'a kind of symbiotic love for an object that deserves affection not for what it does, but for what it is'.


  • 然而正常状况下他们终究会随年龄增长而逐渐去除类型偶像崇拜

    Under normal circumstances, however, they will grow out of this type of idol worship in time.


  • 宽容罗马偶像崇拜

    He bore with the idolatry of Rome.


  • 认为偶像崇拜一种不可饶恕罪过并且教会无权恢复共融任何落入

    He held that idolatry was an unpardonable sin, and that the Church had no right to restore to communion any who had fallen into it.


  • 正是那些勇敢无畏清教徒抗议者们反对了其余之人的错误偶像崇拜他们动身来到这个大陆建立起美国改正教。

    It was those courageous Puritan protesters against remnants of error and idolatry who made their way to this continent and established the Protestantism of America.


  • 他们宣传有时会年轻人陷入偶像崇拜之中。

    Their advocacy about celebrity sometimes let youngsters become fans of so-called idols.


  • 幅图中我们可以看到当今中国疯狂偶像崇拜趋势

    From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of idol worship in today's China.


  • 摘要我们生活里到处充斥偶像偶像崇拜已经成为大众文化中的普遍现象

    Abstract: Everywhere in our lives full of idols, idol worship has become a pop culture phenomenon in general.


  • 看来偶像崇拜这个发人深思社会现象,其实双刃剑可以深刻影响青年人成长

    In my opinion, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people.


  • 看来偶像崇拜这个发人深思社会现象,其实双刃剑可以深刻影响青年人成长

    In my opinion, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can deeply influence the growth of young people.


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