• 觉得应该

    'It feels like I'm doing the most natural thing for the people I love.


  • 但是做应该不管能力如何,能多少多少,不容易

    Although it has been a hard journey as I encountered many obstacles on the way, I was doing what I was supposed to do. Regardless of my capability, I did what I could.


  • 这里我们两个理论基础,一个对效法经明确阐述,它告诉,这是你应该

    We have two rationales there; one is the explicit rationale of imitatio dei. This is what I do and this is what you should do.


  • 如果一些原本认为应该有时你会得到相反结果:你得到了你渴望东西

    If you do things you think shouldn't be doing, sometimes you get opposite results: you get what you were looking for.


  • 努力工作明智花钱只是应该它们近乎是一种美德,而这样最终可以使生活得到更多乐趣

    Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous;these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life.


  • 努力工作明智花钱只是应该它们近乎是一种美德,而这样最终可以使生活得到更多乐趣

    Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous; these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life.


  • 谢尔并未提到杀死非法偷猎者件,而是写到为了保护野生动物安全,这部片子“我们应该提供了一套很有说服力的素材。”

    Shales does not mention the killing of the alleged poacher, and writes that the show “makes a persuasive case for doing whatever can be doneto keep wildlife safe.


  • 忘了,孩子模仿而不是那些你告诉应该

    And remember children will be apt to do what you do, not necessarily what you tell them to do.


  • 一个少年挺得起拒绝应该,就因为值得可以写上好几页谈谈早年培养一点重要性

    I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.


  • 发现自己很难可能意味着应该其他

    The fact that you're finding it hard to make yourself do something is a sign that maybe you should be doing something else.


  • 应该往往同一

    Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do... are usually the same thing?


  • 认为如果然后结果是十分好的那么应该其他更好的不要上面细想长时间

    I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long.


  • 绝对不要削弱其他国家采取措施影响力并且不要向军人集团提供庇护以及避开自己被要求应该

    It must not blunt the impact of measures taken by other countries and provide the junta with a shield to fend off demands to do what it should.


  • 他们非常准确他们应该

    They're going to be very precise in what they do.


  • 应该自己的,生命短暂了,如果犹豫计划没了,什么不成。

    I shall do what I want, life is too short, if I hesitate for too long, then the plans will be gone and I do nothing in my life.


  • 重要的是要把那些真正重要作为目标而不是那些认为自己应该或者其他人希望

    Aim for things that are truly important to you, not what you think you ought to do or what others expect of you.


  • 我们不应后悔伤痛一阵子;但我们应该而没有而后悔,伤痛却是一生的。

    Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.


  • 着,该知道都知道。我如果按照正当的程序应该那么警察闪电般地到来

    Now I know what I know, and if I do what by rights I should, there'll be a squad of cops in here so fast you'll hardly see 'em.


  • 不该应该却没有后悔吗?

    Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn't have done or something you didn't do which you should have?


  • 既然脚本一切应该机会失败命令在脚本的最后的地方

    Since you say your script does all it is supposed to do, chances are the failing command is somewhere at the end of the script.


  • 一天结束时候感觉已经完成了很多但是那个应该却是没有

    Yet, when your day ends, you feel like you have accomplished many tasks, but not the ones that you needed to get done.


  • 应该让你的孩子参与晚餐过程中。

    One thing you could have done is for her child to be an active part of making dinner.


  • 应该让你的孩子参与晚餐过程中。

    One thing you could have done is for her child to be an active part of making dinner.


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