• 第三人们通过思考这样选择”来解释信号,即使他们指导做出这样选择希望通过这个选择发送信号

    Third, one interprets signals by askingwhat kinds of people would make this choice?” while understanding that the person makes the choice hoping to send the signal.


  • 她们有的共同点,她们都不被外人理解明白她们为什么做出这样选择

    What they all have in common is that they faced judgment from outsiders who can't understand why a mother would make this choice.


  • 当然卡罗琳并不一定要非要做出这样一个戏剧性选择猛扑上并用的强有力的獠牙那些人制服,喜欢关注

    Of course, she didn't necessarily have to make such a dramatic entrance, swooping in and taking down the deputies with her superpowered fangs, but Caroline likes attention.


  • 如果法官这样选择(中世纪的法官总是男性)在询问几个简单问题以后,甚至可以询问陪审团自己做出判决。

    If the judge so chose, he (and it was always' he ') could ask a few simple questions and deliver a verdict himself without ever consulting the jury.


  • 花一些时间考虑评估我们做出选择很重要的,因为这样我们时间去工作娱乐才能确保我们的生活过得最充实。

    It is important to take the time to consider our options and to evaluate the choices so that we have time to work, time to play and time to make sure our life is as fulfilling as it can be.


  • 想象一下这样的场景吧:个人都认为他们与此有关并且个人都做了一件细微的事情改变一个细微的习惯或者做出一个不同的选择

    Imagine if everyone thought that they could make a difference and everyone did just one little thing, changed one little habit, or made one different choice.


  • 我们希望最好这样我们也永远无法知道究竟做出什么选择

    So might she give up her fabulous glamorous life for something more normal in the near future? We hope not, but you never know.


  • 人们做出消息不通选择简化透明性或者根本就这样

    People may make ill-informed choices, simplified transparency or not.


  • UMF文件名称具有一种命名约定这样选择器就基于已知格式文件名做出一致的选择

    UMF file names can have a naming convention so the selectors can work on a known format and selections made on file names are consistent.


  • 每个父母为了家庭生活更美好,都有选择权利以及/做出这样选择时,别人无权批评她。

    Every parent has the prerogative to choose the path that's best for his or her family, and the right to make that decision without being judged.


  • 但是不能保证参议院共和党人不会做出选择阻止这样行动发生

    But there is no guarantee that the Senate Republicans will not choose to block the move again.


  • 很多蓝色海洋协会这样组织正在实施潜在有力的介入出版海产指南帮助消费者购买海产时做出明智选择

    A potentially powerful intervention is being implemented by organizations such as Blue Ocean Institute publishing seafood guides to help consumers make informed choices when buying seafood.


  • 那些新近从事内核开发的人开始时的工作可以选择列表中的条目这样他们可以通过项目学习如何编写内核代码同时机会社区做出贡献

    Those who are new to kernel development can work on items from this list, allowing them a chance to benefit the community while learning how to write kernel code on smaller projects.


  • 这样享受外出就餐同时做出健康选择

    This allows you to choose wisely, but still enjoy the convenience of eating out.


  • 现在如果他们选择另一446位女性然后同样做出六月的结论,这样可能就可信

    Now if they had taken another set of 446 anorexics, and again June was the month, then there would be some credibility in it.


  • 这样就可以在做出变更之前没有这些相同元素一次一次重新选择的情况下,对各种元素进行始终如一观察

    This allows you to apply a consistent look to multiple elements without having to reselect the same elements over and over again before making changes.


  • 对于这个决定丝毫不敢草率,我很自豪做出这样选择

    This is a decision that I have not taken lightly and it is one that I am proud to have made.


  • 快餐中的营养成分人们提供更多这方面的信息从而使得他们做出更健康选择设计的,就算做出这样选择,你仍然他人所利用了。

    Fast food nutrition facts are designed to inform the public so they may make healthy food choices, but the choice is still ultimately yours.


  • 牢记自己目的不论是减肥、还是发达肌肉、两者皆有,以及个人预算活动量甚至自己运动的喜好应该包括起来考虑,这样才能做出最佳选择

    With your goal in mind, whether to lose weight, bulk up muscles, or both, your personal budget, activity level, and even what you like to do should be rolled together so you can make the best choice.


  • 现在的,或许只是做出这样一个选择然后之努力

    But what I should do now, perhaps is just making a choice, and fight for it.


  • 会审镇地选择工作我会咨询很多有经验这样我才能做出明智的选择

    I will be prudent before I choose my job. I will consult many experienced people so that I can make a wise choice.


  • 我会审慎选择工作。我会咨询很多有经验这样才能做出明智的选择

    I will be prudent before I choose my job. I will consult many experienced people so that I can make a wise choice?


  • 莫里·这样,她是博士、精神分析师,著有《语言较量:一种看待恋爱关系做出正确选择变革性方法》一文。

    " asks Molly Barrow, Ph.D., a psychotherapist and the author of "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love."


  • 值得鼓舞的相关概率表明这样病人她们医生都做出明智选择

    It is encouraged that the relevant probabilities be indicated so the patient and her physician can make an informed decision on the ultimate course of action.


  • 做出正确选择这样胰岛移植因为他是

    He is making the right choice not to do islet transplantation because he is very well.


  • 自己家庭做出这样选择是理智的。

    I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family.


  • 这样翻译有权做出选择完全屈从原作大大增强了翻译权力操控可能性

    The fact that translation can make its own choice rather than absolutely submit to the original reinforces the possibility of translation's being manipulated by power.


  • 这样翻译有权做出选择完全屈从原作大大增强了翻译权力操控可能性

    The fact that translation can make its own choice rather than absolutely submit to the original reinforces the possibility of translation's being manipulated by power.


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