• 假如消耗的电能大于产生的,那么频率就会降低并且必要补充电能

    If consumption is greater than generation, then frequency decreases and it becomes necessary to compensate it.


  • 假如是这样,那些美国绝对衰落悲观预测过去几十年中产生类似预测误导一样

    If so, the gloomy predictions of absolute American decline will turn out to be as misleading as similar predictions in decades past.


  • DOES-HALT永远不会存在假如存在的话产生上述悖论——一个程序无限循环才会停机,并且当它停机时才会无限循环

    No DOES-HALT program exists. If it did, we would be able to generate contradictions such as the above -- a program that halts when it should loop forever, and that loops forever when it halts.


  • 事实上假如生意不会老板的业务产生竞争,你应该看看能不能他们变成你的顾客

    In fact, if your business is not competitive with theirs, see if you can turn them into a customer or client.


  • 我们我们行为产生不好结果感到惊奇,因此我们通过想象假如我们不是这样事情怎样学会将来如何把事情更好

    Surprised at the bad outcomes of our actions, we may learn how to do better by imagining what would have happened if we had acted differently from how we know only too well we did act.


  • 假如这种药物人类也能产生类似效果很有可能帮助大约1% ~ 5%的那些被认为患有“弱视综合症”或者是“眼症”的人们

    If the drug has a similar effect in humans, it could potentially help the roughly 1-5% of people thought to have amblyopia, or 'lazy eye'.


  • 这份年报中,公司表示假如巴菲特先生永久性丧失管理公司的能力,将在公司内部产生候选人中选择CEO继任者

    The report stated that the firm has identified three outstanding internal candidates who could replace Mr Buffett as CEO if he becomes permanently indisposed.


  • 假如我们开始能避免产生漏洞效率岂不是提高很多

    Wouldn't it be a hell of a lot quicker if we just didn't create the bugs in the first place?


  • 假如发生的话,它南亚主要河流系统产生什么影响呢?

    But if it did, what would the effect be on the major river systems of southern Asia?


  • 假如我们选择OODB方案,我们必须扩展我们深度因此这会产生强迫培训工程团队时间进度产生确定性。

    If we chose an OODB solution, we'd be a bit out of our depth, so it would force training and uncertainty into the engineering team's schedule.


  • 假如这种副产品过量的话,呼吸皮肤眼睛产生不良影响。

    When enough of these byproducts form, they can cause problems for breathing, skin and eyes.


  • 我们知道假如我们我们年轻时代出来读读,我们会产生多么奇怪感觉啊! 整个的一生这生命中的希望哀愁都会浮现出来。

    What a strange feeling it is—surely we all know it—to look through old letters of our young days; a different life rises up out of the past, as it were, with all its hopes and sorrows.


  • 假如我们再不什么的话,最终我们状况就是,所有药都产生抗性我们还没有新药。

    If we don't do something about it we'll end up with a situation where all the old drugs have resistance and we don't have any new ones.


  • 假如软件测试产生兴趣一则伟大的新闻现在可以作为一个训练有素而且打算进步职业选择了。

    This is great news if you're interested in software testing. It can now be a career choice a job that requires training and discipline, and allows for advancement.


  • 现在问题假如许多这样的代码累积起来事情变成怎样的呢? 物理学上有一个著名的现象叫做 ”非线性“:大量不同的个体相互作用将产生难以预知的结果。

    Software is no different - when you put together a lot of components, you just do not know what you are going to get.


  • 另一个引起争论问题假如这些鲑鱼养鱼场野外产生什么影响。(美国)“水恩惠”公司则这个问题无需多虑。

    Another contentious issue being debated is what will happen if these salmon escape from fish farms into the wild. AquaBounty says not to worry.


  • 假如银行家,产生巨额短期利润,你就会得到极高的回报,而这里利润子虚乌有时,你不必退还得到的报酬。

    If you're a banker and you generate big short-term profits you get lavishly rewarded - and you don't have to give the money back if and when those profits turn out to have been a mirage.


  • 至少三种蜘蛛能产生牵引假如这些丝结得更粗,它们就用于高性能飞机上尼龙碳纤维那样牢固

    At least three spiders produce dragline silk that, if spun into thicker strands, could be as strong as the nylon and carbon fibers used in high-performance aircraft.


  • 然而假如强劲、过于猛烈阳光经过时间吹拂以及长的日照之后问题往往就会无可避免的产生了。

    Accordingly, temperance wind and sunlight are essential to the environment but fierce wind blows for long time and strong sunlight shine for long time, which would cause problems.


  • 假如真的相信产生联动反应

    If be true, I believe to be able to produce reaction of a kind of linkage!


  • 假如出租人将房屋出租给无照经营者产生什么后果

    If lessor rented the building, do not have according to operator, what consequence can you produce?


  • 假如习惯把笔记本电脑放在腿上代替桌子使用,那么你所接收笔记本“热量使你产生皮肤题目这个题目只针对男士

    Anyone can experience skin problems from the heat if you use a laptop on your lap instead of a desk or or stand, but there's particularly concerning news for men.


  • 假如道路使用者都告知最优路线系统最佳分配法产生最小拥堵

    SO Assignment can be thought of as a model in which congestion is minimized when travelers are told which routes to use.


  • 因为假如意识发生了某种根本性的、深刻变化- - - - -,是变革非简单的变化- - - - - -那么他就会对全人类意识产生影响

    Because if one's consciousness is changed radically, profoundly - no, revolutionized rather than changed - then one affects the consciousness of the whole of mankind.


  • 父母假如反响不当可能孩子焦虑加深产生厌学情绪。

    If the parents reacted improperly, may make the child anxiety deepened, emotional weariness.


  • 就是那个我们买了印度食品回来知道搬家很大压力,我发现假如我有压力时候美食好友相伴可以产生安慰的效果

    Hi. Anyway, umwe brought home Indian food. I know that moving can be stressful, and, and, I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect.


  • 假如化疗预期产生严重副作用或者事实上已经产生,这时住院治疗就不可避免。

    Sometimes hospitalization is required if severe side effects are expected from the chemotherapy treatments or they actually happen.


  • 假如化疗预期产生严重副作用或者事实上已经产生,这时住院治疗就不可避免。

    Sometimes hospitalization is required if severe side effects are expected from the chemotherapy treatments or they actually happen.


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