• 无论如何应该把这些时间用来学习那些更重要课程,这些值得时间的课程,本文里我会提到一些

    I did, however, learn some important lessons, many of which are being shared in this article.


  • 如果人类如何学习作为一个群体一点兴趣那么阅读所有聪明的蜂群》非常值得时间

    If you have the least bit of interest in how human beings learn and act as groups, reading all of The Smart Swarm is well worth your time.


  • 这两新书还是能够劝服怀疑者——时间研究苏联历史值得的。

    But two new books will convince doubters that spending time on the Soviet experience is still worthwhile.


  • 如果一个实践值得我们时间努力学习和应用,那么它就是敏捷的。

    If a practice is worth the time and effort to learn and apply, it must be Agile.


  • 可以自己判断这些差异是否改进,是否值得时间精力来开发自己工具提示部件

    Decide for yourself whether these differences are improvements, and whether they are worth the time and effort you invested in developing your own tooltip widget.


  • 山羊分辨绵羊试图鉴别我们时代艺术什么值得花时间欣赏的则困难了。

    It is much harder to sort the sheep from the goats, and try to identify what is worthwhile in the art of our time.


  • 如果利比亚的稳定重建确实值得花时间来做,那么其他国家同样值得美国花时间这样做。

    If the stabilization and reconstruction of Libya is truly a worthwhile undertaking, it is as worthwhile for other states as for the United states.


  • 我们能找到的治疗师很多但是值得时间一个信任感觉舒服的。

    There are many practioners available; it is worth taking the time to find one you trust and feel comfortable with.


  • 值得时间确保自己多样化营养美味的。

    It's worth making the time to ensure that you eat a varied, nutritious and tasty diet.


  • 毫无疑问DB2认证有助于事业最终每个必须自己决定是否值得时间精力

    The bottom line? There is little question that DB2 certification can help your career, but ultimately each person must decide for him or herself whether it's worth the time and effort.


  • 当然实际答案取决于解析文件目标因此值得时间探究所有选项

    Of course, the real answer depends on your goal when parsing the file, so it's worth the time to explore all your options.


  • 功能值得时间注册 Voxeo,现在可以通过长途电话号码、800 免费电话号码 Skype访问VXML文件,而这些方法还只是其中的一小部分

    This feature alone is worth the time it takes to sign up for Voxeo; you can now access your VXML file through a toll number, an 800-number, and Skype, just to list a few.


  • 因此使自己工作具有效率值得花时间解决applet环境可能存在难题

    To enable my own productivity, therefore, working through possible challenges in the applet environment simply isn't worth the time it takes.


  • Scriptaculous还有可以Web应用程序使用其他控件效果值得时间进一步研究。

    Scriptaculous has several other controls and many more effects that you can use in your Web applications, so it's worth it to take the time to explore it further.


  • 视频大概20多分钟保证只要我们如何学习这个问题有一点点兴趣或者想要来转变,那么这视频很值得花时间一下

    Thevideo runs about 20 minutes, and I guarantee you that if you are the leastinterested in how we learn and change on a large scale, it will be worth yourtime.


  • 所以如果有人讲了这个短语,你会知道时间听取他们的意见值得

    So if someone USES this phrase then you know that listening to their idea will be worth the time you invest.


  • 如果编写使用所有类型地图高质量软件值得花时间了解本文主题

    If you want to write high-quality software that USES any sort of map, it pays to understand the subject well.


  • 由于故障转移始终预期退回,因此时间创建促进活动一致可靠可重复执行自动化流程值得

    Because failover always anticipates failback, it is usually worth the time to create automation or processes that promote consistent, reliable, and repeatable execution of the activities.


  • 任何一件你有热情做的,任何一件重要的事,任何一件你认为值得时间精力去做一件事的时候,记得快乐

    When you’re doing whatever you’re passionate about, whatever matters most, whatever you decide is worthy of your time and heart and focusbe happy!


  • 是的如果营销起作用的话,如果值得时间金钱的话那么认为现在正在做的工作没有多大的关系。

    Well, if marketing works, if it's worth the time and money, then I don't think it matters a bit if you're doing your job.


  • 有时价格电力公司感觉时间肮脏燃料转换清洁空气是值得的。

    At times the carbon price has made it worth power companies' while to switch from dirty fuels to cleaner gas.


  • 很多债务周末工作所以任何少于这个数目的值得时间

    'I have lots of debts and am only working weekends at the moment, so anything less than that wouldn't be worth my while,' she says.


  • 解析框架内容丰富主题,它值得我们多花时间全面了解篇文章读者我自己开了一个好头

    Parsing frameworks are a rich topic that warrants quite a bit of study to get the full picture; these two articles make a good start, for both readers and myself.


  • 花时间确定如何查询缓存工作值得

    It is worth the time to figure out how to get query caching working for you.


  • 然后至少每周时间处理产生文件归档值得保存的文件。

    Then plan to make time at least once a week to process incoming papers and file papers that are worthy of being kept.


  • 一些开发人员认为值得可能发现有限bug花时间编写这样测试代码。你怎么看这个问题?

    Some developers argue that the time required to write such tests is not worth the limited number of bugs that are found as a result.


  • 一些开发人员认为值得可能发现有限bug花时间编写这样测试代码。你怎么看这个问题?

    Some developers argue that the time required to write such tests is not worth the limited number of bugs that are found as a result.


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