• 相比男性的10.9个平均失误,女性报告平均失误较多——达到12.5个,也许因为女性的报告结果值得信赖

    Women on average reported slightly more lapses—12.5 compared with 10.9 for menprobably because they were more reliable reporters.


  • 值得注意的是,报告同时发现美国边界岌岌可危

    It is worth noting that the report also found the American border to be at risk.


  • 最后报告认为图书馆现在值得开发手机上的电子书电子期刊等应用

    In the end, though, the report argues that it is currently "not worth libraries putting development resource into delivering content such as eBooks and e-journals to mobile devices at present."


  • 值得庆幸的是,大多数函数需要报告少数可能错误因此恰当处理它们非难事

    Luckily, most functions will only have a few possible errors to report, so it's usually not that hard to handle them appropriately.


  • 值得欣慰错误估计并未成为决策者的决策指导依据,而仅仅是以报告的形式体现

    But, it should be noted, the erroneous estimate did not make it into the guide for policymakers. It appears only in the full report.


  • 除非发生了什么事情中途打断了这场利比亚回顾这些温暖人心词句还有那些来自西方更加尖锐犀利的评价都将本月一份值得思索报告出现。

    Unless something is done to interrupt the review of Libya, all these warm words, along with much harsher comments from the West, will find their way into a report due for consideration this month.


  • 赫里维斯特先生表示没有确认报告提醒大家值得注意的是去年六月份N·C谷仓发生过一起类似的管道爆炸事故,其中死亡,67受伤

    Mr. Horowitz said he could not confirm that report, but noted that a gas purge last June at a food-processing plant in Garner, N.C., killed four people and injured 67 others.


  • 优化的统计方法报告第二值得庆贺原因一些人质疑

    The second reason for cheer offered by the paper—superior statistical methodsis also challenged by some.


  • 值得注意不明飞行物可能不是飞碟形的。描述为“飞碟著名第一个不明飞行物已经发现报告错误

    It's also worth noting that UFOs may not be saucer-shaped. The famous "flying saucer" description of the first UFO has since been revealed as a reporting error.


  • 阅读那些送到电影公司的脚本,写关于它们情节基调方面报告帮助电影公司决定它们是否值得制作出来

    You'll read scripts that are sent to the studio, report on the plot and tone, and help determine if they're worth producing.


  • 投资者没有理会上证综合指数4.3%跌幅,而是目光转向了美国经济出乎意料的好预期报告这是一个值得欢迎迹象

    Investors shrugged off the 4.3% fall off in the Shanghai Composite Index, opting to focus on a surprising U.S. report showing the economy gulping more fuel than expected - a welcome sign of life.


  • 这份调查报告值得因为它揭示抵押贷款热潮晚期华尔街最为隐秘业务之一——次贷组合CDO发行交易

    The inquiry is worth reading for the light it shines on one of Wall Street's murkiest businesses in the late stages of the mortgage boom - the issuance and trading of synthetic subprime CDOs.


  • 值得赞扬的是,撰写这份共和党报告人士清楚地明白证据不再支持他们的立场。

    To their credit, the staffers who wrote that G. O. P. report were clearly aware that the evidence no longer supports their position.


  • 同样值得注意的是评级机构中的其他家并没有降低美国信用评级,虽然他们最近做出了自己报告

    It's also worth noting that two of the other big three rating agencies did not downgrade the U.S. 's credit rating when they made their own calls in recent days.


  • 不过,这份在英国心理学会会上提交研究报告称,尽管重新衡量人生选择的过程使人焦虑,最后看来,似乎还是值得的。

    While a major re-evaluation of life choices can be unsettling , it seems to be worth it in the end, the British Psychological Society's annual conference heard.


  • 这些数据值得注意一个原因在于根据报告1850年以来,非美国出生的人占美国人口的10.5%。

    One reason these figures are remarkable is that, according to the report, the foreign-born population of the United States has averaged 10.5 percent since 1850.


  • 实际企业案例研究基础上,这个报告提出了一些值得思考的意见。

    Based on real companies' case studies, the report makes some recommendations of issues to consider (bolded).


  • 研究报告总结说:“值得家长注意,父母培养孩子阅读习惯应该因为孩子入学而放弃。”

    "What is needed is some recognition that the importance of parental involvement in their children's reading habits does not decrease just because they enter school," the report concludes.


  • 是个给予接收各种形式反馈意见过程,反馈包括各种评价、意见、观察报告分析,通过这些反馈决定现行客服工作系统是否有效,是否值得继续运行。

    The process of giving and receiving input in the form of comments, opinions, observations, and analysis to either validate or invalidate the customer service system.


  • 这份长达51页的验尸报告基于解剖结果全面搜查得出包含了许多值得注意的点滴,于本周一在法庭上公布

    Some notable items gleaned from the 51-page coroner's report, which was released Monday and is based on both MJ's autopsy and a postmortem home search.


  • 如果许多未覆盖代码Cobertura在这里报告的那样,那么添加所有缺少测试将会非常耗时,也是值得的。

    Adding all the missing tests is time-consuming when you have as much uncovered code as Cobertura has identified herebut it's worth doing.


  • 级别较为普通仍然值得注意许多安全性相关情况这个级别报告

    Situations that are normal, but still worthy of note. A number of security-related conditions are reported at this level.


  • 值得特别注意报告疾控中心86起疾病爆发中,79%的事件中至少患者年龄小于20岁。

    Especially concerning was that, of the 86 outbreaks reported to CDC, 79% involved at least 1 person under the age of 20.


  • Heselden的遗体星期天早上找到,因为警察接到路人报告看到有人摔下30英尺跌入中,值得一提的是案发现场找到Segway

    His body was found late Sunday morning after a passer-by reported seeing a man plummet 30 feet into the River, the police said, adding that a "Segway-style vehicle" had also been found.


  • 经合组织最新报告大量数据描述了一现象非常值得阁下一览。

    A new report by the OECD has reams of data on this phenomenon and is well worth looking at.


  • 提出几点中,一点现在值得回味。 当时,支股票的价位三个以来都低谷徘徊,而苹果公司在那个周三将会发布创纪录第二季度收益报告

    One of the points he made then is worth remembering now, with the stock hovering near a three month low and the company expected to report record second fiscal quarter earnings on Wednesday


  • 此外网络成为12%巴西人第二值得信赖新闻来源尤其选择投票时(也是根据Ibope尼尔森在线报告)。

    In addition, the web has become the second most trusted news source by 12% of Brazilians, especially when it comes to choosing who to vote (also according to Ibope Nielsen Online).


  • 联合国儿童基金会过于依赖于询问儿童感受(他们曾经有有好乐于助人的同学吗?);而这份新的报告强调更加值得研究的问题,比如接种疫苗和考试分数

    UNICEF relied too much on asking youngsters how they felt (did they have "kind and helpful" schoolmates?); the new study stresses meatier things like vaccination and test scores.


  • 联合国儿童基金会过于依赖于询问儿童感受(他们曾经有有好乐于助人的同学吗?);而这份新的报告强调更加值得研究的问题,比如接种疫苗和考试分数

    UNICEF relied too much on asking youngsters how they felt (did they have "kind and helpful" schoolmates?); the new study stresses meatier things like vaccination and test scores.


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