• 出资人出具债权债务清理文件

    Investor debt obligations issued by the clean-up document;


  • 债权债务处置协议报送审批机关

    The agreement on disposition of the claims and debts shall be submitted to the approval organ.


  • 其次关系债权债务时间表往往相当复杂甚至诉讼

    Secondly, the relationship between claims and debts on schedule is often quite complex, and even lawsuit.


  • 债权债务合同无效担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    When the principal claim-debt contract is null and void, the guarantee contract shall be null and void accordingly, unless otherwise provided for by law.


  • 债权债务合同无效担保合同无效,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, the security contract shall be invalid when the principal contract is nullified.


  • 银行企业债权债务关系转化持股与被持股关系。

    Transmitting Debt into stock"means that the claimable assets and debt between banks and enterprises are changed into the relationship of stock holder and stock holdee."


  • 出纳人员不得兼管稽核、会计档案保管收入费用债权债务帐目登记工作。

    Cashiers may not concurrently hold responsibility for checking accounts, keeping accounting files and casting accounts of revenue, expenditure, credits or debits.


  • 受托管理运用处分不同委托人信托财产产生债权债务,不得相互抵销

    The creditor's right and the debt caused when the trustee manages, utilizes and disposes the trust property of different trustors must not offset each other.


  • 公司本质有价证券方式来表彰债权债务法律关系。

    Corporation bond is a kind of debt legal nexus, which is manifested by securities.


  • 原告对此表示知情,对债权债务事实不予认可没有提供反证

    The plaintiff expressed knowledge, the debt that is not recognized, but did not provide evidence to the contrary.


  • 公司解散清算制度立法本意了结公司债权债务保护公司债权人利益

    Dissolution of the company liquidation system of legislative intent is to settle claims and debts of the company to protect the interests of the company and creditors.


  • 税收优先权优先权形式税收又是公法上的债权债务关系

    Tax revenue priority is one form of priority, while the legal relationship of tax revenue is a kind of relationship of the creditor's rights and debt obligation in the public law.


  • 二是抓好资产审计评估转让拍卖债权债务处理工商登记关键环节

    Do a good job of key links in property audit and assessment, transfer and auction, credit and debt treatment, registration of industry and commerce, etc;


  • 合同终止合同消灭,是某种原因引起债权债务客观上不复存在

    Coutract termination also called contract elimination. means that the financial claim and debt caused by the contract are actually no longer existed because of some reasons.


  • 抵押双方可以重新设定抵押房地产可以依法清理债权债务解除抵押合同

    Both parties to the mortgage may secure anew the mortgage for the mortgaged real property. They may also settle the debts and credits in accordance with the law and terminate the mortgage contract.


  • 理论上说公司吊销营业执照应当依法进行清算解决公司债权债务问题。

    In theory, corporation should be cleared to solve the creditor's rights and debts when they are revoked.


  • 分析住房抵押贷款债权债务关系变动引起抵押关系变动抵押权行使问题

    Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed.


  • 第三条本办法所称“外币债券外币表示的、构成债权债务关系有价证券

    Article 3 the term "foreign currency debentures" mentioned in these Measures refers to negotiable securities which are expressed in foreign currency and form a credit-debt relationship.


  • 该文探讨上市公司债权债务对销系统定义、应具备的功能业务流程技术方案

    This paper discussed the definition of listed companies' debt contra system and its function, business process, technique scheme.


  • 第四,货泉用来默示商品未来价值明晰债权债务关系执行支出手段本能机能

    Fourth, money as a standard of deferred payments performs the function of establishing a future value or obligation in definitive terms.


  • 擅长各种合同纠纷债权债务纠纷房地产建筑工程等方面的诉讼仲裁以及执行代理

    Good at various contract dispute, credit and debt disputes, real estate, construction engineering, intellectual property litigation and arbitration and the economic case execution agent.


  • 意味着如果今后落后付款可能因此失去作为你的债权债务通过电话赎

    This means that if, in the future, you fall behind with your payments, you could risk losing your home as your creditor calls in the debt through foreclosure.


  • 依法定程序清理公司债权债务、处理公司剩余财产最终终止公司法律人格的法律行为。

    The company liquidation is an important process in cleaning up a disbanded companys credit, debt and residual properties.


  • 支付体系涉及中央银行客户其他金融机构非金融机构之间债权债务关系影响面广

    A payment system is related to the creditor's rights and indebtedness relationships among the central bank, customer, other finance and non-financial institutions with a vast influence.


  • 二类集团内部交易事项,主要包括内部购销、内部固定资产交易、内部债权债务活动

    The other is the inter-company transaction in the group, mainly including internal purchase and sell, internal fixed assets trade, internal credit and debt etc.


  • 保证背书通常没有真实交易关系债权债务关系,背书人不得因此拒绝承担票据责任

    Hidden guaranty endorsement usually does not have true relation of business between creditor and debtor, but endorser cannot refuse to undertake the bill duty.


  • 论文对构建税收债权债务法律观进行研究利用税收债权债务法律观形成新的税收法律观。

    This thesis studies construction of legal view of tax credit and debt, using legal view of tax credit and debt to form a new legal view of taxation.


  • 这种情况下债权债务连锁关系发生中断整个信用关系就会遭到破坏,从而出现信用危机。

    In this case, the linkage of claims and debts interruption, the entire credit relations will be damaged, so the credit crisis emerged.


  • 涉及国有股东人员安置土地使用权处置债权债务处理相关问题,国有股东应当制订解决方案。

    The state-owned shareholder shall make plans to address issues, if any, on its personnel settlement, disposal of land use right, creditors' rights and debts, etc.


  • 涉及国有股东人员安置土地使用权处置债权债务处理相关问题,国有股东应当制订解决方案。

    The state-owned shareholder shall make plans to address issues, if any, on its personnel settlement, disposal of land use right, creditors' rights and debts, etc.


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