• 因此创造变革需从创造变革的愿景开始,然后授权个人担当起变革驱动者的角色去实现这个愿景。

    Therefore, creating change starts with creating a vision for change and then empowering individuals to act as change agents to attain that vision.


  • 即使史蒂夫·乔布斯去担当一个企业执行总裁这个市场仅有100个人,那么可能块钱

    Even if you put Steve Jobs in the role of CEO for a new venture with a maximum market size of 100 people he wouldn't make more than a few cents.


  • 例如,某个人同时某个功能担当产品负责人产品经理角色个人其它功能集同时担当角色

    For example, an individual takes on both product owner and product manager role for one set of features, while another individual takes on both roles for another set of features.


  • 养成这样习惯,就是当知道你共事的某人即将离职时要求他帮你写一封举荐信,顺便问问是否愿意担当你的口头举荐人。

    Get into the habit of asking for a letter of reference from someone who you have worked with who might be moving on and ask that person if they would be willing to serve as a verbal reference as well.


  • 个人来说怀疑老师家长是否合适担当这项任务,因为老师总是孩子觉得滑稽可笑医学专业术语来教育孩子,家长则用猜谜一样的婉转语言使得孩子听得云里雾里。

    Personally, I doubt whether teachers or parents are better suited to the task, as both use either clinical candour, which children find hilarious, or a stream of inscrutable euphemisms.


  • 我们要求这些组织担当保护个人信息一定的法律权限内使用而且他们有着明确使用目的

    We require these organizations to undertake to protect personal information and to only use it in accordance with applicable laws and for the purposes for which they are specifically engaged.


  • Scrum团队没有正式领导会考量自己知识能力,判断是否符合团队当前需要如果符合,就在某一段时间担当团队的带头人。

    On a Scrum team, the lack of a formal leader allows different individuals to contribute leadership at times when their knowledge and skills are the best fit for the team's current needs.


  • 无论构架师角色个人还是一个小组担当他们背后都值得信赖顾问”的支持

    Irrespective of whether or not the architect role is fulfilled by a team, it is often the case that an architect is supported by a number of "trusted advisors."


  • 个人觉得带来改变进步应该那些缺乏经历和资历的年轻人,他们应该担当更多的重任。

    My personal view is young people should take more responsibilities and have more power, since it is us who bring the innovation and progress.


  • 研究人员认为整个社会个人企业应该为解决肥胖问题担当自己的角色

    The researchers accepted that the whole of society - from the individual to industry - had a role to play in tackling the problem.


  • 创业家是位对商业企业有能力组织管理勇于担当风险个人

    One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.


  • 道理很简单——无论职业地位身份年龄等——在24小时生活中,不可能时时刻刻都同一种面目出现有人这样,要么是个十足的伪君子要么他就是不懂得如何担当自己不同的角色与责任。

    Put simply, regardless of a person's profession, position, status, identity or age, it is impossible for him or her to appear the same 24 hours a day unless a hypocrite or hiding failure to perform.


  • 虽然如此,绝对不会拒绝爱心的、有幽默感的、有责任有担当同样受到过良好教育的男士的因为我们个人都需要且渴望着爱!

    But I could not wait to fall in love again with a loving, humorous, responsible and well-educated gentleman. It's great to enjoy loving and being loved, isn't it?


  • 虽然如此,绝对不会拒绝爱心的、有幽默感的、有责任有担当同样受到过良好教育的男士的因为我们个人都需要且渴望着爱!

    But I could not wait to fall in love again with a loving, humorous, responsible and well-educated gentleman. It's great to enjoy loving and being loved, isn't it?


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