• 重要的是,知道作为一家保险公司AIG银行一样受到资金准备金方面累赘规则的限制。

    More important, he knew that, as an insurance company, AIG was not subject to the same burdensome rules on capital reserves as Banks.


  • 重要他们指定保险公司必须持有多少准备金

    The most important thing that these do is: they specify what reserves insurance companies have to hold.


  • 保险公司必须持有准备金可以提取更多准备金叫做法定盈余

    An insurance company must hold the reserves; it can hold more and that's called the statutory surplus.


  • 讨论一对夫妻作为保险,投保养老金(附死亡)保险,其纯保费责任准备金计算问题

    The problem is dealt with of calculating a couple's net premium and reserve when they are insured against pension annuity (including death insurance) as insurants.


  • 人寿保险保费理论责任准备金计算中,死亡率一般依据生命利息率一般采用固定利率。

    When calculating the pure premium and theory premium reserve in life insurance, the mortality is usually bases on life table, and the interest rate is usually fixed.


  • 从逻辑上说存款保险制度差别存款准备金制度之间并不存在替代可能性

    Logically, there is no possibility for the substitution of deposit insurance system for difference reserve ratio system.


  • 非寿险公司保险业务收入保险业务成本准备金如何税务处理上选择计量基础和计量方法决定承保所得释放速度程度

    The released degree of underwriting income from non-life insurance companies is determined by how to chose the accounting base and method of premium income, including insurance costs and reserves.


  • 寿险责任准备金是指保险人为尚未终止的人寿保险责任提取的准备金

    The term "reserves for life insurance liabilities" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired life insurance liabilities.


  • 其中对于机动车辆法定第三者责任保险应当采用三百六十五分之一法评估未到期责任准备金

    With respect to statutory third-party liability insurance for motor vehicles, it shall adopt the 1/365 to evaluate the unearned premium reserves.


  • 第6考虑到在人寿保险保费理论责任准备金计算中,死亡率一般依据生命利息率一般采用固定利率

    In chapter 6, considering the pure insurance premium and the calculation of net premium reserves death rate is due to life table, rate of interest is taken by fixed rate of interest.


  • 到期责任准备金是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取准备金

    The term "unearned premium reserves" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities.


  • 保险资金包括自有资金外来资金两部分,具体包括资本金公积金保证金各类准备金其他资金等。

    The insurance fund includes internal capital and external capital, which are registration capital, accumulation fund, security, reserve and other fund.


  • 到期责任准备金作为财产保险公司主要负债内容,计提准确性保险监管部门客观评价保险公司偿付能力状况有着较大的影响

    The unearned premium reserve is the main liability of non-life insurance company and its veracity has great influence on the solvency evaluation by insurance regulation department.


  • 具有分离基金保险产品的责任准备金提取有别于传统精算方法

    Reserving for segregated fund insurance contracts are difference from traditional actuarial method.


  • 健康保险责任准备金保险公司针对承担健康保险业务引起已有未来负债建立基金

    Health reserves is a kind of fund that was established for the existing or future health policies liabilities.


  • 因此他们就是说,他们放心保险公司按照二项式定理自己计算准备金要求。

    So they--in other words, the insurance company--doesn't trust the insurance companies to do the calculations like I showed with the binomial theorem.


  • 实证结果表明,目前湖南地区种植业保险巨灾准备金提取比例准备金触发条件设定合理

    The empirical results indicated that the statutory catastropher eservin gratio for Hunan crop insurance was relatively low, but the trigger for utilizing the reserves was reasonable.


  • 然后结合湖南省水稻种植保险保费数据提出湖南省种植业保险准备金提取比例测算方法

    Finally, combined with the premium data, the article put forward a methodology to calculate the catastrophe reserves.


  • 偿付能力内容包括资本金保险责任准备金保险保证金保险保障基金、总准备金最低偿付能力额度等。

    Solvency of an insurance company is composed of capital, reserve, guaranteed funds, free reserve and minimum solvency margin.


  • 确保保险事业提存准备金即使极不利的环境之下仍能充分支应所有有效保单未 来之责任,多年以来ING集团提拨保险责任准备金乃是采用相当严谨之90%信用区 间并且每年评估

    For many years ING has applied an annual test to assess whether insurance reserves are adequate to meet the estimated future payments on in-force policies using a prudent 90% confidence level.


  • 广泛应用于提取未决赔款准备金的一种方法,这种方法由于原理简单、操作简便受到了保险公司青睐

    Chain ladder method has been widely used in loss reserving, it is very simple, and many insurers prefer the method.


  • 本文湖南省水稻种植保险研究了湖南省农业保险巨灾风险保费准备金提取比例触发条件

    This paper studied the reserving ratio and triggering criteria for catastrophe risks of agricultural insurance, taking the rice planting insurance in Hunan province as an example.


  • 未决赔款准备金保险公司责任准备金重要部分,也是准备金精算师日常工作主要部分。

    The outstanding claim reserve is the most important part of reserves. The actuaries in the insurance companies pay most time in estimating the outstanding claim reserves.


  • 有前第二情事发生,保险以上者,保险保单价值准备金给付与应得之人。

    Where subparagraph 2 of Article 20 applies and the premium has been paid for over one year, the insurer shall make the policy value reserve payable to whomsoever is so entitled.


  • 有前第二情事发生,保险以上者,保险保单价值准备金给付与应得之人。

    Where subparagraph 2 of Article 20 applies and the premium has been paid for over one year, the insurer shall make the policy value reserve payable to whomsoever is so entitled.


- 来自原声例句

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