• 美国保护气候行动协会成立去年春天Mr

    The group, called the United States Climate Action Partnership, had its origin in conversations last spring among Mr.


  • 他们保护气候工作扮演者至关重要角色

    They have a critical role to play in the work to safeguard the climate.


  • 值此国际之际,我们确保保护臭氧层方式保护气候

    On this International Day, let us ensure that we protect our climate the way we have preserved the ozone layer.


  • 所以觉得现在开始,我们应该好好保护气候保护自然

    So, I think, from now on, we should seek to go to protect the climate. Protection of nature.


  • 尼泊尔支持达成一项通过使该国森林资源不受损害保护气候全球协议

    Nepal supports a global agreement to help protect the climate by leaving the country's forests intact.


  • 环保主义者长期世界焦点应该保护气候而不是适应但这种情况正在发生改变。

    Environmentalists have long said the world should concentrate on preventing climate change, not adapting to it. That is changing.


  • 重要美国通过谈判达成加入协议因为来一个与美国无关协议将会挫败保护气候的努力。

    It is important for the us to negotiate an agreement it can join, because another agreement that did not involve the United States would set back efforts to protect the climate.


  • 京都议定书》生效只是人类保护气候行动一个阶段性进展,后京都国际气候制度框架何去何从迫在眉睫。

    The entering into force of the Kyoto Protocol is only the first step toward the long-term goal of climate protection. The design of a post-Kyoto regime has been an urgent issue.


  • 植物平衡了生态系统保护流域减缓了侵蚀缓和了气候许多动物物种提供了庇护所

    Plant life balances ecosystems, protects watersheds, mitigates erosion, moderates climate and provides shelter for many animal species.


  • 气候罢工”指的是人们离开工作或学校,呼吁人们采取更多行动保护环境。

    "Climate strike" refers to people leaving work or school to call for more action to protect the environment.


  • 这些措施虽然无法保护每个人免受气候变化带来的伤害,但并不意味着应该忽视它们。

    That such measures cannot protect everyone from all harm that climate change may bring does not mean that they should be ignored.


  • 谈到气候变化说道:“如果我们错失保护我们星球良机,我们不可能希望未来会有第二机会来补救。”

    On climate change he said: "If we miss this opportunity to protect our planet, we cannot hope for a second chance some time in the future."


  • 卫生大会代表要求世卫组织委托各自国家卫生部采取行动保护健康不受气候变化影响

    Delegates to the health Assembly also requested WHO and committed their own Ministries of health to take action to protect health from climate change.


  • 我们需要各国卫生部加强公共卫生政策措施应对气候变化带来挑战保护他们人民

    We need ministries of health to strengthen public health policy and practice to meet the challenges of climate change and protect their populations.


  • 认为我们必须实现这些目标由于国家适应气候变化能力取决于人群健康状况以及保护健康已有体系

    I believe we must reach these Goals, as the ability of countries to adapt to climate change will depend on the state of population health and the systems in place to protect it.


  • 行动1.1:开发工具指南信息培训支持提高认识宣传行动,国家区域各级保护健康不受气候变化带来的影响。

    Action 1.1: Development of tools, guidance, information and training packages to support awareness and advocacy campaigns to protect health from climate change at national and regional levels.


  • 面对这个挑战我们需要全球维护者一道工作使保护人类健康成为气候变化工作的中心内容。

    In the face of this challenge, we need champions throughout the world who will work to put protecting human health at the centre of the climate change agenda.


  • 奥斯特罗姆表示对于公民如何自己组织起来保护重要资产探究,尤其适用气候变化问题

    Ostrom said that her research into the way in which citizens will organise themselves to protect an important asset was particularly relevant to the issue of climate change.


  • 全球变暖使动物为了躲避气候变化向别处迁移,环保主义者设法为动物们创建保护通道使动物们拥有迁移的空间

    And as global warming forces animals to migrate in order to escape changing climates, conservationists are looking to create protected corridors that would give the species room to roam.


  • 我们我们理事会一道制定与指标相连的对冲保险产品保护贫困农民国家气候和供应冲击的影响,”佐利克

    "We're working with our Board to deploy index-related hedges and insurance products to protect poor farmers and countries from weather and supply shocks," said Zoellick.


  • 航天飞机大部分受到旋转服务结构保护,它类似于一个阻挡不良气候覆盖物,他补充说

    Much of the shuttle is protected by a Rotating Service Structure, a shell-like covering that guards against weather, he added.


  • 如果保护世界水资源,就必须解决人类地球环境气候影响

    The human impact on the earth's environment and climate must be addressed in order to protect the world's water resources.


  • 卫组织遵循世界卫生大会决议的要求,制定了保护健康不受气候变化影响积极长期规划

    WHO has an active and long-standing programme on protecting health from climate change, guided by a World Health Assembly resolution.


  • 北极熊去年濒临物种名单,首例气候变迁而引起保护行为。

    Polar bears were listed as threatened last year, the first time any species had been given protection primarily because of climate change.


  • 因为漏油井距离海岸线40英里并且气候相对温和所以有时间检验消散浮油技术的效果做好保护海岸的准备。

    Since the well is 40 miles offshore and the weather has been relatively clement, there has been time to test dispersal techniques and prepare coastal defences.


  • 巴罗佐没有提到争取哥本哈根达成气候变化协议谈判存在的其它争议:保护首当其冲地承受气候变化影响的贫穷国家买单。

    Barroso did not address the other fault line in the negotiations towards a climate change deal at Copenhagen: who will pay to protect the poorest countries that will bear the brunt of climate change.


  • 当局宣称大雨可能造成坍塌的原因但是多数评论员表示长期疏于维护才是主因,庞贝古城本应受到更好保护而免于受到气候因素的破坏。

    Officials said the probable cause was heavy rains, but most commentators said longstanding neglect was the root problem, saying Pompeii should have been better protected from weather.


  • 当局宣称大雨可能造成坍塌的原因但是多数评论员表示长期疏于维护才是主因,庞贝古城本应受到更好保护而免于受到气候因素的破坏。

    Officials said the probable cause was heavy rains, but most commentators said longstanding neglect was the root problem, saying Pompeii should have been better protected from weather.


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