• 提出基于二值化的抑制网络峰值提取方法

    This paper proposes a novel peak picking algorithm with binary lateral inhibition network.


  • 本文空间数字滤波器的角度研究抑制网络的功能。

    The lateral inhibitory network was studied as a spatial digital filter.


  • 值化抑制网络具有很强的锐化作用具有很高的计算效率

    The binary lateral inhibition network has strong sharpen effect to peaks, while it has amazing low computation load.


  • 该文提出了一种新的基于视觉抑制模型连通统计阈值图像分割算法

    This paper proposes a novel algorithm about image segmentation based on the vision lateral inhibition model and statistics of consecutive fields.


  • 视觉细胞之间存在抑制机制能够对接收到的视觉信息进行选择性提取

    Through the mechanism called lateral inhibitory existing among the visual neurons, visual information can be selectively detected.


  • 本文首先介绍了各种彩色空间,细致地分析人眼视觉系统着重剖析了其中的抑制现象。

    In this thesis, first, color Spaces and color models are introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) is explicated and lateral inhibition mechanism is emphasized.


  • 针对红外图像存在对比度差、信低等问题,提出一种基于抑制网络的红外图像对比度增强算法

    For infrared image with the characteristics of low contrast and low signal-to-noise, a infrared image enhancement method based on Wavelet Transform and Lateral Inhibition Network is presented.


  • 建立基于皮层抑制机制神经网络群,模拟大脑皮层柱的神经元点火现象,并利用该神经网络群进行位置跟踪

    The neural network ensembles based on lateral inhibition of cortical columns are built to simulate the neuron firing phenomenon in cortical columns and to be used for position tracking.


  • 因此研究人员建立一种虚拟损伤阻断”健康大脑半球影响并且消弱受累大脑半球所抑制

    Therefore, the investigators used it to create a "virtual lesion," or "block" the influence of the healthy hemisphere and depress inhibition on the affected side of the brain.


  • 同步发电机组调速器装设电力系统稳定器抑制电力系统低频振荡有效措施

    Fixing power system stabilizer on the governor of synchronous generator is an effective method to restrain low frequency oscillation.


  • 有限阻抗型混合有源电力滤波器应用电压谐波前馈控制加强对网电压的谐波抑制

    Applying feedforward control of harmonic voltage to hybrid active power filter of finite harmonic impedance can restrain line harmonic voltage.


  • 抑制:双中央前中央后回中上部位、顶上小叶和顶下小叶以及前额皮质

    Inhibited areas: bilaterally in upper middle precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus, superior parietal lobule, inferior parietal lobule and prefrontal cortex.


  • 结果,切断肌下双迷走神经后,再同样刺激参数刺激最后区,消除了抑制运动的效应

    The results showed that the inhibitory effects of ap on gastric motility were withdrawn by the vagus nerves vagotomy beneath diaphragma.


  • 为了解决上述问题,本文采用抑制电流分量控制方案仿真结果表明采用方案后输出电流波形满足正弦平衡化的要求

    In this paper, a control system with restraining negative sequence current is adopted simulation results of which demonstrate that output current waveform can meet sinusoidal and balanced demand.


  • 有源滤波器能否按其工作原理实现预期谐波抑制效果除了电路设计合理之外,很大程度上还依赖于保持直流电压恒定

    Whether the hybrid active power filter could get desirable effects of harmonic suppression depends on the constancy of DC-side voltage besides the correct design of the main circuit.


  • 而过大间隙使旁承在回复力矩不足不能有效抑制车体滚。

    If the side bearing gap is too big, it will not restrain efficiently the rolling of car-body when roll restoring moment is not sufficient.


  • 北京风化黄腐酸抑制正常去肾上腺大鼠角叉菜胶性足蹠肿胀

    Our results indicated that FA-Na (Sodium fulvate) from Bijing Zhai-tang efflorescent coal inhibited the carrageenin-induced paw swelling of normal and adrenalectomized rats.


  • 刺激HCN也能抑制PO核中多数内脏痛反应神经元活动,其抑制作用比较明显差异

    The inhibition of HCN stimulation was bilateral and no statistical differences were found between the effects of contralateral and ipsilateral HCN stimulation on the neurons in PO.


  • 常用抑制方法氦气,而采用氦氩混合气体可降低生产成本,特别是当氦气含量高于50%时。

    As the normal suppression method, pure helium is gradually replaced with He-Ar mixed gas for economical efficiency, especially the he content is more than 50%.


  • 大鼠中脑切片利用剂量可卡因进行处理不能在腹被盖区诱发ltp的产生,只有在利用荷包牡丹碱或苦味毒减弱gaba(氨基丁酸)介导的抑制作用时才可以观察LTP的出现。

    In midbrain slices from rats treated with saline or a single dose of cocaine, LTP could not be induced in VTA dopamine neurons unless GABA-mediated inhibition was reduced by bicuculline or picrotoxin.


  • 激光熔焊保护气体方法用于降低等离子体中的电子密度抑制等离子体,TIG中活性焊剂吸收电子的作用。

    The method of blow, side protecting gas in laser deep welding is used to reduce the electronic density of plasma, also, the active flux in TIG can absorb electron.


  • 结论免疫抑制剂fk506促进神经端-吻合神经再生速度质量

    Conclusion Immunosuppresssant FK506 could promote nerve regenerative speed and quality after end-to-side neurorrhaphy of peripheral nerve.


  • 直流XLPE电缆接头设计中,界面空间电荷抑制接头设计成功保证;界面空间电荷的抑制就需要界面两绝缘的介电常数电导率合理配合

    In designing DC XLPE joints, the suppression of interfacial space charge is the most important, which depends on the reasonable permittivity and conductivity coordination of the two insulations.


  • 研究首先建立大鼠纹状体长时程突触抑制LTD诱导方法

    This study first establish the method of the induction of long-term depression (LTD) in the dorsal striatum of rats.


  • 串联控制器等效个受控电压补偿来自电网电压谐波抑制电压波动,提高配电系统供电电压质量;

    The series controller is equivalent to the controlled voltage source that compensating the voltage harmonic and the voltage fluctuation from the power system.


  • 父亲苍老的脸庞两鬓白发,泪水再也抑制不住地潮水汹涌而

    Looking at his father's side of face, and climb the hoary temples of white hair, my tears no longer irrepressible manner, like a tidal wave surging out.


  • 结果提示1)听觉系统两相互抑制作用-双抑制主要决定频率调谐特性的尖锐性方向变化的特性;

    The results suggest: 1. Binaural inhibition may play a crucial role in direction dependent Q-value of frequency tuning curve (FTC) of TC neurons;


  • 因此,能够抑制燃料(102)氧化剂极(108)水分移动从而抑制燃料的渗透现象。

    Therefore, the migration of water from the fuel electrode (102) to the oxidizer electrode (108) can be inhibited, thereby enabling fuel crossover.


  • 仿真实验结果表明系统能够有效抑制三相整流电路交流输入电流谐波降低输出电压纹波减小整机体积

    The simulation and experimental results show that this system can restrain harmonics of three-phase rectifier of AC-side input current, reduce the output voltage ripple and decrease the volume.


  • 仿真实验结果表明系统能够有效抑制三相整流电路交流输入电流谐波降低输出电压纹波减小整机体积

    The simulation and experimental results show that this system can restrain harmonics of three-phase rectifier of AC-side input current, reduce the output voltage ripple and decrease the volume.


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