• 觉得魔法整个下午都起作用使科林一个完全不同男孩

    She felt that his Magic was working all the afternoon and making Colin look like an entirely different boy.


  • 为了使这种药物作用实验小鼠需要心脏病发作之前服用此药物。

    The mice needed to take the drug in advance of a heart attack in order for it to be effective.


  • 需要使这个大门作用方法。”我又一次走过大门仍然什么都没有

    "What I need is a way to make this gateway work." I walk through the gates again. Still nothing.


  • 所以应该饮食脂肪细胞里排出来,使胰岛素可以再次起作用

    So, the diet should be getting the fat out of the cells so insulincan work again.


  • 意思是可以说是因为股票期权激励机制起作用了,因为的确激励了经理们,这些经理为之付出努力使公司市值更高

    I mean, you could say, well that means the options are really working well because it really motivated the managers and they did something and made the company worth more.


  • 安然语料库使人们更好地理解语言如何运用社会网络如何作用使揭示基于电子邮件交流的社会群体的努力得到了改进。

    The Enron Corpus has led to a better understanding of how language is used and how social networks function, and it has improved efforts to uncover social groups based on E-mail communication.


  • 基因常常组合起作用。有望基因会其他基因关联在一使产生适应环境变化所需的新性状

    Hale said genes often work in combination, and new genes may one day become involved with other genes to help the lake sturgeon create new traits needed to adapt to changes in its environment.


  • 不计其数营养分子其他成分作用使母乳宝宝来说如此有益于健康但是科学家数十年的研究致力于认识其中的两种

    A countless number of nutrients and other components combine to make breast milk so healthful for babies. But scientists working decades ago zeroed in on two enzymes.


  • 采用了这一版本使作业控制起作用修复许多其他错误然后所做的改动发送布赖恩

    I took that version, made job control work and fixed a number of other bugs, and sent my changes to Brian.


  • 这些交互使协作功能起作用刹车恢复自动并列停车

    These interactions enable collaborative functions like skid recovery or automated parallel parking.


  • 这些精英花费时间金钱精力来努力明白这件使他们完全理解实际上起作用事情

    The brightest minds are spending time, money, and effort trying to make something they don't fully understand yet actually work.


  • 欧盟议会外的力量多数同意这个投票原则一起作用使持异议国家很难遏制其他国家。

    Extra power for the European Parliament will combine with majority voting to make it harder for dissenting countries to restrain others.


  • 网络设置启动网络并让运行,使机器能够实际用作起作用接入点

    Network setup: We get the network up and running, so the machine can actually be used as a functioning access point.


  • 我们总结哪些措施起作用,哪些没有以及怎样改进使我们供应链适应性更强,”

    "We'll do a retrospective on what worked best and what didn't, and how to change things to make our supply chain more resilient," he says.


  • 然而HBS使理念真正作用方面扮演最关键角色

    Nevertheless, HBS plays a vital role in making good ideas stick.


  • 金融产品短期获利市场快速增长使私营部门的监管者不堪重负或者被蒙住了双眼使原本应该体系降低风险作用部分机制不起作用了。

    Short-term rewards in new financial products and rapidly growing markets overwhelmed or blinded private sector gatekeepers, and swamped those parts of the system that were supposed to mitigate risk.


  • 向着一天终于达到那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使作为步骤起作用

    Toward da day finally to achieve the ultimate goal of moving enough, but every step as the goal, to make it as a step function.


  • 向着一天终于达到那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使作为步骤起作用。 。

    Toward da day finally to achieve the ultimate goal of moving enough, but every step as the goal, to make it as a step function.


  • FogBugz未来版本专注使终端用户更加愉快因为缺陷跟踪只有人们愿意参与进来时候,才会真正起作用

    You can expect future versions of FogBugz to maintain a focus on making the end user happy, because issue tracking only really works when everyone wants to participate.


  • 因此要想使AddItem按钮起作用决不能删除模型中的所有数据

    So for the Add Item button to work, you can never delete all of your data from the model.


  • 大部分常用安眠药通过使大脑减缓神经系统反应促进放松化学物质效应起作用

    The most popular pills work by strengthening the effects of a brain chemical that slows the nervous system and promotes relaxation.


  • 为了使这种设计狂风还是微风时都起作用它们经过风道测试标准测试的。

    Designed to perform in heavy winds as well as the lightest of breezes, they have been wind tunnel tested and calibrated.


  • 安然语料库使人们更好地理解语言如何运用社会网络如何作用使揭示基于电子邮件交流的社会群体的努力得到了改进。

    The Enron Corpus has led to a better understanding of how language is used and how social networks function, and it has improved efforts to uncover social groups based one-mail communication.


  • 大多数认为疗法通过使人体组织胰岛素更加敏感起作用

    Most had assumed the treatment worked by making body tissues more sensitive to insulin.


  • 向着终于达到那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使作为步骤起作用

    Toward a day finally to achieve the ultimate goal of moving enough, but every step as the goal, to make it as a step function.


  • 小肠内,生成物使脂肪乳化,降低滴的表面张力,作好准备小肠分泌的分解脂肪的作用

    In the intestine, products of the acids and salts emulsify fat and reduce its surface tension to prepare it for the action of pancreatic and intestinal fat-splitting enzymes.


  • 虽然通常会按预期设想起作用编译器会生成一条警告消息使访问通过结构名称不是变量进行

    Although this usually works as expected, the compiler generates a warning message and makes the access through the class or structure name instead of the variable.


  • 新的资金使两位研究者如虎添翼,目前他们正在尝试找出超声杀精的内在机制——可能是加热震动同时起作用

    Armed with their new funding, the researchers now intend to find out the mechanism by which sperm are destroyed - thought to be a combination of heating and shaking.


  • 本书提出试试口述理由提出一些使口述作用暗示

    This book suggests reasons for trying it again and offers some helpful hints to make dictation work for you.


  • 本书提出试试口述理由提出一些使口述作用暗示

    This book suggests reasons for trying it again and offers some helpful hints to make dictation work for you.


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