• 土壤吸收水分能力减弱使土壤逐渐变得干燥,导致植被进一步减少从而建立了渐进地表退化循环

    The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established.


  • 它们缺失使寒冷干燥火星经历了从未经历过形成湖泊海洋所需延长温和景象

    Their absence supports the picture of a cold, dry Mars that never experienced the extended mild period required to form lakes and oceans.


  • 表面张力力量保持的,没有立即任何潮湿的表面流失使完全干燥

    It is held there by the force of surface tension without which water would drain instantly from any wet surface, leaving it totally dry.


  • 实上,特殊的地理特征使它不像传说中的那样干燥,它一年四季都很温暖。

    In fact, the special geographic feature makes it not as dry as it is said to be and it is warm all year round.


  • 们的厚且防水的毛使我们在游泳后能保持温暖和干燥

    Our thick and waterproof fur coat keeps us warm and dry after swimming.


  • 医疗技术人员工作经常洗手加上阿拉斯加恶劣天气使皮肤非常干燥

    Frequent hand-washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh Alaskan weather combined to give me very dry skin.


  • 然而常见的抗组织胺倾向使肺部变得干燥

    However, common medicines with antihistamine drugs tend to dry the lungs.


  • 五月初,回到时,泉水已经减少涓涓细流,使这座村庄爽身粉一样干燥

    When I returned to Auja in early May, its spring had been reduced toa trickle, leaving the village as dry as a fistful of talcum powder.


  • 地热发电厂利用火山地区——或者地温高干燥地点——的干热岩体传导热能含水层,然后将注入含水层利用岩体加热并使之汽化。

    Geothermal power stations tap aquifers heated by contact with hot rocks in volcanic regions-or, in hot but dry spots, they pump water past such rocks to heat it up.


  • 温哥华接近了迎接我们是阴沉沉灰色云层使立刻怀念火热干燥怀俄明来

    When we saw Vancouver Island approaching, dismal gray clouds greeted us and I instantly missed the scorching dry heat of Wyoming.


  • 两个罐子中间沙子水分通过大罐表面蒸发使外部干燥空气开始流动

    Water in the sand between the two POTS evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving.


  • 滋润干燥皮肤一种适合皮肤类型润肤然后使你的皮肤变得看着感觉柔软

    Moisturize dry skin. Find a moisturizer that fits your skin type and makes your skin look and feel soft.


  • 不光炎热使呆在这里还有干燥热风会把身上所有水分干。

    It's not just the heat that gets to you here; there was a warm dry wind drying out any moisture on your body.


  • 脱水干燥干果率相对较高因为过程中不断组织呼吸作用以及酵解作用使水果中的糖分受到了损失

    The yield of dried fruit from a dehydrator is higher inasmuch as sugar is lost due to continued respiration of tissues during sun drying, and also due to fermentation.


  • 这家电视台中国农历新年之际未经许可举行场大型焰火表演,使这座159笼罩烈焰中,仿佛干燥易燃物建造的。

    A gigantic fireworks display that the TV station staged without a permit on the occasion of the Chinese New Year had the 159-metre building up in flames as if it was built of dry tinder.


  • 干燥所需空气体积——将传给食品使所含水分汽化需要空气量多于蒸汽运走离开干燥所需要的空气量。

    Volume of air required in Drying-More air is required to conduct heat to the food to evaporate the water present than is needed to transport the vapor from the chamber.


  • 万里无云天空下地表水分蒸发使地表更热干燥无法增加形成雨机会

    Under cloudless skies, the surface gives up its moisture, making the ground level hotter and drier while not increasing the chances of rain.


  • 富勒大风使救火队员很难控制火势干燥的气候可能还会持续几个星期

    Fowler says high winds make it difficult for firefighters trying to contain the blazes and that the dry, windy conditions could last several more weeks.


  • 例如蓝色红色染料混合的卡罗糖浆使粗糙,干燥看到刀伤尸体凝结的血。

    Karo syrup mixed with blue and red dye, for example, gives the thick, drying blood you'd see congealed on an old knife wound or a battered corpse.


  • 事实上人工合成化学物质使皮肤变的干燥易过敏甚至导致皮肤提前衰老

    The truth is that synthetic ingredients or chemicals dry out the skin; hence, they cause irritation and other allergic reactions and even contribute to pre-mature aging.


  • 办公环境使症状加重——光线头更干燥空调环境使咳嗽

    The office environment can make symptoms feel worse as well - the lighting made my headaches worse, and the dry, air-conditioned air made me cough.


  • 飞机上进餐一个问题干燥机舱空气使鼻腔粘液很快蒸发鼻腔粘液有帮助气味受体发挥功能的作用。

    One problem with airplane dining is that parched cabin air quickly evaporates nasal mucus, which helps odor receptors function.


  • 孤独使被囚的出来享福。惟有悖逆干燥之地。

    God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.


  • 包括Cascades东部在内干燥森林,对树木的砍伐保护使它们成长得不自然的密集

    Many drier forests, including here east of the Cascades, have grown unnaturally dense after logging and efforts to save them from wildfires.


  • 干燥人,他们的免疫系统会错误地攻击泪腺唾液腺使长期干燥 (called xerostomia)。

    With Sjögren's, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks tear ducts and saliva glands, leading to chronically dry eyes and dry mouth (called xerostomia).


  • 其实这样结果出现血痕、红斑使皮肤变得干燥敏感

    In fact, this is the result of a Xuehen, erythema, and the skin becomes dry and sensitive.


  • 调节引风机使箱体中物料上部保持微负压,维持良好干燥环境防止粉尘外泄(略)。

    Fan regulation, which box on the bed material to maintain the upper-vacuum, maintain good dry environment and prevent dust leakage.


  • 用于萃取干燥分离器改造使分离效率和能力得到改进。

    By using this packing the extraction column, drying column and alkali separator were revamped. The separation efficiency and capacity were improved.


  • 用于萃取干燥分离器改造使分离效率和能力得到改进。

    By using this packing the extraction column, drying column and alkali separator were revamped. The separation efficiency and capacity were improved.


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