• 佩尔特转过身去烟斗

    Pelt turned away, fumbling for his pipe.


  • 今天尔特上司一边,不愿意得太

    Today, Pelt was standing at his boss's side, unwilling to come too close to him.


  • 大使先生,”佩尔特打断了他的话,“打简单比方。”

    "Mr. Ambassador," Pelt interrupted, "consider a simple analogy."


  • 过去我们只能食品商店中才可以买到苋菜尔特小麦奎奴亚藜之类谷物,而现在这些当地杂货店便能轻松买到。

    Once found only in health food stores, "old-world" grains like amaranth, spelt, and quinoa are now available at your local grocery.


  • 上一部发表小说《斯佩尔》(1952)就是效仿著名医学小说家弗兰克·斯劳所作

    Scapel (1952), his last published novel, followed in the footsteps of the enormously popular medical novelist Frank Slaughter.


  • 法国勃朗三姐妹迷住了(上世纪七十年代拍摄了电影《勃朗姐妹》,由伊莎·阿佳妮伊莎·于佩尔主演)。

    The French have always been fascinated, too (a 1970s film Les Soeurs Brontë starred the Isabelles Adjani and Huppert).


  • 接着找些红色品种,选了“利顿火红”,款都是浓重、柔软华丽的品种。

    Then I wanted a couple of deep red/crimsons and chose 'Littleton Red' and 'Payton Blaze Red', both rich, velvety and gorgeous.


  • 人们·使任何人出优美动听的曲子,把自己的歌唱实力证明给他们看,”

    "People say that Phil Spector can make anyone sound good, and I want to prove that I can actually sing," she says.


  • 他们说服法官采信了女性密友的证言,证言表明过去30年中多次手枪威胁她们

    They also persuaded the judge to allow evidence from five former female acquaintances of Spector, who claimed that at various times in the past 30 years, he had threatened them with guns.


  • 由于·戴维斯、约翰··文斯、菲·伍兹、史蒂芬·格拉这些知名人士合作作品比较接近爵士乐

    His compositions are close to Jazz, as a result of the collaboration with personalities like Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, Phill Woods or Stephane Grappelli.


  • 克罗地亚沙茨半岛塞恩葡萄园陡峭斜坡上当地葡萄酒生产者杜布拉夫卡•塞·科维克说道葡萄酒永远在这里驻足了。

    Standing on the steep slopes of the Saints Hills vineyard on the Peljesac peninsula in Croatia, Dubravka Serkovic, a local producer, says wine has been made here "for ever".


  • 在家了阿·森·关于柯利牧羊犬的(我们只柯利牧羊犬),父亲哈迪男孩》,我母亲路易莎。梅。爱小说

    At home, there were books by Albert Payson Terhune about collies (we had a collie) and my father's Hardy Boys collection and my mother's Louisa May Alcott novels.


  • 天晚上来到纳开的一家老式好莱坞餐馆吃饭,菲·在,便邀请用餐。

    One night, she found herself dining at Dan Tana's, an old-school Hollywood restaurant. Phil Spector, who was also there, asked her to sit at his table.


  • 维尼组合西进球狂潮中,多次输送炮弹。 沃表示,热鸟将会证明俱乐部的重要

    Walcott and Gervinho have helped provide ammunition for Robin van Persie’s incredible goalscoring run - and the England man says his new team-mate will prove to be a big asset for the team.


  • ·,约翰·多伊奇米基·坎鲍勃·赖克,黑兹·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 表示,“过去几年西各的伤病以至于无法长期比赛配合

    Over the past few years I have had my injuries and he has had his so we have not been able to sustain a run of games together.


  • 判决书下达后,蕾切就开始负责起菲·日常生活财产,除了替打理家庭事务和整理他的备份目录之外,还要掌管他数百万美元的商业股份

    The sentence has left Rachelle in charge of Phil Spector's life, and legacy. She runs his home, his back catalogue, and his multi-million-dollar business interests.


  • 但是段日子以来,老朋友甚至还有敌人换了一个似的,而一切都归功于

    But lately, Spector's old friends (and even his enemies) have been describing him as a man transformed. The reason: Rachelle.


  • 2007年案件一审中止陪审团无法取得一致判决意见时候蕾切已经夫人了。

    By the time Phil's first trial had been abandoned in 2007 (the jury was unable to reach the required unanimous verdict), Rachelle had become Mrs Spector.


  • ——·爱尔特评论莎拉·指控奥巴马试图创造杀死小孩的“死亡项目”。

    Jon Stewart, on Palin accusing Obama of trying to create "death panels" that will kill her baby.


  • 宾夕法尼亚大学动物社会互动研究中心主任詹姆斯•舍佩尔博士(Dr.JamesSerpell)将因纽人和狗的关系,更是推而广之到全世界

    Dr. James Serpell, director of the Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society at University of Pennsylvania, extends this mutual dependence across the globe.


  • 看到同样罗切斯迈克·阿妈妈,她瘦骨嶙峋悲痛欲绝,躺在迈克的上,身体弯得像是一个细长的对勾;

    Mike Appel's mom, also in Rochester, a bony, distraught checkmark occupying a slender strip of Mike's bed;


  • 酋长球场缺乏攻击天才,他们暗杀文罗西基,小威胁,法布,西,大杀马克可供调遣。

    There is no shortage of attacking talent at the Emirates with Walcott, Arshavin, Rosicky, Wilshere, Fabregas, Van Persie, Bendtner and Chamakh at his disposal.


  • ·知道吗,样子像头上了年纪的、闷闷不乐的蠢驴,知道有谁会愿意瞅着你!

    Earl Piggot: you know, I don't know who you think would wanna look at your sad, middle aged ass anymore!


  • 戒指,变为魂戒指,马沃罗·上面弗利纹章。

    The ring, the ring that became the Horcrux, Marvolo Gaunt said it had the Peverell coat of arms on it!


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里安·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格儿,查斯·皮戈,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,-贝拉德维潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 该论文的作者布雷汉姆、马修麦仁伯格约翰琼斯得出结论说发生一现象是因为人们偏爱那些和自身自己名字中的字母有关事物”。

    Authors Brett Pelham, Matthew Mirenberg and John Jones concluded that the phenomenon occurs because people "prefer things that are connected to the self (for example, the letters in one's name)".


  • 因为如果了解职业生涯就会知道帮助过很多女性取得成功别是有色人种女性,例如蒂娜·罗尼·(第二任妻子)。

    Because if you know anything about Phil's career you'll know that he helped women, especially women of colour, achieve success, people like Tina Turner and Ronnie Spector [his second wife].


  • 因为如果了解职业生涯就会知道帮助过很多女性取得成功别是有色人种女性,例如蒂娜·罗尼·(第二任妻子)。

    Because if you know anything about Phil's career you'll know that he helped women, especially women of colour, achieve success, people like Tina Turner and Ronnie Spector [his second wife].


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