• 相反,修饰漂亮,使人欣慰环境能够成为使逃离生活压力港湾。

    Conversely, a beautifully decorated, soothing environment can be a haven where you can escape from the stressors in your life.


  • 如果那样做,自己撒谎是在对整个世界撒谎,你逃离曾经拥有最好的学习成长机会

    If you do that, you're lying to yourself, you're lying to the world, and you're cheating yourself of some of the best opportunities to learn and grow that you'll ever have.


  • 为了逃离时期必须完成精灵们发布一系列挑战

    To escape the time period, you must complete a series of challenges posted by the elves.


  • 有经验游泳者都知道,要湍急的水流中逃离狭窄水道相对来说比较容易,方法漂浮起来,进一步拖入大海或者沿着海岸游泳

    Experienced swimmers know it is relatively easy to escape the narrow channel of the fast moving water by floating and allowing it to drag you further into the ocean or by swimming alongside the shore.


  • 同时可以规划一条街地图运行模拟器模拟居民逃离火灾时的交通流量

    You can simultaneously project a street map and run a simulation of traffic flow as residents seek to flee the fire.


  • 所以如果逃离地球需要11。2千米那里

    And so if you wanted to escape from the Earth then you need your 11.2 kilometers we have it there.


  • 如果逃离这里需要一个速度轨道速度2平方根

    If you want to escape from this, you will need a speed which is the square root of two times larger than that orbital velocity.


  • 读书暂时逃离现实生活一种方式,阅读一能够放松或者暂时能够忘掉生活压力的书。

    Books are a great escape from reality. Find a book which helps you relax or at least get your mind off of life's stresses.


  • 为了逃离那个陌生时代必须完成小精灵交给一系列任务。

    To escape the time period you must complete a series of challenges posted by the elves.


  • 必须理解继续这个致命游戏,这个让人清醒面对存在逃离阳光、奔向黑暗的游戏。

    That is where it must be sought. One must follow and understand this fatal game that leads from lucidity in the face of existence to flight from light.


  • 说起来令我们感到羞愧,因为我们教育系统总是孩子们逃离书本不管怎么样,如果觉得阅读很有趣,继续,好了现在可以去喜爱的书本了!

    It’s a shame that our education systems so often turn kids off books, but if you’re enjoying reading, then you’re likely to keep doing it, so go and find a book you love!


  • 无论逃离抱怨或是见到一团糟屋子作为团队精神教育观点选择会生活产生不同的结果

    Whether you're willing away early morning grouchiness or seeing a messy house as a chance to teach teamwork, your choice of perspective will make all the difference between just living and loving.


  • 讨厌工作并且已经在策划逃离尝试过竭尽全力,但是时候离开

    You hate your job and you're already plotting your escape. You've tried making the most of it, but it's time to move on.


  • 比如如果医生服用苯化重氮来解决长期失眠问题赶快逃离吧。

    For example, if your doctor tries to give you benzodiazepines for long-term sleep problems, run for the hills.


  • 这次会议之后,很有希望用不着逃离这里赶着上吊或者”,主持这次会议最后阶段尼尔讽刺道。

    "Hopefully at the end of this session you won't be running out of here ready to hang yourself or slit your wrists," quipped Neal, who led the final session.


  • 就是这时才强烈地渴望获得心静,逃离无休止思考获得自由

    It is during such times that you desperately feel the need for inner peace and freedom endless thinking.


  • 首先就是确定只是为了逃离喜欢的职业。”波特博士

    "The first thing to do is make sure you are not just running away from a career you don't like," says Dr. Potter.


  • 或者一个机遇开展绘画事业却诸多借口逃离这个机遇。

    Or the an opportunity comes up for you to advance your painting career, but you come up with excuses that takes you away from the opportunity.


  • 好消息如果真的的话,只要还有人性可以逃离

    The good news is, if you really want to, you can get out while you still have some semblance of humanity.


  • 是多么渴望逃离单调工作安排重要的已经为了此行下了一些

    You know how badly you want to get away from your monotonous work schedule and more importantly, how you have scraped up a few dollars for this trip!


  • 但是不会看到放弃职业大批逃离者。

    But I don't think you are going to see a mass exodus quitting their profession.


  • 不同人生观,一种发现美的眼光,或是对日常混乱生活片刻逃离那是在这个撕裂世界只有才能看见的不同。

    A different perspective on life, a glimpse at something beautiful, a 7 respite from daily chaos, that only you through a torn world can see.


  • 墙壁地板柳条家具芙蓉黄色心情振奋又轻松,当随着一部电影逃离现实随着乐里蓝(Luriline)模型复制品,缓缓过往时光

    A pallet of Hibiscus yellows on the walls, floor and wicker furniture will uplift and relax you as you escape with and old movie or drift into days past as the model of the Luriline ship replicates.


  • 一个黑洞吸入必须抵达视界,即:超过这个边界任何都无法逃离单程边界。

    To be sucked in by a black hole, you need to reach its event horizon, the one-way boundary beyond which nothing can escape.


  • 没有braaains的敞车:因为适合四轮驱动或者柴油发动,这可能诱使购买奥迪A3逃离僵尸

    Wagons without braaains: Because it’s available with all-wheel drive or a diesel engine, you might be tempted to select the Audi A3 for outrunning zombies.


  • 没有braaains的敞车:因为适合四轮驱动或者柴油发动,这可能诱使购买奥迪A3逃离僵尸

    Wagons without braaains: Because it’s available with all-wheel drive or a diesel engine, you might be tempted to select the Audi A3 for outrunning zombies.


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