• 觉得可以做兼职模特吗?

    Think you could be a part-time model?


  • 觉得可以做成任何事情这里留学就是生命最好决定

    You feel like you can achieve anything and that coming here was the best decision you ever made in your life.


  • 如果觉得可以建立一个php客户机流星客户机,极大地帮助可以东西流星电话的php脚本他们订阅集合

    If you feel you could build a PHP client for your meteor client, it would greatly help you as you could do stuff like run Meteor. call from your PHP scripts and have them subscribe to collections.


  • 如果曾经醒来觉得有点肿胀这种爽肤水最好的选择可以镇静收紧皮肤

    If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin.


  • 几个关于生活方式问题觉得可以吗?

    I'd just like to ask you a few questions about your lifestyle. It that's OK with you?


  • 你觉得的狗狗可以“分辨”看起来是满意还是生气,那可能发现了一些东西。

    If you ever get the impression that your dog can "tell" whether you look content or annoyed, you may be onto something.


  • 喜欢什么,不喜欢什么,擅长什么,你觉得什么困难,可以在友情、学业等方面做出更好的决定。

    Knowing what you like and dislike, what you do well in and what you find difficult allows you to make better decisions about friendships, schoolwork and so on.


  • 而,他们觉得他们可以通过的声音来了解

    Yet they feel they can know you just from the sound of your voice.


  • 来某天,觉得奇怪:为什么一双干净袜子都没有,为什么最好的几个朋友可以做出一桌好菜,而却不行!

    One day, you will wonder why you have no clean socks, and why some of your best friends can cook a delicious meal but you cannot!


  • 申请工作时,必须招聘负责人尽可能觉得可以雇佣”。

    When you are applying for a new job you must make yourself as "hirable" as possible to the recruiting director.


  • 但是如果觉得我们错误方向走可以选择捐赠

    But if you feel we are going down the wrong path, you can also choose not to donate.


  • 简单审视一下生活提供东西往往可以使觉得目前状况似乎并没有那么糟糕

    Simply by taking stock of the good things that life has to offer can often make your current situation seem not so bad.


  • 电子贺卡:如果觉得寄信太慢可以发送一封浪漫的电子贺卡来代替。

    Send an e-card: If snail mail is too slow for you, you can send romantic e-cards instantly.


  • 如果觉得自己最近不在状态,有点脱轨,不要恐慌也不要认为自己恢复不了了,因为可以的。

    If you feel you’ve gone off course lately don’t panic and don’t think you can never recover because you can.


  • 实际行动总会使意志力增强因为会让你觉得可以成功

    The very act of trying itself increases your willpower because it instills in your mind that you can do it; that you can succeed.


  • 如果能够看到他们或者打电话给他们,可以送给他们手写便签或者感谢。如果觉得情况合适,可以一个礼物

    If you can't see them or call them, then send them a hand-written note or a thank-you card. And if you feel the situation warrants it, then send a gift.


  • 如果觉得自己精力充沛,那么可以山上一路下来回到萨热尔。

    If you're feeling energetic you can walk down the hill all the way back to Sariyer.


  • 不过如果觉得样子做太难可以在网上创立自己的电子名片

    But if that is too difficult for you you can also generate your own vCard online.


  • 如果觉得健康食品不够美味的话,可以查看之前写过的一篇关于《健康实惠的食品清单》,里面还有相应的食谱参考。

    If you are not sure about how to fix healthy meals that will actually taste delicious rather than... well... healthy then you can check out my cheap and healthy grocery list and recipes that follow.


  • 一首悦耳的歌曲,觉得幸福;欣赏美丽的日出觉得幸福;可以通过许多方式体会到幸福,而这些需要拥有任何财富。

    You can feel happy listening to a good song, you can feel happy witnessing a beautiful sunrise, you can feel happy in any number of ways that don't require any possessions at all.


  • 这么建议病人我们尝试一下摄入热量方面一个缓慢或者切实可行的改变,这样并不觉得过于饥饿而且可以日复一日地坚持下去

    That's what I recommend to my patients, let's try to pick a gradual or realistic reduction in calories that's not going to make you really hungry a lot and that you can sustain day after day.


  • 保持腹感的饮食可以觉得饱饱的,这样就不会去垃圾食品或者零食。

    Maintaining a high satiety diet can help you to feel full and avoid eating junk food and snacking.


  • 任何的一个项目不要放弃相反的,有需要的时候,学会重新调整方法如果过度觉得沮丧可以先让自己休息一下。

    Never give up on a task. Instead, learn to readjust your approach when necessary. It is okay to take a break if you are overly frustrated.


  • 如果觉得有趣(显然会这么觉得~)可以点击文章标题然后篇文章就弹出显示屏幕上。

    If you find it interesting (which of course you do!) you'll tap the headline and the full article will pop out on the screen.


  • 试图面试时的错误道歉面试中,觉得回答得不够好,可以在面试结束讨论

    You try to apologize for an interview mistake: If you think you answered a question poorly in an interview, go back to the issue before the interview is over.


  • 如果觉得冥想适合可以试试另类健身实践者安德鲁·威尔力简易呼吸训练

    If you don't feel like meditation is right for you, you might consider the simple breathing exercises advocated by alternative health practitioner Andrew Weil.


  • 如果觉得冥想适合可以试试另类健身实践者安德鲁·威尔力简易呼吸训练

    If you don't feel like meditation is right for you, you might consider the simple breathing exercises advocated by alternative health practitioner Andrew Weil.


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