• 并不完全讨厌如果着火了,我又有我会水喝

    I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I'd drink it.


  • 或者别的什么只是如果着火正好有一杯我会把水喝掉。

    I dont hate you or anything, but if you were on fire and I had a glass of water, Id drink it.


  • 或者别的什么只是如果着火正好有一杯我会水喝掉。

    I don't hate you or anything, but if you were on fire and I had a glass of water, I'd drink it.


  • 发现房间里着火了,应该切断电源,马上离开房间。

    If you find something on fire in the room, you should cut off the electricity and leave the house at once.


  • 另一种类型情绪性在道德上模棱两可的:着火汽车,但知道是因为什么原因着的火。

    Another type is emotional but morally ambiguous: a car that is on fire but you don't know why.


  • 着火周围人们,不管他男的女的,两手他们两肩头一分,就带着风寒露湿的身子,轻轻地了进去。

    Part the people, men or women, around the fire with your hands and you bring yourself -- a cold and wet man with dew-among them.


  • 假如驱车沿着条铁路轨道行驶那时如果火车迎面驶来就会感到这列火车行驶得要比汽车过头行驶要快

    If you drive your car alongside a railroad track, a train coming at you will seem to be moving much faster than if you turned around and followed it in the same direction.


  • 假如自家房子着火了,问问大家他们哪样东西,若是国家大厦马上着火了呢?

    Ask people what they'd grab if their house were on fire, the way our national house is on fire right now.


  • 一般野营用的火炉上放一个金属罐子,还要使保持低温,”,“不停地看着它,因为如果过热,它着火。”

    "You tend to place it in a large metal pot over a camping stove, keeping it at a low temperature, " he said. "You need to monitor it constantly because if it gets too hot, it could catch fire.


  • 好似,如果直觉信息告诉迈出一步那么坚定地迈出一步,不要,就好像把受惊马拉着火谷仓一样

    But if instincts and information tell you to take a step, take it firmly, without second-guessing, the way you'd lead a frightened horse out of a burning barn.


  • 如果看到礼堂里有火焰则大叫着火!”也是一个未经请求通知

    If you see flames in an auditorium, yelling "Fire!" is an unsolicited notification as well.


  • 前面没有的人么?没有通红的火炬,使黑夜着火一样地明亮么,, ,“死亡”,的“死亡”?

    Is there none to carry your banner before you, and will not the night be on fire with your red torch-lights, O Death, my Death?


  • 面试官想象一下被锁屋子里,所有关上了如果屋子着火了,怎么逃出去

    Interviewer: Imagine you are in a locked room, and all the doors and Windows are closed. How can you escape if the room catches fire?


  • 是不是电话在响?有人在敲门小狗在叫除非房子着火,其他的不用管!

    Is the phone ringing? Door knocking? Dog barking? Unless the house is burning to the ground, IGNORE IT ALL!


  • 房子着火了,仍然一个女孩二楼卧室里睡觉

    Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor.


  • 假设一切的东西都在房子里,房子着火了,救出家人宠物之后,无机会安全地进去最后拿的最后东西什么为什么

    Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?


  • 告诉教会朋友放弃他们信仰因为自己思考一会儿然后四溅吧。

    Tell your religious friends that you're abandoning their religion because you want to think for yourself for a while, and watch the sparks fly.


  • 当然可以镍氢电池愚蠢事情导致毁灭着火

    Of course, you can also do stupid things with NiMH batteries that would cause them to perish or catch fire.


  • 也学曾经看到过这些自然界烟火”的照片有时火山爆发的时候,由熔岩所构成的一道非常巨大火墙沿山的表面冲泄下来。

    Maybe you have seen pictures of these"fireworks"of nature. Sometimes when a volcano erupts, a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain.


  • 可以消防公司签约每年支付会员费,如果房子着火他们灭火

    You can sign up with the Salem fire Corporation, pay a yearly subscription fee, and if your house catches on fire, they will come and put out the fire.


  • 做到一点,应该避免可以很容易着火火灾

    To achieve this, you should avoid making a fire under the trees that can easily catch fire.


  • 感情方面狮子座呈火势金星在白羊宫,玫瑰色社交前景

    Romantically, with Mars in fire sign Leo and Venus in Aries, you've got a rosy social outlook.


  • 记住:当下一次木屋着火可能只是上帝美妙恩典的表征而已。

    Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.


  • 但是如果放大镜同样程度的光能聚集起来,使得纸张着火

    But if you concentrate that same light's energy by focusing it with a magnifying glass, it can set paper on fire.


  • 如果后院烤炉架晚餐就留着火压轴美味吧:烤奶油蛋糕。

    If you've already lit your backyard grill to cook dinner, keep the flames going for this fire-kissed finale: grilled brioche.


  • 点烟时,发现正是那个芝加哥警方所通缉

    When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted in Chicago.


  • 成为一支强大的力量也会感到欣慰没有这么错误开始不得不对付最近更快进展

    With Mars becoming a potent force, you will be gratified by quicker progress without so many false starts that you have had to contend with recently.


  • 成为一支强大的力量也会感到欣慰没有这么错误开始不得不对付最近更快进展

    With Mars becoming a potent force, you will be gratified by quicker progress without so many false starts that you have had to contend with recently.


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