• 开始代码时候看到区别了,但是现在担心只是们初步印象

    When we start writing code, you're going to see that difference, but for now, don't worry about it, I just want to plant that idea.


  • 下面一些也曾想的“好处”——满嘴吃着东西时候别人交流;永远也不必担心丢失手机了。

    Being able to talk with your mouth full. Never again having to worry about losing your phone.


  • 如果担心伤害到伴侣感觉,那么在谈话中请”来描述感受——觉得……的时候身体反应会更好。”

    If you're worried about hurting your partner's feelings, talk about your experience using "I" statementssuch as "I think my body responds better when ...."


  • 但只要认为可能很多时候担心失败

    F I believe that's the right direction. I think there is probably too much fear of failure in many instances.


  • 开始担心这点,从微笑时候开始。

    I had feared it from the start, from the moment you first smiled at me and let me touch your hand.


  • 听着小鬼人到那个乡下小镇不到时候担心哪。

    Listen, kid, I was worried when I couldn't get ahold of you in that hick town.


  • 但是应该回来加点衣服担心不在时候正好回来了?

    But you should have come back home to get some more clothes, you were afraid that I would just come back while you were absent?


  • 贝克认为,如果将房价除以的租价得出的结果大于20,“担心房价可能还会再,”就应该考虑观望时候了。

    T for one year. If the result is more than 20, 'I'd be very concerned that the price might fall more, ' says Mr. Baker , and you should consider waiting to buy.


  • 明白担心着电脑的时候不小心输入命令但是拜托啊不用这样吧!

    I know you don't want to accidentally input a command when your thumb is holding it, but come on.


  • 那天晚上,睡觉时候蓝莓小熊说:“嘿,家伙,月亮升起起床钓鱼如果醒来发现不在这里不要担心。”

    That night at bedtime Blueberry said to little Bear, "Old man, I may get up after moonrise and go fishing, so do not worry about me if you wake up and find that I am not here."


  • 一些歌迷他们演出开始时候会追逐的车,有没有曾经担心怎么专辑这些孩子一起长大?。

    You have these pint-sized fans literally doing cartwheels while waiting for your concert to start. Do you ever worry, 'How can I make an album so these kids will grow with me?


  • 歌迷担心好好吃饭实际上这些忙,所以时候忘记吃饭不过身体

    Fans are worrying that you aren't eating well: Actually, I have so much to do these days that I skip meals sometimes, but my health is OK as always.


  • 知道时候喜怒无常不会为此而担心的。

    B You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldn't worry about it.


  • 当然担心迈克时候一不小心炸了什么东西收拾这些个小恶魔

    And I worry about not being here for Mike to keep him from accidentally blowing something up. And believe me I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters.


  • 昨天愉快累夸了。今天早上醒来的时候浑身的,…还好,只是更加担心颈椎希望今天工作不是很多

    We had a really good time yesterday, but we both wear out, after woke up I found my whole body all sore... that's ok. just worried about your neck and back. hope you do not need work too much today.


  • 一定会很快起来的,根本就需要为你担心的,其实,当今天早上穿上双靴子时候就知道世界上只有才是唯一的琳达·布朗

    He chuckled and said, "you're going to be just fine. I don't have to worry about you. When you put on those boots this morning, you knew you were the only Linda Brown in the whole world."


  • 时候钦哲仁波切开玩笑责备,“,不,不要担心何必这么晚过来?”

    When he arrived he was greeted by Jamyang Khyentse who scolded him jokingly saying, "no, no, I am all right. You don't need to worry. Why have you come late at night like this?"


  • 时候钦哲仁波切开玩笑责备,“,不,不要担心何必这么晚过来?”

    When he arrived he was greeted by Jamyang Khyentse who scolded him jokingly saying, "no, no, I am all right. You don't need to worry. Why have you come late at night like this?"


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