• 感觉即使不是一起旅游,也有让带着旅游的感觉。

    I feel like even though I am not traveling with you, you are taking me to travel.


  • 知道是否冷静地面对一新的解决方案。”爱因斯坦写道,言辞一丝防备。

    "I am curious to know whether you will take kindly to this new solution," Einstein noted with a touch of defensiveness.


  • 课后,一个小女孩走到面前,问:“能帮读一下这个吗?”她带着我见过的最兴奋的表情,好像她刚刚得到了一块饼干。

    After class, a little girl walked up to me and asked, "Could you help me to read this?" with the most excited face I have ever seen as if she had just gotten a cookie.


  • 天,卖供猫食用的肉的商贩对他说:“为什么不停止为人类看病,转而为动物看病呢?相信对动物的了解比大多数兽医还要多。写了一本关于猫的好书。会把所有带着生病的猫狗的人都送到这里来。”

    One day, the cat's-meat-man said to him, "Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead? I'm sure that you know a lot about animals-more than most vets. You wrote a wonderful book about cats. I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."


  • 也许,“可能成为极简主义者”,“养宠物”,“带着孩子”,“满满一柜子”,“桌上文件堆积如山”……实际上,无关紧要。

    You may be thinking, “Oh, I could never be a minimalist,” “I havepets,” “I have kids,” “I have a closet full of shoes,” “My desk isburied in paperwork…” That’s okay!


  • 也许,“可能成为极简主义者”,“养宠物”,“带着孩子”,“满满一柜子”,“桌上文件堆积如山”……实际上,无关紧要。

    You may be thinking, “Oh, I could never be a minimalist, ” “I havepets, ” “I have kids, ” “I have a closet full of shoes, ” “My desk isburied in paperwork…” That’s okay!


  • 多年来被伪造文件带着粗鲁目的勒索信威胁辱骂投诉可以告诉记者对于批评颇为敏感

    After years of threats, abuse, complaints with forged documentation, crude attempts at blackmail and more, I can tell you that journalists can be quite sensitive about criticism.


  • 那领五千银子的,带着另外的五千来,,主阿,交给五千银子,请看,又赚了五千。

    The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. `Master,' he said, `you entrusted me with five talents.


  • 假期过后带着戒指回家给了男朋友告诉他:“看这就是的订婚戒指了。”

    I brought it home after the holidays, gave it to my boyfriend and said, "Here's my engagement ring."


  • 知道海丝特,”阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔带着不安微笑,“这个总是身边蹦蹦跳跳的可爱的孩子,曾经多次引起心惊肉跳吗?”

    "Dost thou know, Hester," said Arthur Dimmesdale, with an unquiet smile, "that this dear child, tripping about always at thy side, hath caused me many an alarm?"


  • 他们眼镜打球跑步或者体操可是了眼镜就两眼一团黑。

    They wouldn't let you play games or join in the exercises with your glasses on and I couldn't see with mine off.


  • 着的就是,脸上带着那种怒气。说,什么?

    He is looking at my house, with that smoldering look, and I am like, What are you looking at?


  • 正当老虎半信半疑的时候,狐狸煞有介事地:“如果相信的话,可以带着百兽面前走一趟。”

    Seeing the tiger still in doubt, the fox said seriously, "If you don't think what I said is true, I can take you to see all the animals."


  • 即使相信戒指诅咒,倒可以说说听过老妇人的传言。她说,订婚戒指来自上一段婚姻魔力

    Even if you don't believe that jewelry can be cursed, I've heard an old wives' tale that claims engagement rings are supposed to carry the energy of the marriage from whence they came.


  • 那种挑衅而烦躁口气甚至连名字不会这样就无从弥补的过失

    You'll say it in a sort of aggressive, irritable tone. And you won't even tell me your name so I can recover in some way.


  • ,亲爱的,既然他们告诉可能撑不过那晚,为什么牧师一起来?

    I said, Darlin ', if they told you I wasn't going to last the night, why'd you not get a priest in?


  • 所以,亲爱的摇滚爱歌手,正如所见成为真正乐队专家还很远,,所以建议问问身边是否有谁愿意成立乐队,一旦聚集到了,试着努力带着一颗宽容的心团队工作

    I’d say just ask everyone you know if they’d like to be in a band. Once you get people together, try really hard to be open – minded and work as a group.


  • 快乐低声说道:「错了,忧愁忧愁,祂头上戴着的冠冕荆棘的冠冕,手上带着痛苦的伤痕。

    "Nay, Sorrow," said Joy softly, "but I see Him as the King of Sorrow, and the crown on His head is a crown of thorns, and the nailprints in His hands and feet are the scars of a great agony.


  • 相信认为是个恶魔吧,”带着凄惨,“像是可怕的东西,不合适一个体面的家里过下去吧。”

    I believe you think me a fiend, 'he said, with his dismal laugh: something too horrible to live under a decent roof.'


  • NHibernate将会大大简化程序中的持久化代码希望可以带着这个观点离开

    I hope you come away with the following point: NHibernate will dramatically simplify the persistence layer of your application.


  • 需要承诺不要遗憾离去愿意停留

    No promises, but do not let us leave with regret, I would like for you to stay.


  • 曾经客户,“是否进行这个项目然后完成产品最后必须喜欢呢?”

    I've had clients ask me, "So, will you just work on the project, come to me with a finished product and then I have to like it?"


  • 产生好感是显而易见的,所以总是微笑附近漫步代表着痴迷

    I warmed to you in evidence, so I always wander with the smile where near you, which stand for I crazy for you.


  • 是不是告诉感觉2岁的儿子离开日本、去斯坦福读m BA轻松一些,因为日本根本得不到幼儿保健服务

    "You mean to tell me.".. you felt it was easier to leave Japan... with a two-year-old son... to do an MBA at Stanford... because you couldn't access child care in Japan.


  • 一个假肢的男人穿上外套因为桌子有点,然后他胳膊递给说:“能帮拿下他么?”

    A man with a prosthetic arm asked me to coat check it because the table was a little bit crowded. He just removed his arm and handed it to me: "Can you take this?"


  • 带着甜美的微笑轻轻转身离开,一点点消失在蒙中,然后了解到生命里再有不会有任何的痕迹。

    You turn back and walk away with the sweetest smile. Then, there're not any more traces of you in my life as you disappear in the fog.


  • 带着甜美的微笑轻轻转身离开,一点点消失在蒙中,然后了解到生命里再有不会有任何的痕迹。

    You turn back and walk away with the sweetest smile. Then, there're not any more traces of you in my life as you disappear in the fog.


- 来自原声例句

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