• 第三部分分析了白先勇小说悲剧艺术,从作家经历心理历程方面探讨白先勇作品的悲剧主题和创作风格形成的深层原因。

    The third part talks about the reason of Bai Xianyong's tragic art and solitary creation style in the aspects of his background and psychological experience.


  • 浪漫主义是为了纪念那个时代主要画家作家强调艺术家个人经历独特性不是公众荣耀

    The Romantics commemorated the leading painters and authors of their day, stressing the uniqueness of the artist's personal experience rather than public glory.


  • 果你想成为一名成功的作家,你需要有丰富的旅行经历

    If you want to become a successful writer, you should have a large background in traveling.


  • 果你想成为一名帮助人们选择旅游行程的旅行作家,你需要知道该怎么写一篇有关旅行经历的文章。

    If you want to become a travel writer who helps people to choose a trip, you should know how to create an article about traveling experience.


  • 很高兴法国拥有广泛的读者真的我认为所有欧洲作家得到英语国家认可都经历更为艰难的时刻

    It is true that I enjoy a wider readership in France, but I think all European authors have a harder time achieving recognition in the English-speaking world.


  • 墨瑞尔·派尔斯汀一位纽约市公共关系执行官作家去年经历类似暑假儿子伊万伏蒙特大学读完第一回家

    Meryl Pearlstein, a New York City public relations executive and writer, experienced that last summer when her son, Evan, returned home after freshman year at the University of Vermont.


  • 薛欣然一位中国作家山东沂蒙地区某农村家庭出访时,曾这样描写自己经历

    XINRAN XUE, a Chinese writer, describes visiting a peasant family in the Yimeng area of Shandong province.


  • 使我们成为作家不是自己阅历而是我们对自身经历的理解,以及我们独特视角

    It's not what happens in our lives that make us writers, it is what we make of it that does. It is our distinctive point of view.


  • 传记作家试图说明段时期经历描述了很多虚构故事

    Biographers attempting to account for this period have reported many apocryphal stories.


  • 经历其它作家所有这些绕来绕之后,能有这种直截了当态度安慰

    It must be kind of a relief to get this sort of no-nonsense attitude toward these issues after all the tacking and veering that we're likely to have experienced in earlier writers.


  • 经历被退稿内心躁动以及对于成功作家恶意讽刺中表现出来的嫉妒一切的风波之后,始终没有失去成为英雄、一个诗人的野心

    Through everythingrejection, inner turmoil, his corrosive envy of successful writershe never lost sight of the ambition to be a hero and a poet.


  • 直率纽约作家个刻板的伦敦书商前后二十年里两人经历了漫长深入的通信

    For 20 years, an outspoken New York writer and a rather more restrained London bookseller carried on an increasingly touching correspondence.


  • 作家BeverlyTerhune讲述患有类风湿关节炎35年来生活分享她强烈期待关于怎样一种健康自由物质生活经历

    Author Beverly Terhune speaks from 35 years of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and shares her experience, strength &hope on how to lead a healthy, substance-free life.


  • 个写关于缅甸作家吴丹敏,缅甸正在享受所有的邻居和睦相处的经历缅甸历史上第一次

    Thant Myint-U, a writer on Myanmar, says the regime is relishing the experience of being on good terms with all its neighbours-a first in Burmese history.


  • 这位作家1950年因出版小说一举成名,小说的灵感来自于一位姑娘农场经历

    The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.


  • 去年作家DerekdeKoff(长期吸烟者也是位熟识)在纽约杂志上了一篇文章,那是关于服用varenicline痛苦经历

    Last year, the writer Derek DE Koff (who was a longtime smoker and also - full disclosure - an acquaintance of mine) wrote a harrowing New York magazine account of his experience with varenicline.


  • 这位作家于 1950 年因出版一部小说而一举成名,小说灵感来自于一位姑娘农场的经历

    The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.


  • 发现,自己作为作家经历少有电影制作之旅故事被扩大一个巨大的印象库,敲击人的大脑心灵

    I realised that I, as a writer, was having the rarest film trip: my story was not mangled but enlarged into huge and gripping imagery that rattled minds and squeezed hearts.


  • 介绍这些背景情况是因为认为要判定一个作家写作动机早年经历有所了解

    I give all this background information because I do not think one can assess a writer's motives without knowing something of his early development.


  • 随笔作家一些自我解放一种天真信念支撑他们,认为凡是他们所思考的、凡是他们所经历的,别人也都兴趣。

    The essayist is a self-liberated man, sustained by the childish belief that everything he thinks about, everything that happens to him, is of general interest.


  • 一个作家独特的生活经历个性特征以及思想感情而这些因素都会作品当中作者用句语言形式深层结构体现出来

    Every writer has his own life experience, personality, thought and emotions, which are revealed through the diction, sentence structures, certain linguistic patterns and deep structures of his works.


  • 本文拟通过短暂坎坷生活经历艰难曲折写作生涯及其文学理论作品探讨,以求揭开作家一生死亡情结

    This essay is intended to discuss Poe's short and rough living experience, hard and tortuous writing career, his literary theoretical works, finally, his lifelong partiality for death.


  • 文章根据美国黑人作家文本《宠儿》,通过分析主人公芙的生活经历性格成长,说明女性主体自我寻找过程中他者的重要地位作用

    By analyzing the life of the character Denver in Beloved written by Toni Morrison, we can see the other plays an important role in realizing oneself for woman.


  • 文章根据美国黑人作家文本《宠儿》,通过分析主人公芙的生活经历性格成长,说明女性主体自我寻找过程中他者的重要地位作用

    By analyzing the life of the character Denver in Beloved written by Toni Morrison, we can see the other plays an important role in realizing oneself for woman.


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