• 这个自由就是积累钱财可以不用自己

    This idea of freedom is that your accumulated money will enable you to stop working and begin acting as your self.


  • 现在合宜自己保护人了,伊莎贝拉,既是合法保护人一定要放在监护下不论义务怎样的倒胃口

    No; you're not fit to be your own guardian, Isabella, now; and I, being your legal protector, must detain you in my custody, however distasteful the obligation may be.


  • 随即,在这些以组为中心的基础上,设计“me& myfriends”的功能,这种功能可以使人们自己朋友新的定义,他们可能并不完全是亲近的朋友,这些“朋友”却能够构造个真实的(译者注:所谓的物以类聚,以群分)。

    This gave friends has a new definition, they are not your nearest and dearest but friends allow you to build out your context – building out who you are.


  • 这项服务前提相对简单保护社交媒体数据以防灾难性的、失败情况或是仅仅自己记录一个备份

    The service’s premise is relatively simple: you want to protect your social media data in case of chatastrophic circumstances, failure, or just to have a copy for your own records.


  • 喜欢事情放在代办事项第一位,这样的话,需要在大清早开始时候就把他们解决掉,这样,剩下来的一整天可以自己喜欢做的事情了。

    Put jobs that are disliked at the top of the "to do" list so that they are over and done with in the first part of the morning, and the rest of the day can be spent doing more pleasant tasks.


  • 要学着意识到一些事情不会生活造成冲击,允许自己他们随遇而安——不要逼着自己不可。

    Learn to recognize the things that don't really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go - and then not beat yourself up for doing so.


  • 如果觉得自己恩赐老师歌手,但认可猜猜怎么办?

    If you think you are gifted to be a teacher or a singer and no else agrees, guess what?


  • 若是早早地计划好,种个自己花园长出的植物生日纪念日节日的礼物!

    If you plan ahead, you can grow your garden with the goal to use the plants as gifts for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.


  • 现在,自己最喜欢一句话结,引述释迦牟尼佛祖,在霍格尔著中提及:“自身封闭想法越多,内心的敌人就越强大。”

    I’ll close with one of my favorite quotes by Shakyamuni Buddha, which Fogel includes before the Preface: “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.


  • 但当接受就是在宣布已经足够强大,能够自己面对生活需要另一个拐杖

    When you accept singleness, you are declaring that you are strong enough to do life on your own, and that you don't need another person for a crutch.


  • 可是又哭又你自己病了的——可不是,”表姐,“无论如何,现在我们要朋友了。

    But you've made yourself ill by crying and being in a passion.' `I didn't do it at all,' said his cousin.


  • 眼见自己进度缓慢或许感到沮丧,请记着:永不匆忙一向准时;他要一生的时间去为永恒的角色预备。

    You may feel frustrated with the seemingly slow progress you're making in life. Remember that God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.


  • 仆人的意义是放弃操控自己时间表权利在有需要打乱的计划。

    Being a servant means giving up the right to control your schedule and allowing God to interrupt it whenever he needs to.


  • 赛人是为自己见证见证

    The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.


  • 希望自己幸福——请先允许这样假设,我我有非常充分的理由此假设。

    You want to be happy. I’m going to make this assumption, and I think I’m in pretty smart company to do so.


  • 如果不是自己,那么没有真正地在生活只是行尸走肉。

    If you aren't being yourself you aren't truly living - you're merely existing.


  • 只有停止自己努力进天国基督才能救主

    You can't have Christ as your Savior until you quit trying to get to heaven on your own effort.


  • 世上充满了需要安慰的人,可是如果一个安慰使者你自己必须受过训练,否则不足胜任。

    The world is full of comfortless hearts, and ere thou art sufficient for this lofty ministry, thou must be trained.


  • 谨慎,免得忘记耶和华约,自己雕刻偶像,就是耶和华禁止的偶像。

    Be careful not to forget the covenant of the LORD your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the LORD your God has forbidden.


  • 快乐自己微笑拥抱生活小小的事都感到新奇年轻。

    Being happy with who you are, embracing life with a smile, getting excited about the little things can take YEARS off of you.


  • 当然可能确切知道自己到底有多参考。

    Of course, there's no way to know exactly how full you are, but it's a guideline.


  • 知道,目标达成带来这么愉快容易迫使自己达成目标需要事情

    The more pleasure you associate with achieving your goal, the easier it will be to get out of your comfort zone and do the things needed to achieve that goal.


  • 盼望教导话语主力所以自己认识的话

    God expects you to be the primary teacher of His word and that means you have to know God's word yourself!


  • 有时候自己规划好一切那些决心事情却错失他人交流机会

    Sometimes when you're all wrapped up in your own head, doing the things that you are determined to do, you miss a chance to connect with other people.


  • 一旦找到自己精神动力翻翻的书女性身体,女性智慧》有关饮食营养章节,可以读读《更年期的智慧》了解更多方法

    Once you find your inspiration, then check out my chapters on diet and nutrition in Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and the Wisdom of Menopause for more how-to's.


  • 赛人对说:“自己见证见证。”

    13the Pharisees challenged him, "Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid."


  • 耶和华如此说,绳索,加自己的颈项上。

    Thus saith the LORD to me; Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck.


  • 耶和华如此说,绳索,加自己的颈项上。

    Thus saith the LORD to me; Make thee bonds and yokes, and put them upon thy neck.


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